Chapter 14: Night Talks

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I turn, waiting for him to catch up. I don't want to drag him into this anymore than I already have.

"I'm walking you to your room," he says, grabbing my hand and leading me through the door.

I can't believe he meant what he said. That he'd be here. I sort of thought it was something he was just saying in the moment. But feeling Zed hold my hand, promising to protect me from this terrible situation, makes a tiny part of my heart feel whole again. I almost feel hopeful for my future here. Yeah, this situation is God awful, but at least I finally have a friend who cares enough to stay.


"Thanks for walking me Zed," I say, looking at the ground awkwardly while playing with my fingernails. We're both standing in my doorway, not sure what to say next.

"No problem, Tessa. Do you think it's safe to stay here? Hardin could come find you again," he says, looking into my eyes, his face filled with worry.

"I think so. There's an RA here and security at night. Lots of other people on the floor, too. I don't think he'd do anything crazy with all that," I reply, shooting him a reassuring look. "Really Zed, don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"Well, will you at least promise to text me from time to time so I know you're okay?" he says, stepping closer and grabbing my hand. I can tell he's worried about leaving me here, but I genuinely believe I'll be safer in the dorm.

"I promise. Thanks again for crashing with me last night and dealing with Hardin," I smile, tangling my fingers in his.

"Thanks for sharing the bed," he laughs, giving my hand a squeeze.

"I'm going to take a nap and catch up on my work. I'll see you around," I say, leaning in for a hug.

He hugs me back and then walks away with his hands in his pockets, looking back briefly to give me smile.


I spend the weekend doing just that. Catching up on sleep and recovering from my massive hangover, while I work on essays or book reviews in the evenings. Oh, and texting Zed about my day - something I look forward to every night.

The week goes by easily. I get to know Hanya more and more each day, and I think we're even starting to become real friends. She tells me all about her Tinder one-night stands, comparing the different men to characters from the show "The Office". She's still looking for her "Jim" she claims. She also wants to have a girl's night with me some time, but I'm not so sure about that. She's technically a position above me, making her my superior. But she swears she'll get me to come out sooner or later - and she just might.

It isn't until Thursday that something out of the ordinary happens. It's probably nothing, but when I return to my/Steph's dorm after a night of studying, I see Steph's whiteboard splayed on the floor and cracked in half. I'm not sure if the command strip gave way, or someone ripped it off the front door, but my first instinct is that Hardin came here and broke it. I'm most likely jumping to conclusions, because if Hardin were here, the door would probably be kicked in as well.

But it's not.

I open the perfectly intact door, surveying the area before I dare walk in, and see nothing has changed. Peering around, I see my papers are still on my old wooden desk, my glass of water is still on my nightstand under my lofted bed, and Steph's side remains untouched - clothes sprawled in exactly the same areas as always.

I pick up the white board and enter the room, setting it on Steph's bed, telling myself I'll throw it in the dumpster tomorrow.

Buzz Buzz.

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