Chapter 24: $6 Porn Star

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"So, what the fuck happened?" Hanya asks. We are in the same sub shop as last week, eating sandwiches during our lunch break.

It's Wednesday, my first day back to work since I woke up in the hospital as the proud new owner of a 10-inch scar on my left arm.

Hanya has been dying to know what happened since I emailed Todd about not coming in on Monday. She has been blowing up my phone for two days straight with questions. I would definitely describe Hanya as the over curious type, but she gets away with it by being so funny and friendly.

I told her I wanted to tell her the story in person, but mostly, I wanted to enjoy the two days I had with Zed. After our little rendezvous Monday night, I didn't want to think about anyone but him - so texting Hanya was put on the back burner. We spent much of Tuesday night cuddled together on the couch watching old movies. We did not take things as far as the night before, but it was nice just being with him and getting to know him better.

Turns out, Zed has quite the ambitious spirit. After becoming a doctor, he hopes to do more research around the world. He has his sights set on Denmark or Sweden when the opportunity presents itself. Zed also wants a family someday, but not for a long time. I can't help but be in awe of this boy who I was so sure I thought I knew. I had no idea all that passion and intelligence was such a big part of his life. You'd never guess it just by looking at him.

"Hello? Earth to Tessa?" Hanya says, waving a hand in front of my face.

I sigh, "Okay, so basically I went to a party and my ex, Hardin, showed up. He cornered me in a room and lost his temper. When Hardin's mad, he destroys things. Doesn't matter if they are expensive or a family heirloom or a complete stranger's - if he sees it, he'll break it. So that's what he did. He broke everything he could. I of course did not want to get hit with anything, so I hid behind the bed. I thought I saw a perfect moment to escape and made a run for it, but he threw a lamp. It exploded into a million pieces right in front of me. I fell. Woke up in the hospital." I take a long sip of my sweet tea when I finish - that was quite a mouthful.

"Oh. My. God. Shit. That is so fucked up!" she yells, drawing attention to our table. Why is she like this?

"So, like, did they arrest him?" she says, shoving her sub into her mouth. Her eyes are wide as she gives me her full attention.

"Nope," I say back simply, crossing my arms. I'm still so mad he got away with this.

"What the fuck," she groans, her mouth so full of sandwich I can barely understand her.

"Yep, there were no witnesses. So, it was his word against mine. Oh, and he somehow had an alibi to prove he wasn't there," I say through gritted teeth.

"That is some serious Criminal Minds type shit. Damn... I'm sorry Tessa," she says, finally swallowing her large bite. She grabs my hand and gives me a comforting look.

"Thanks, Hanya. I just don't even want to think about him or that night anymore. But unfortunately, that isn't an option. Zed... you know Zed," I say, raising my eyebrows in a flirtatious fashion, "has to see him in court this Friday for their trial. You know, for that time Hardin almost beat him to death. And then Monday, provided Hardin is not in jail yet, I will see him in court for the restraining order I filed against him."

I finish my spiel by looking up at the ceiling and taking a deep breath, while I hear Hanya abruptly start to cough.

Just then, I'm hit in the face with what smells like Dr. Pepper. It's only a few drops, but of course one landed straight in my eye.

"What the..." I gasp, rubbing my eye so hard I'm just positive the mascara is smudged across my lids like a crazy person.

"So sorry!" Hanya yells, leaning over the table to dab my face roughly with her used napkin, "your story just caught me off guard!"

I look through a burning squint to see her face red and filled with concern and horror. Looking down, I see she is covered in Dr. Pepper - it dripping from her chin onto her stained white blouse. The ridiculous look on her face combined with her ruined outfit, has me bursting with laughter.

I lean back, covering my mouth to stifle the giggles escaping from throat. What is that slimy stuff I feel on my cheek? I look down to see the napkin she used was smeared with mayonnaise.

Trying to wipe it off my cheek with the back of my hand, I see her break into a fit of laughter, realizing what she did to my face.

There we are, both cackling like hyenas in the middle of the sub shop while the owner looks over at us concerned and holding a bottle of mustard like it is a weapon. This only makes us laugh harder, as we double over in hysterics.

"You. Are too. Much!" Hanya gasps between laughs.

"You are! You wiped mayonnaise on my face after spitting Dr. Pepper into my eye!" I laugh, pointing at her dirty napkin on the table.

"I was trying to help!" she shrieks, tears forming in her eyes from laughing so hard.

"Plus, look at you!" I say, pointing to her chest.

She looks down to see her white blouse speckled with Dr. Pepper spit.

"I look like a $6 porn star," she half whines half laughs.

"Sure do," I say, nodding and catching my breath.

We finally calm down and clean ourselves up the best we can with the remaining napkins on the table. I have not laughed this hard since I don't know when, and even though I'm covered in soda, mayo, and spit, I'm grateful for it.

"Sorry I spit on you. And to make it up to you, we will be going out this weekend," Hanya smiles.

"Probably not this weekend since I'm not sure I'll be in the going out mood, you know, with everything going on. But how about next weekend?" I ask, trying to find a happy middle for both of us.

"Ugh, fine. Next weekend - but if you blow me off, I'll start drinking Dr. Pepper around the office and make sure to come visit you when I feel a cough coming on," she smiles, evilly.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea - unless you enjoy the $6 porno look," I say, smiling back just devilishly.

"You're right," she nods, smiling down at her still damp blouse. "Now let's get back to work before the guy behind the counter chucks that bottle of mustard at us."

A/N: Don't we love Hanya? She's a fun character to write, so I hope you're enjoying =]

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