Chapter 35: Boom.

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I can feel the heat of the flames as I push the restaurant door open and run towards my car in the parking lot. The roaring fire against the concrete looks so out of place in such a setting. The light of the flames shows the paint on my car is now tinged with black from the smoke and ash surrounding it. The blaze almost seems to dance in the wind as it devours my vehicle.

"I'll call the police," the hostess yells from the doorway, as she runs back inside. Hanya and Steph run out moments later, their faces flooded with fear and concern.

I look around frantically, desperate for a solution to a hopeless situation. If the fire department doesn't get here soon, the fire could spread to the other cars in the parking lot. As the smell of gas begins to fill the air, I realize my car is already a lost cause.

"I think I saw a fire extinguisher inside. I'll get it!" Steph yells over the roaring flames which are now rapidly spreading from the middle of my vehicle to the trunk and hood. She quickly heads back into the restaurant to search for it, while I feel a hand grip mine.

"Should we go back inside?" Hanya asks with a loud, shaky voice, clearly jolted by the scene unfolding in front of us as she gives my hand a tight squeeze.

"I don't know. What if the building catches fire? Maybe we should just move back," I yell in response, as we move away from the car and towards the grassy area behind us.

I can barely process what is happening in front of me. How did this even happen? I hear my ears start to ring as the skin on my face and hands start to tingle. A wave of mild nausea sweeps over me as my palms begin to sweat. Crap, am I going into shock?

"Are you okay?" Hanya asks, turning me slightly while her eyes search my face for an answer.

"I'm, I think –" I begin, until I see something across the lot that catches my attention. A figure. A human figure. Yes, it is definitely a person, maybe a man. I can barely make them out between the smoke and dark shadows across the way, but I'm certain there is a man in all black watching my car go up in flames.

I glance around quickly, seeing only the empty school buildings off in the distance and the neighboring closed factory. Taco Burrito Shack is a few blocks from anything open, so whoever is standing there watching my car burn had no reason to be outside in the parking or just walking by.

"Hey," I say, letting go of Hanya's hand and walking towards the man. "Hey!" I yell a little louder and see their head snap to mine. They barely move, taking only a small step back towards the street, ensuring to stay under the shadow of the large tree near the edge of the road.

"What are you doing?" Hanya asks, yanking me back, her eyes wide and voice frustrated.

"There's a person," I say back, not bothering to even turn and look at her, and instead shaking her off to walk closer to the engulfed car and the person hiding behind its heated shield.

"So what?" she says, grabbing me again, irritated at my reply, "it's not safe, don't go over there." I know she is right, but if that is the person who lit my car on fire, I need to know who they are. I need to know if it is... him.

"There's no one else around," I yell, angry with her for stopping me. "They probably did this, I need to see who it is," I repeat, once again pulling myself from her grasp.

The smell of gas now burns the inside of my nostrils as smoke blows in my face and my eyes begin to water. I try to get around the burning car but am overcome by the heat of the flames.

"Who are you? Har- Hardin?" I yell, as the man in all black raises a hand, his fingers moving ever so slowly. Did he just wave at me? Is that...

"What? Hardin?" Hanya asks, running to my side and squinting through the smoke at the man across from us. "Are you sure?"

Just then, I hear the restaurant door swing open and see Steph standing in the doorway with a small fire extinguisher. Looking between the fire extinguisher and my car, I know it will not be enough, as I see the fire begin to spread to the neighboring jeep.

I begin to hear the sirens off in the distance, as blue and red lights dimly head our way, and feel a small sense of relieve wash over me.

"I found thi –" Steph begins, taking a step outside before she is cut off by what feels like a bomb going off.

Suddenly, I am tossed into the air then slammed on the ground. My head throbs as I feel the sensation of grass grazing my skin, and my ears ring so loudly it's all I can hear or focus on. Blinking, I open my eyes and look down at my body. The hair on my arms has singed off and I am covered in a layer of what must be black soot. My skin burns but otherwise looks fine, despite its dark, dirty appearance.

My eyes adjust and I see what has happened. My car exploded and is now a shell of burnt tires and twisted metal.

"T – t – Tes – Tessa" I hear someone choke next to me. Turning my head, I see Hanya several feet beside me. She is lying on her stomach, arms and legs spread, with her head facing my direction. Her face is contorted in pain and covered in a similar layer of black soot.

A strangled noise escapes her throat, and I immediately find the cause of her struggle: a sharp piece of plastic beside her, and a cut on her neck profusely spilling deep red blood onto the green grass, as the light from her eyes begins to fade.

A/N: This is a sad sad chapter I'm so sorry! 

Also, it's Memorial Day Weekend here in the US,  so I will not be updating for a few days as I'll be at my family's lake house for the weekend! Sorry, but I'll be back shortly =]

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