Chapter 27: Great News

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"You'll be okay," Zed says, holding my hands outside the courthouse, "and I'll be right here when you're done."

I look up at the large courthouse doors, still too nervous to go inside. I haven't seen or heard from Hardin since the party that ended with me in the hospital.

"I know. I'm just... I don't want to see him," I say, my voice shaking.

"I know, Tessa," Zed says, pulling me to him. I rest my head on his chest and take a few deep breaths while he runs a hand over my hair.

I have to get this over with. "I think I'm going to go in now, Zed," I say into his shirt. Feeling him nod against me, he lets me go.

"I'll be right out here. You got this," he says, kissing me on the cheek before heading down the courthouse steps towards the parking lot.

I turn slowly to face the building. Taking one last deep breath, I move forward and enter through the large wooden doors.

I head to courtroom 2B, which after asking for directions was easy enough to find. Walking in, I see a judge behind a large podium, and two desks. My lawyer stands in front of one desk, while the other remains empty.

"Hello, Miss Young," she says, shaking my hand. "The other party hasn't arrived yet, but I'm sure they will be here shortly. I'll do all the talking, you just sit next to me and wait for the judge's decision, okay?" She speaks very confidently, and it calms down my nerves. The fact that I won't have to talk also helps.

Just then, I hear the courtroom door open. I turn to see a tall man in a beautiful black suit walk in; he looks very professional and intimidating. Then, I see him. Hardin walks in wearing his usual black jeans, black shirt, and black boots. At least I wore a pantsuit.

His eyes meet mine, and my breath catches in my throat. They go from surprised to venomous, and I move back instinctively. Something else has changed in his face, and it's not just the obvious hatred he has for me. Hardin's eyes are riddled with dark circles, and his skin is a pale, clammy white. It looks as if he hasn't slept in years.

Just then, a sickening smile spreads across his face and he winks at me. The gesture has me nauseated and wondering what he's thinking. I know he is furious with me, but Hardin can never just get mad – he gets even.

"Well, if we're all here we can begin," the judge says, hitting his gavel.

I take my seat to the right of my lawyer, angling myself so she blocks the view of Hardin, who is seated at the table to my left. I can see from my peripheral vision that he's leaning back and staring at me, but I won't give him the satisfaction of looking back.

My lawyer begins to list the reasons I want the restraining order: Hardin showing up at my room, or at the frat house, and the incident at the party. I try to block out what she is saying, as I don't feel like reliving any of those moments, especially in Hardin's presence.

I pick at the skin on my thumb, keeping my head down and thinking of what life will be like if I get the restraining order. If Hardin can't come near me or Zed.

Though I try my best to ignore what's happening around me, the words of the lawyers still creep in. Hardin's lawyer argues he can go to the dorms because they are on school property, or Hardin was simply visiting his old frat where many of his friends still live. Or, worst of all, that he never was at the party and I made the whole thing up. His lawyer even speculated I cut myself for attention or to "set-up" Hardin.

I want to cry. I feel so helpless sitting in this chair, leaving my fate up to a judge who doesn't even know me or Hardin, who might fall for Hardin's lies like so many others.

Gauging out the skin on my thumb, I hear my ears begin to ring and I'm worried I'll pass out. Taking deep breaths I count to 10 – over and over and over for what seems like hours.

Finally, I feel my lawyer nudge me, and I look up to see her standing. She widens her eyes and nods her head towards the judge. I immediately stand up, understanding he has made his decision.

"With the evidence provided today, I've decided on a course of action. Effective immediately, I'm placing a six-month restraining order in favor of Miss Tessa Young against Mr. Hardin Scott. Once the six months are up, Mr. Scott will have graduated from this university and the restraining order will be void - unless Miss Young applies for an extention. I suggest you move on after that Mr. Scott, and find a different young lady to pursue," he says, before banging his gavel. "Miss Young, you may leave first. Then once she's cleared the building, you may leave Mr. Scott. You will both be given copies of the restraining order via mail."

I stand there, shocked. I can't move, or even blink. It isn't until my lawyer turns to me that I break from my trance.

"Congratulations Tessa, this is great news," she says, extending her hand. I shake it, still weary this is actually happening.

"Umm, no, thank you," I say back, my voice horse from not speaking for so long. I look at the clock and see it only took an hour and a half. I was sure it had been at least 3 hours.

I can't even seem to remember my lawyers name or even form any coherent thought. Letting curiosity get the best of me, I glance at Hardin, hopefully for the last time, and see that he is about to lose it. His hands are balled in fists and he's furiously whispering into his lawyer's ear.

Before he can see me looking at him, I grab my purse and rush out of the courtroom. I move quickly down the halls, through the foyer, and out the courthouse doors into the bright morning sun.

It is much sunnier than it was when I went in. For February, it's surprisingly mild, maybe 50⁰ F. The sun warms my face as I look up at the blue sky, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders.

"Tessa!" I hear someone yell at the bottom of the steps. I look down to see Zed apprehensively waving at me from the bench below.

I take off, practically sprinting down the steps to see him.

"I got it! I got it!" I yell, before slamming into him. He squeezes me tight, lifting me off the ground and spinning me. I can't help the giggle that escapes my throat. A new level of happiness courses through my body at the news of my granted restraining order.

"I'm so happy for you Tess," Zed says, leaning down to kiss me, grabbing my face and pulling me in.

"Now, let's get out of here and go celebrate before we head to work," he says between kisses.

I nod, pulling away from him and grabbing his hand.

Just as we begin to walk to the car, I hear someone yell.

"Cut it out, Hardin!" I hear a familiar voice yell. Looking up, I see the Hardin's lawyer standing on the courthouse steps. He looks angry, his eyes fixated on something to his right.

Scanning the building, I find his source of anger. At the corner of the building I see Hardin with papers scattered around him, some already blowing away. His hands are steel fists, veins protruding from his neck and forehead, while his eyes bore into mine. If looks could kill, I would surely be dead.

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