Chapter 45: Photoshoot

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Steph is yanked from the closet by her hair, letting out a scream as Jace drags her to the center of the room. I look to the door for help, but of course, no one will be able to hear us over the deafening music in the surrounding rooms.

I feel Dan reach for my hair as well but quickly dodge him, sliding to the other side of the closet.

"I can get up myself," I say, standing to my feet.

"Don't fucking talk back to me" he answers, grabbing me roughly by the arm and throwing me down on the floor next to Steph. I land hard on my hip, but quickly sit up next to Steph, grabbing her arm as she clings to me.

"We just want to have a drink and discuss your little boyfriend Hardin" Jace says, dropping his backpack to the twin bed beside him and removing his black jacket.

"Someone's going to notice we're gone you guys," Steph says cautiously, squeezing my arm tighter.

"Zed is going to come looking for me" I blurt out, unsure if that was the correct thing to say, as Dan looks ready to kill me.

However, his expression changes in a flash, to amusement and entertainment.

"Is that so Theresa?" he says, giving me a sinister smile as he bends down over me, sounding far too much like Hardin. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulls out a small white phone that looks exactly like mine.

"Because I just texted him that you and Steph left" he says, tapping the screen. It lights up to show the exact ocean background I have on my cellphone.

"How did you get -" I begin to ask, before I'm cut off by Dan and Jace's boisterous laughter.

"Oh please, give us some credit ladies! You are wearing God damn bed sheets for Christ's sake. Which of course means you spent most of the night in Ryan's room," Dan says, far too amused by our horror-stricken faces, while Jace pulls a glass bottle of clear liquid from his bag.

"And every girl who comes to one of these damn things puts their stuff in someone's closet for safe keeping. Ryan's too drunk to care who goes in and out, despite whatever his bitch of a girlfriend says. And, since I've been keeping tabs on you for a while, I knew exactly which bag was yours" Dan elaborates, grabbing a beer from Jace's backpack and popping it open, while Jace pours the mysterious clear liquid into two red cups.

"Now, back to business. Let's have a drink" Jace says, opening a beer of his own and clinking glasses with Dan.

"Here you go ladies, drink up" Dan says, handing us each a red cup. The liquid feels warm and looks colorless. It has a distinct smell of rubbing alcohol, and I am almost convinced that's what it has to be.

"I'm not drinking this shit. I know Everclear when I smell it," Steph says setting the cup on the floor. "Don't drink it Tessa, it's like vodka on steroids," she says to me, her voice low.

"I think you will drink it. Because before we left, we planted a few items in Tristan's room. Would be a shame if someone found them" Jace laughs before winking at Steph.

"Please. Don't. I'm telling you we don't know where Hardin put the drugs," she pleads, moving to her knees as she begs.

"We know. But Hardin does. Which is why we need you two ladies liquored up and ready to work with us on getting our stuff back. It will be fun," Dan says, leaning forward to caress my cheek with one, greasy finger.

"Don't touch me!" I yell, disgusted by the mere feeling of his skin on mine.

"Don't yell at me princess. You won't like me when I'm mad," he says back, grabbing me by the back of the head and yanking a fistful of hair into his hand.

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