Chapter 25: We'll Be Okay.

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It's Friday morning. The sense of overwhelming dread creeps through my body as I open my tired eyes. Today is Zed and Hardin's trial. After weeks of anticipation, it is finally here.

I slowly get out of bed and peek at the clock that reads 6:57am. I'm not exactly enthusiastic for the waiting game of the trial results. There is not going to be a jury like you might see on a courtroom TV show, instead, the judge has all the power. One person decides Zed and Hardin's future – my future.

Checking my phone on my nightstand, I see a text from Zed.

Can I stop by before I leave? Sent at 4:17am.

I hope he hasn't been awake since then... Or did he even sleep at all? I offered to spend the night at his place, but he said he wanted to be alone. I knew he was hurting last night when he barely talked to me over dinner.

I reply quickly, Yes. I'll be here until 8:30am.

Within minutes I hear a knock at my door. Opening it, I see a sleep deprived Zed standing in front of me in well-tailored gray suit. He would look very handsome if his face weren't so drained of happiness.

"It's for today," he says, gesturing to suit and walking in.

"I know," I say cautiously, closing the door behind him.

He sits down on the couch, his face stoic. Usually, Zed would be all smiles and trying to make me laugh by now. But not today.

"Good luck," I say quietly as I sit next to him. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells, scared I might set him off, though I don't think Zed can be set off. It must be a habit left over from dealing with Hardin for all those months.

He breathes out slowly, closing his eyes while his hand rakes through his long hair. "Thanks," he says robotically.

I don't know what to say, so I don't say anything. I just lean into him, lying my head on his shoulder and lightly running my hand up and down the sleeve of his suit jacket.

I hear him let out a deep breath, and he leans his head onto mine. Running his fingers through my hair, he says, "I just want this to be over. I just want Hardin to be out of my life....and yours."

His hand finds my cheek and angels my face upwards to meet his eyes. I can clearly see the pain on his face, his eyes strained, and brows furrowed together.

"I know I can't make that choice for you," he whispers urgently, "but it's true. I want him to go away. I don't want him around you. Ever."

Blinking, I nod slowly. "I know Zed," I whisper back, "I don't want him here either."

The pain on his face breaks for just a second at my words. Leaning down, his kisses me softly. It isn't the same heat and passion I felt the other night, no, this kiss was something different – but powerful. I feel the affection Zed holds for me as our lips move slowly. I want nothing but to kiss his pain away, which is exactly what I try to do in this moment.

We stay that way for several minutes, before Zed pulls away and looks down at his watch, letting out a frustrated sigh. "I have to go," he says solemnly.

Standing up and grabbing my hand, he pulls me to him. "I'll come over after, yeah?" he says into my ear.

I nod, my head buried in the crook of his neck, before he pulls away and heads for the door.

"I'm hoping for the best today, Zed," I squeak out while opening the door.

"Me too, Tessa," he says, kissing my forehead and then heading down the hall.

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