Chapter 23: Screaming My Name

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"Well, that should be everything," my mom says out of breath, setting the last large box on the table. After getting discharged from the hospital earlier this morning, we headed straight to the police station to file the restraining order against Hardin. It was easier than I thought it would be and was told I'd get a call later today about a hearing to decide if my restraining order will be granted.

To get my mind off it, my mom suggested a shopping trip for my new apartment. We spent two hours straight in Target buying dishes, furniture, and a few other apartment essentials. I felt bad costing her so much money, but she seemed happy to pay. I guess she's making more money at work now to afford all of this.

On top of costing her money, I could not help but feel guilty as she struggled to drag my new table, chair, and desk in and out of the elevator. The doctor was clear I was not to use my arm for two weeks so the artery could fully heal. Turns out only having the use of one arm is rather inconvenient.

"Well, you'll have to make do with the sleeping bag for now until your bed is delivered on Wednesday," she says, grabbing a diet coke from the fridge. She was kind enough to stock my fridge with food and drinks as well.

I looked to my empty bedroom at the new green sleeping bag lying across the floor. There was no way I'd be using that, but I wasn't about to tell my mom that. I planned on calling Zed the minute my mom left and staying in his apartment, which happens to be only two floors below mine.

"I'll be fine. Thanks again, Mom. You have no idea what a help you've been the past couple of days," I say, still shocked at how gracious she's being.

"Of course, Tessa. And if you need anything, please call me. I don't want us to go months without speaking again," she says, walking over to brush a loose strand of hair from my face.

"I promise I won't let that happen," I say and lean in for a hug.

Wrapping me up and squeezing me tight, she says, "Good. Now work hard this week and feel better. And let me know when your hearing is."

A sick feeling washes over me at the mention of my restraining order hearing. Hardin will be there to defend his side, arguing against the restraining order. The police believed him once, what's to say they won't believe him again...

Pulling back, I give her a small smile and a nod.

"Well, I'm going to go. I need to get home and catch up on work emails. Be safe," she says, giving me a serious look before opening the front door to leave.

"I love you, Tessa," she says, kissing my forehead before stepping outside.

"Love you too, Mom," I say back, and close the door behind her.

It takes a couple hours to finally finish unpacking. Using one arm has slowed down the unboxing process, and now my good arm is sore from doing all the work.

The clock on the stove reads 3:56pm when my phone rings.

County Clerk flashes on the caller ID and I answer reluctantly.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hello, is this Tessa Young?" a middle-aged woman's voice asks.

"Yes, this is she," I say, trying to sound professional.

"We received your paperwork and are notifying you that your hearing date is a week from today. Monday at 9am at the county courthouse. We will send a confirmation to the email you provided. Do you have any questions?" she says almost robotically.

"Umm no, thank you," I mumble back, trying to process the information.

"See you Monday, Miss Young," she says before hanging up.

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