Chapter 41: Speak of the Devil

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"Well, go on" I tell Zed, waiting for him to ask the question that has seemingly made him so nervous.

"So, you know how this weekend is Spring Fest?" he says cautiously, eyeing my face carefully for any sign of a reaction.

"Yes" I say, keeping my face mostly expressionless.

"Well, the frat is having a huge party. It's called an Around the World party, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me – you know, as my date?" he asks, suddenly shy and somewhat boyish, his voice cracking ever so slightly as if he just hit puberty.

I smile at the pre-pubescent sound, almost letting out a small laugh, but take my time thinking about it, looking around the room as I ponder.

"I know you wanted to go with Hanya, but I think it would be fun. I think she would be happy you are trying to be happy," he says honestly, inching back slightly, waiting for me to lash out at the mention of her name, something I've sadly been doing the past few weeks.

I am not sure if it is the post orgasm no-condom hormones or his words that have convinced me, maybe both, but I surprisingly reply with a quiet and simple, "okay." Speaking of which, maybe I should pick up a Plan B...

"Okay? So, you will go with me?" he asks excitedly, sitting up completely on the bed, his hands reaching for mine.

"Wait, what exactly is an 'Around the World Party'? Do we have to like, travel around campus, because I'm not sure I have the energy for that," I ask skeptically, his hands squeezing mine tightly.

"No ya goober, it's all at the frat house. Each room in the house represents a different country. This year I called dibs on helping with Ryan's room. It's the biggest and is always picked as Greece – which means togas," he says raising his eyebrows twice at the word togas and winking at me.

"So, I would have to wear a toga? I don't even know where to buy a toga," I explain, slightly worried about having to find a costume.

"Don't sweat it Tess, I'll help you out. It's basically just a bed sheet wrapped around you to look like a dress, or a man-skirt in my case," he laughs. "And you can make it as long as you want!" he spits out, noticing my apprehensiveness about wearing a bedsheet.

"Hmm... I don't know about wearing bed sheet out in public" I say, giving him a sideways glance and dropping his hands.

"I promise we will secure your bed sheet with a million safety pins so it doesn't unravel if that is what it takes – and have it touch the ground if you like," he says, placing his arm on the headboard behind me. "So, will you please go with me?" he asks for a second time.

"Yes, I will go with you Zed," I smile, reaching behind me and giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Now can we please clean ourselves up and go to bed, our little...moment has me exhausted."

"You mean," he says, leaning in close, "me fucking you so hard, you nearly made me impregnate you, you little devil," he whispers into my ear, biting it softly before slapping my bottom and getting off the bed.


"Thank you," I say to the cashier, grabbing my receipt and heading towards the Target parking lot. I have just finished my day at Johnson Publishing, and stopped to purchase a lilac purple bed sheet for tomorrow's party – there was no way I was going to use my good sheet. Lord knows what kind of things would be spilled on it throughout the night.

I also went ahead and got myself a gold, floral style headband. I think it will look perfect with my "toga" tomorrow, and I know it will make Zed happy. He enjoys little things like that, and always gets excited for parties or events – especially ones that allow him to go shirtless, something I do not mind either.

Driving back to our building, I find my mind wandering once again to the weird calls I have been receiving for the past few weeks. I swear the one from yesterday was...him. And even Zed believes me – that it is Hardin doing this. But no one else does – which is a hard realization for me to come to terms with. Hardin definitely caused the cut on my arm, but it wasn't him who started the car of fire. And it was not him I saw standing in the hallway outside my door in all black all those weeks ago. And who knows if it is even him calling me now.

My mind is spinning trying to piece together what is happening. It cannot all be a coincidence, can it? That is just too much weird crap to happen to one person. But if Hardin isn't behind it, who is? The police do not seem to care, and I can only do so much about it.

Even worse, I do not have anyone else to talk about this with – besides Zed. My mother keeps telling me I'll be okay, and it is probably just bad luck. And Landon says not to worry as long as Hardin is in Britain. And Steph... well Steph has not really said anything.

She did reach out to talk, but what is there to say? She didn't believe me when Hardin was literally at the frat house breaking furniture and throwing things. She didn't bother to talk to me after I got cut, or support me as a real friend. She disappeared. And when she did finally reach out, my car mysteriously blew up and my friend died on that same night she decided to see me. And she hobbled away from us, while Hanya lay dying on the grass! Is that what I am supposed to say?

Pulling into my parking garage, I try to rid my mind of her, but see a flicker of red walk by my usual. parking spot. My eyes go wide as my heart drops and feelings of anger overcome me. Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear: it's Stephanie – waiting for me by the elevator doors.

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