Chapter 11: It Was Only a Kiss

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"How about you go to the bathroom, Tessa," Zed says, looking at the floor.

"Okay," I say softly, spinning around to open the bathroom door. The floor is just a puddle of dirty water, the sink littered with empty cups and dirty paper towels.

I can't believe I told Zed I liked him so much. Who says that? What. An. Idiot.

I quickly go pee, hovering over the seat to avoid whatever mystery liquid is dripping from it. After pulling my dress back down, I turn on the faucet and splash some water on my cheeks, avoiding the cups and beer bottles. I don't need to like Zed right now. Or anyone. At least not like that. I'm supposed to be focusing on myself. So why is it so hard to keep Zed off my mind?

Ugh. I need to sober up. I quickly open the door and stumble out to no one. Catching myself on the wall, I roll my eyes as I take in my surrounding. Great, I'm wasted and alone.

I walk towards the nearest door, jiggling the door handle. Damn, it's locked.

Just then, I feel someone grab my shoulder.

"Hey!" I scream, turning and tumbling back into the door.

"It's just me," Zed says, holding me in place against the door. "Here," he says, handing me a red solo cup, "It's water."

I take it and nearly chug the entire cup. "I thought you left," I said, in between gulps.

"I went to get you water and tell Rachel I'd see her another time," he says, running his hands through his dark hair.

"Oh," I say, taking another gulp.

"Here," he says, grabbing my hand and leading me to the next door. He opens it and pulls me inside, locking it behind him. Zed leads me to a sheet-less bed, and I sit, careful not to spill the remaining water in my cup.

"Just finish your water and see how you feel" he says, looking into my eyes, giving me a small smile.

"Thanks Zed," I say, inching closer as I finish my cup.

"I can get more water for you," he offers, taking my cup and going to stand.

"Don't," I say, grabbing him by the wrist and leading him back to the bed.

He looks at me, pausing a moment before he sits back down.

I sit up straighter, not letting go of his wrist and take a deep breath. I'm not sure if it's the alcohol taking over or my own invading thoughts, but I can't let Zed go back downstairs.

"Zed, do you want Rachel to stay?" I say, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"I... I don't know," he says back, apprehensively, inching away from me.

I slowly release the grip I have on his wrist, and let my hand graze up his for arm, trailing a finger to his bicep.

I look to see his eyes on my hand, which is moving further up his arm towards his shoulder.

"Tessa," he says, uneasily. But his eyes are on mine now, pupils blown, as his free hand lands on my knee.

"I don't want her to stay," I say, edging closer to him, my other hand finding his. I give his hand a slight squeeze and try to interloop our fingers.

"But..." he whispers, eyes back on his hand, as he allows my fingers to lace his into his.

One hand in his, and the other now on the back of his neck, I pull him closer. Bringing my lips to his ear I say, "But...I know you feel something too."

He pulls away just enough to bring his forehead to mine.

"I do..." he says. His voice sounds like it's filled with pain, and something else... lust. His lips are so close, I would only have to move a fraction to feel them on mine.

Hearing those words and feeling his breath on mine, I close my eyes and bring both my hands up to his neck, lightly resting them on either side. I miss being closer to him but am grateful for the chance to catch my breath.

I see his chest rising and falling, as if he's also struggling to get enough air.

"Zed," I whisper, and shift my head back to meet his gaze, pulling back every so slightly. There must be less than an inch between our lips. "I - please," I whisper, half begging.

Opening my eyes, I see Zed's gaze lock onto mine, he's eyes desperately searching for a reason to stop.

Quickly, both his hands move to my cheeks and we just stare at each other, gripping each other's faces.

I see him lose the battle raging behind his eyes, as they finally close, and he leans in.

Closing mine, I lean forward, ever so slowly, still feeling the urge to stop but overcome with the urge for more.

My bottom lip brushes against his and I feel the warmth grow between my legs. His lips are so soft and full between mine. I feel his hand run down my back and it sends a chill down my spine. I bring my hands down, feeling his muscles through his tight t-shirt.

Zed pulls back, still holding my head with one hand, and looks into my eyes, knowing this is our last chance before we make a decision that will affect our relationship from here on out.

I give him a smile and let out a small laugh. I'm ready for this. I've always wanted Zed and here we are, wrapped up in each other, wanting more of whatever this is.

He smiles back, and it lights up his entire face.

I've never felt so much security and arousal all at once. There's nothing more I want right now than to kiss Zed. To feel what real affection is like.

However, just as I go to crush my lips to his, the door flies open.

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