Chapter 28: Footsteps

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Finally, something good has happened to me. Just this morning, I was granted my restraining order, which hopefully means a clean, solid break from Hardin. I was worried when Hardin saw me and Zed outside of the courthouse, but there's nothing he can do about it. He can't come near us. I know he's mad, but it's for the best he moves on as well.

Zed went to class after the hearing, deciding to celebrate with dinner later instead of the breakfast he was hoping for. Turns out one of the plants in his lab is not growing like he had hoped, and he needed to get back to come up with a solution, while I headed straight to the office.

Hanya greeted me with open arms and some colorfully worded praise upon hearing the news. She has been such a great friend throughout this, and her humor has kept me from taking my own drama too seriously. She's right, life is too short to worry about some "spaghetti noodle boy with a piss-poor attitude" – her words, not mine.

Glancing at the clock, I see it's 4:47pm – almost time to go home. Even with today's ordeal at the courthouse, it has not been that bad of a Monday.

Just then, I hear a knock at my door and see Hanya's face peek in.

"Hey there hot stuff," she says, walking in and sitting on the edge of my desk.

"Hi, Hanya," I smile, finishing up an email before turning my full attention to her.

"So, now that all this crazy restraining order business has been taken care of... when are we going out!" she asks animatedly, throwing her hands in the air.

"I should have known that would be your first priority," I laugh. "I thought you were too busy this weekend. Didn't some big shot author send you a manuscript to review? I heard Todd going on and on about it in the breakroom," I say, tilting my head.

"Oh please, I am never too busy to go out. I'll get my work done before the weekend, don't you worry about that. Instead, worry about what you will wear. Because you are definitely going out with me this Friday," she says, hopping off the desk and walking to the door.

"Oh," she says, turning in the doorway, "I might bring along my latest boy toy. So, how about you bring that sexy Zed guy." And with a wink, she closes the door behind her. Maybe I will bring him along.


By the time I get home, it is almost dark. I stayed late to finish up a few book review-requests. With the hearing this morning, I was nearly two hours late and I don't want to fall behind.

Parking my car and walking to the elevator, I hear another set of footsteps behind me echoing in the parking garage. I continue walking towards the elevator doors, but peer back to see who it could be, maybe that same blonde girl who is always on her phone. We have similar schedules, so I see her from time to time. But when I look back, I don't see anyone, and I notice the sound has stopped.

Maybe it's just someone going to their car, or someone on another level of the parking garage, I think to myself. I press the up arrow, and the elevator doors open immediately. Stepping inside, I press the floor to lobby; I need to grab my mail. Maybe my Amazon package of new books has finally arrived.

Stepping into the lobby, I greet the door man, John, and make my way to the mailboxes. Drat, it's empty. Maybe tomorrow it will come.

"No packages today Miss Tessa," John says with a smile. He's a kind, older man with curly gray hair and a short white mustache. He has been very kind to me since I moved in last week.

"Guess not John, I'll be back to check tomorrow, though," I say pointing my finger.

"I'll be here!" he says, tipping his Vietnam veteran's baseball hat.

I get back in the elevator, happy to end this crazy yet somehow pleasant day, and press my floor number. I wonder when Zed will be home today. Hopefully soon, as I'm getting pretty hungry. Tacos sound good...

The doors open and I take a step out of the elevator, my mind on Mexican food, when I suddenly lose my train of thought. Looking down the hallway, I seen a person in black boots, black jeans, and black hoodie standing in front of my door. I squint, trying to make out who it could be, and hear the elevator doors close behind me.

Is that...Hardin? No, it couldn't be, this person looks just slightly too muscular to be Hardin. I press the down arrow to try and get back on the elevator. Crap, it's already gone to another floor.

Looking back towards my door, I see the person walking the opposite way towards the stairs. My floor is about 9 stories up, so it makes no sense they would be heading that way.

I decide to go to my apartment before they turn around and begin walking quickly. The faster I walk, the clearer I can see them. This person still seems slightly too wide to be Hardin, but they are the right height. I am almost certain whoever it is, is a man by the width of their shoulders.

But what if it is Hardin? He could just be wearing layers, which would explain the extra wideness. I grab my phone from my purse, ready to dial 911 if needed.

Getting to my door, I fumble with my keys as my hands grow clammy. I look down the hall to see the person has stopped just before the stairway exit.

"Har – Hardin," I mumble, just loud enough for whoever it is to hear me.

I hear what I think is a laugh before they open the stairwell door and disappear.

Was that Hardin's laugh? It might have been.

Scared and uncertain, I finally manage to open my door, slamming it shut behind me and locking it.

I am just about to dial 911 when I see Landon's picture flash onto my phone screen.

"Hello?" I answer frantically.

"Hey Tessa, you alright?" he says, sounding concerned.

"I – I don't know. I think I just saw Hardin at my apartment. Which he can't do since I got a restraining order. I don't know, though. I think I'm going to call the police." I say in a rushed jumble.

"Woah, Tessa, take a breath," Landon says calmly, "you're okay. That wasn't Hardin."

"What?" I say confused, "How do you know that?"

"Because Hardin left. That's why I called. He's moving back to England," Landon says matter-of-factly.

"But I saw him today. I saw him this morning," I answer.

"I know. Ken told me about the whole restraining order thing – which believe me I fully support. But Hardin is gone Tessa. He got on a plane 4 hours ago."

If Hardin is gone, then who did I just see?

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