Chapter 44: The Reveal

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"Why are we in a closet? What truth?" I ask, quickly sobering up from the shock of our current situation.

"The truth about that cut on your arm, the fire... Hanya's death" she says back, her face dimly lit through the cracks in the closet wall, allowing a sliver of light from loud room next door to cast shadows over her somber face.

"What... you know who killed her?" I reply, my voice barely audible.

"Yes, but please understand - I had no idea what was going to happen that night. I didn't know they were going to blow your car up," she squeaks out through strained words, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"What the fuck, Steph. Do not touch me! How could you?" I yell, reaching for the closet door handle to leave. Before I have the chance, I feel the whole of Steph's weight shove me down.

"Tessa stop, I'm trying to help you" she pleads, not letting me up.

"Help me? You've known this whole time who killed her and never told anyone!" I scream back.

Suddenly her hand is over my mouth, silencing my outrage.

"If you don't be quiet, we're both going to end up like her" she says in a rushed whisper into my ear.

"Explain" is all I say when she finally lowers her hand.

"It started the night Hardin cut your hand. Well, before that, but that's when things really started to go bad," she says, kneeling before me while I lean against the back of the closet, my bottom uncomfortably sitting on a pair of shoes.

"Tristan's parents have been going through some money problems. They couldn't afford his tuition anymore and he didn't want to leave school. His job on campus wasn't paying nearly enough to cover his he found another means of work. Which was what we argued about so much. He started getting involved with drug dealing, first selling pot to a few kids and then dealing the heavier stuff. He said he had it under control." Steph's eyes look dead as she explains, while I try to wrap my mind around what this has to do with Hanya.

"Who... what?" is all I can get out, confused where this is going. So, Tristan deals drugs - not the smartest idea but how does this affect me and Hanya?

"The whole group is involved, Tessa. Everyone except Zed, Tyler, and Molly know about it. They only think the others are dealing marijuana. They have no idea how big this thing is - which is where me and you come in" she says, finally looking me dead in the eyes.

Wait. Zed knows his friends might be drug dealers. Why has he never mentioned this...

"Hardin wanted to see you the night you cut your arm. He said he wanted to sort things out with you once and for all. And I was so mad at you, Tessa. I was angry and annoyed that you kept messing with Zed and Hardin and always getting in the way of our friend group. So, I agreed. When I ran up later that night to find you in a bloody mess, I found Dan and Jace guarding the back hallway. Hardin must have made them agree to sneak him out, I don't know. But I saw Hardin run out. I knew it was him who did that to you, but Dan gave me a look that said to keep my mouth shut." Steph turns slightly, her voice frustrated.

"I didn't care though, I was going to tell the police, but before I could Dan pulled me aside. He said if I told them about Hardin, he would make sure Tristan and I got caught for selling the heroin. Even though I've never been involved in it! He said he'd plant it in our rooms, and not to try and test him" she half whispers-half screams, her eyes bulging and hands shaking.

"That's when I figured out Hardin was involved with this. There is no other reason Dan and Jace would cover for him and threaten me like that. Hardin used to sell last year but got his shit together around the time you showed up. It is one of the reasons why he always told you to stay away from them - from anyone in our group. It is an unwritten rule that none of us discuss the drug dealing thing. We all fear what Dan and Jace are capable of, despite being friends with them. But - I guess Hardin got involved again recently."

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