Chapter 7: Hello Darling

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The next few days go by easily. I finally make it to Target, so my room doesn't look like a squatter is sleeping there anymore. I don't hear from Hardin and I surprisingly don't reached out to him either. I like this new, independent Tessa I'm becoming. I still miss him a ton, but each night that passes without him, it gets the tiniest bit easier.

I've also been texting Landon a bunch. He's happy for me and really seems to be enjoying New York. He might stay out there indefinitely, which selfishly makes me sad. Hearing him talk about how much he loves Dakota is also bittersweet. I want nothing but the best for him, but it's hard hearing how in love he is, knowing I couldn't have same with Hardin.

Friday morning rolls around and I wake up at 6am, excited for the day. I spend extra time getting ready, making sure I look perfect for my interview with Todd Johnson.

I'm walking to my favorite coffee shop before class, enjoying the mild weather we're having for a day in January, when I see him. A boy with tattoos on his arms, dark hair, and tight black pants is walking out of the coffee shop.

I stop in my tracks, still a block away but almost certain it's Hardin. I debate turning back, but my curiosity gets the best of me. Quickening my pace, I keep my steps light and head towards him.

I'm about halfway there when I see him turn down the alley next door.

Taking the last few strides before the coffee shop, I peer down the alley. I see nothing but a dumpster and cracked cement. Whoever it was, is gone.

Was that Hardin? It certainly looked like him.

Ugh, Tessa why are you following this stranger? Especially if you think it's Hardin. I internally scold myself for being so foolish. Following Hardin, or his look alike, is the last thing I need to be doing right now. He is a toxic jerk and I need to focus on my career. Stay on task, Tessa!

I shake the thoughts from my head and decide to continue with my day. After all, I have an important interview to prepare for and classes to attend.

It's not until I'm sitting in the lobby of Johnson Publishing that I start to sweat. I desperately need this internship and can't afford to mess this up.

"Todd will see you now," says a tall, slender blonde woman peeking out from a small office across from me.

"His office is the big corner one. Says Johnson on the door. Hard to miss," she points with a smile.

"Thank you," I say politely, and stand to collect my things.

"Don't be nervous by the way, Todd practically loves you already," she says, munching on a donut while she talks.

"He brought you up twice over donuts this morning. By the way, he brings donuts in all the time – pretty damn sweet, right? You'll love it here," she says, singing the last bit. She gives me a wink before closing her office door. It reads: Hanya Hartley. I like her already.

I knock on Todd's door and a few moments later, a short man with glasses appears.

"Hello! You must be Tessa. Please come in and have a seat," he says excitedly.

"You'll have to excuse my shirt," he says, pointing to an obvious stain in the center, "It's Friday which means I treat myself to a delicious, jelly donut and well... you get the picture."

I immediately feel more at ease after hearing about his jelly incident.

We discuss my experience at Vance Publishing, as well as my career goals. He genuinely seems interested in our conversation and is surprisingly easy to talk to. He tells me about the company and explains the internship. I would come in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and be paid minimum wage. It's not as much as I made before, but I'm happy to be getting paid at all.

The more he describes the job and his staff, the more eager I am to work here. I get the feeling he and his staff are pretty easygoing – something I could desperately use in my life.

By the end of the interview, I'm almost giddy. I can't believe I might actually have a shot.

"So, Tessa," he says, "would you like to be an intern here starting Monday?"

"I would love to," I reply, "Thank you so much, Todd!"

"Awesome, you can come in Monday and sign some paperwork, then officially start that afternoon" he says, extending his arm out in a fist.

I realize he wants to fist bump, so I oblige with a laugh.

"Thanks again, Todd. See you Monday!" I wave, closing the door behind me.

After exiting the building of my new internship, I decide to head back to the dorms and celebrate with some pizza and Netflix.

I can't seem to contain my excitement. I just want to call someone and tell them my wonderful news. Usually I would call Noah about these big life events, but things have been a bit awkward between us lately. Mostly because I've been treating him like a huge asshole.

I pull into the dorm parking lot and immediately dial his number.

Walking through the grass, it rings and rings until it goes to voicemail.


"Hey Noah, it's me... Tessa. I just called to see what you were up to and maybe talk. I'm sorry again for everything, I just... I miss my best friend," I say, walking into the building.

I climb the stairs, saying, "I, I know I have no right to be calling you and I totally understand if you never want to talk to me again. I just don't want to throw ten years of friendship away."

Looking at my feet as I turn down my hallway, I say, "I haven't talked to... him... in a while. And we're over. I swear. I was just calling to tell you about my new job. And how I lost my old one...Hardin is out of my life for good this time, Noah. I swear - "

"What," I hear angrily in front of me.

Dropping my phone, I look up to see none other than a fuming mad Hardin Scott standing in front of me. 

"Hello, darling."

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