Chapter 32: Be Mine

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Screeching tires and a hand roughly grabbing at my bad arm pull me from my deer in the headlights trance. Suddenly, I'm yanked from the path of the vehicle, mere inches from hitting me.

"Watch where you're going you idiot!" an angry voice screams from the dark blue car, before it tears back down the road.

"Are you okay?" Zed asks frantically, shaking me slightly as he peers down into my frightened eyes.

Am I okay? No. I just let my stupid, drunken anger almost get me killed. Of course Zed would never choose Rachel over me! He has already proven that time and time again.

I hear the bar door swing open, and find a very drunk Nik and Hanya stumbling out with a bouncer on their heels.

"You guys, you guys, ready to... to... drive away home?" Hanya slurs, smiling brightly at me and Zed while Nik laughs along at her attempt to speak - both clearly unaware of mine and Zed's current situation.

Zed lets go of me, walking toward them without giving me a second glance. He must be so angry with me. I feel my throat clench at the thought of upsetting him the way I know I have.

"Yeah, we're ready," Zed says, the bouncer leading us to his small, black car. Hanya and Nik immediately slide into the back, unable to keep their hands off each other for a second, which means Zed is in the front and I am in the back. I was hoping to sit next to him and talk about this.

Zed looks emotionlessly out the window for then entire drive to our apartment complex, Washington Terrace, never once looking back at my begging gaze. Hanya and Nik barely come up for air during the drive, kissing and groping each other while I try my best to look away and stay towards my side of the car.

I go over the night's events in my head while I feel my body and mind sobering up. I remember how much I drank, discussing how Hanya thought Rachel would make a move on Zed (definitely should have listened to her), seeing them kiss and running out, puking my guts out, and accusing Zed of liking Rachel to the point that I almost got run over by a car.

I cannot believe how stupidly I acted. I should have just had an adult conversation with Zed about the Rachel incident. But no, instead I let the alcohol and my emotions take over and create a mountain out of a mole hill. I would be annoyed if I were Zed - I bet he won't even want to see me after the way I acted. Who would want to be around someone like that, I think to myself, letting the tears pour silently down my cheeks.

Before long, we are pulling up to the drop off entrance in front of Washington Terrace.

"Thanks for the ride," Zed says to Hanya's bouncer friend, whose name I did not catch.

"No problem," he says, as I open my back door and get out.

I look back to say bye to Hanya and Nik, but find them both passed out in each other's arms, the alcohol and car movements finally lulling them to sleep. I have a lot to tell her come Monday.

I close the door shut and watch them drive away, before slowly looking to Zed. He is standing in the building entrance, staring at me blankly.

I approach him and he offers his hand. I take it, cautiously gripping his fingers as if squeezing too hard would make him crumble to pieces.

"We'll talk upstairs," is all he says before walking quickly through the lobby with me in tow.

I smile weakly at John the door man, who tips his hat and shoots me a caring look, clearly aware that me and Zed aren't in the best of spirits at the moment.

We get in the elevator and Zed hits my floor number. I hope he isn't planning to just leave me at my apartment.

We ride up in silence while I steal few glances at Zed's face - he never returns my gaze, however.

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