Chapter 50: Decision

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A/N: No cliffhanger this time, who am I?

"We call Tessa Young to the stand," Dan's attorney announces to the courtroom.

My palms immediately begin to sweat as my heart races in my chest. I have just been through two days of torture, listening to Steph, Zed, Tyler, and countless others describe what they saw the night Dan raped me. And now it is my turn.

I stand from my wooden chair next to the same female attorney I had for Hardin's restraining order and make my way to the witness box. Once I sit down, I look out into the courtroom, and for the first time meet eye to eye with Dan.

He is just sitting there, looking rather dapper in his navy suit and gelled hair. He looks nothing like the menacing character he did a couple weeks ago. However, his eyes still give away the monster inside.

Mine start watering as I try my best to remain calm. My attorney stressed I must keep my composure, or the jury would not believe me as easily. I look away quickly, knowing I won't last if I see Dan's face anymore.

Then, I see Zed, staring at me with those caring eyes I fell for months ago. Though they are red and filled with worry, I can tell he is trying to put on a brave face. I want to give him a smile, I want to tell him I'm alright at the moment, but my attention is taken by the man walking towards me.

"Now Miss Young, is it true you knew Dan in the past?" Dan's attorney asks with a critical glance and slight southern drawl.

"Yes," I answer.

"And how long would you say you have known him," he asks casually.

"Umm..." I stutter, thinking back. It is April now so that would mean... "About 6 months or so," I reply.

"Mhm," he says, looking towards the jury, "And would you have considered him a friend?"

"No," I answer quickly, my voice sharp.

"But he was friends with your friends, correct? And you all hung around?" he asks.

"I mean, not really. He was -" I begin, before Dan's attorney raises his hand, his expensive watch flashing against the courtroom lights.

"Yes or no Miss Young. Have you ever even once hung around with him and his friends?" he asks, making each word clear in a condescending way don't particularly enjoy.

Looking to my lawyer, she gives me a cautious nod, before I answer, "Yes."

"Well then, that's interesting. Because as we heard from our other witnesses, Miss Young is quite popular with that group. Isn't it true you dated a one Zed Evans and a one Hardin Scott from that same group of friends?" he asks, smiling down at me as I struggle to even out my breathing.

"Yes," I answer uneasily.

"And isn't it true you had been drinking heavily the night of the alleged abuse?" he asks, his voice lowering.

"No - Dan and Jace made us -" I start before I am once again cut off by the sleazeball that is Dan's attorney.

"Now wait a minute. We heard from a Miss Angela Waters that you had been drinking several glasses of wine, as well as a couple margaritas with her, Miss Jones, and Miss Saunier. Sounds to me like you had quite a bit of alcohol all by yourself," he says with a smile.

"Yes. It was a party I had some drinks," I answer, looking to the jury, their faces hard and unreadable.

"And as we have said before, there is absolutely no evidence that Dan and Jace made you drink copious amounts of liquor, as your lawyer tried to argue yesterday with my client," the attorney argues, slowly walking towards the jury.

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