Chapter 22: Scarface

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Shortly after my mom told me I would be moving into Zed's apartment building – a detail I won't be sharing with her – Zed slipped out of my hospital room. He gave me a small wave and an encouraging smile before he left, careful not to tip off my mother that we weren't "just friends".

I think I only slept for an hour before Dr. Taylor came in, waking me up with the click of the door shut.

"Sorry to wake you Miss Young, just have to check your blood levels and update you on your release," he says, looking at the monitor of zigging lines and numbers.

"You're healing well. I think we'll keep you another day for observation, but you should be discharged by Monday morning," he says reassuringly.

"Well, that's wonderful news," my mother says, sounding as exhausted as I am, slumped in the chair next to me.

Darn, I was hoping to be out of here by tomorrow. I don't want to miss any days at my internship, especially being so new at the company. I'll have to email Todd first thing in the morning.

"Yes, it's great news. Well, get some sleep – doctor's orders," Dr. Taylor says, laughing. I almost roll my eyes but decide against it. I bet he's told that joke a million times.

Once he leaves, I turn back to my mother, only to find she has already fallen back asleep. Before long, I too slip back into my less than peaceful slumber.


"Good morning, Tessa," I hear above me. "The nurse needs to take your temperature," my mother says. I open my eyes to see her only a couple inches from my face.

"Jeez, Mom. Are you trying to count my pores?" I say, slightly annoyed I have been woken up again.

"Don't sass me Theresa, or next time I'll have the nurse take your temperature anally," she snaps back.

"Okay, okay. Sorry," I say sitting up. The nurse in the corner of the room looks slightly concerned at our exchange, her eyebrows drawn together.

"This will just take a second," the nurse in green scrubs says hurriedly. I open my mouth for her to take my temperature, and she jabs the thermometer under my tongue. Ouch. After a few seconds I hear it beep, and she writes the number down.

"Perfect! Thank you!" she chirps, quickly leaving the room.

"Hey, Mom? Do you have my phone?" I ask, realizing I haven't used it once since being admitted to the hospital.

"No... the police gave me your purse, but your phone wasn't in there," she replies.

Where is... Wait. Hardin took it. That is just perfect. I feel my heart beat faster, and the beeping on the monitor reflects my anxiety.

"Tessa? What's wrong? You look pale," my mom says concerned, moving back to my bedside from her chair.

"I... Hardin. Hardin took my phone," I squeak out. I know he's already looked through it. He knows my password – why didn't I change it – and has the numbers of everyone in my contacts. What if he calls Todd and ruins my internship? Oh crap, and he's definitely read all my messages with Zed. Our goodnight texts, our "I miss you" texts... Not. Good.

I start to panic, my breathing erratic and hands shaking.

"Tessa, calm dawn. It's okay. Just breathe," my mother urges. I try to take a deep breath but find it nearly impossible.

"Tessa please," she says, squeezing my hand, her face lined with worry, "if you can't calm down, they'll sedate you again."

Doing my best to steady my breathing, I suck in a breath of air and hold it in for as long as I can. When I feel my face go red and I can't hold my breath in any more, I blow it out slowly, counting to 10 in my head.

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