Chapter 46: Onslaught

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*Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault and Violence*

I am completely naked. Exposed. I can barely keep my eyes open, the adrenaline in my blood fighting a losing battle with the extreme amount of alcohol in my bloodstream.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to smile honey," Dan whispers in my ear, before taking off his own shirt and tossing it next to Steph.

I try to say no, but it comes out as more of a grunt, as his bare chest gets closer to mine. I do not want to look at him. I do not want to be here. I close my eyes out of fear, and mostly exhaustion.

Suddenly, I feel Dan's sweaty hand over my groin. The panic I feel jolts me back to my semi-conscious state and I want to scream but am once again only able to get out a small groan.

"Smile, or I'll find out right now just how wet you are for me" Dan demands, his threat and the smell of smoke on his breath causing me to gag.

His fingers land on my entrance and I decide I can no longer call his bluff.

"Mmmhmm" is all I manage to say, as I attempt to smile.

"Good girl," Dan replies as I hear Jace laugh in the background.

I feel the weight of Dan's body against mine, nearly crushing me as I continue my feeble attempt at a smile. Then, his mouth is on my neck. I try to yell but can barely keep my eyes open.

"These will be great," Jace says coolly, as I see a flash go off. "It looks like she's laughing. No way Hardin won't freak out after seeing these. He'll do anything to get us away from her."

Dan sits up, and the sudden weight off my chest brings a needed relief. Looking over, I see Steph is still passed out, thankfully on her side - I know once the drunkenness wares off we will be in for a world of pain and probably the worst hangover of our lives.

"Take those photos and get out of here. I have some unfinished business," Dan says smiling down at me, while his hand trails down my thigh.

"Dan, I don't think that's a good -" Jace begins.

"I said GO!" Dan screams back, before I hear a rustling of items, footsteps, and the door quickly open and close.

"Now," Dan says, walking towards the door Jace just left, "where were we?" he continues, as I hear the clicking of the door lock.

Dan stands over me, looking at me the way a hunter looks at its prey. I know what is coming next. I had hoped they would take their sick pictures and leave. But no - Dan had another agenda completely.

I see him unbuckle his jeans and slide them off as the tears spill onto my cheeks. I let out a scream, but it only comes out a quiet groan. No one can hear me. No one can stop this.

"This is for my sister," Dan says, before sliding off his boxers and setting them neatly on the bed beside Steph.

"P - please," I somehow squeak out in a jumbled whisper, desperate to stop him.

"Please? Please? Ha!" He yells in my face, the weight of his body crushing me once again. "Do you think Hardin gave my sister the same option when he spread that video of her?"

I blink several times, trying to understand what Dan is saying and trying to stay awake at the same time. What did Hardin do?

"The answer is no. For both of you" he says, before I feel him ram into me, my body screaming out in pain.

I squirm beneath him, trying to get away but barely in control of my own, useless limbs. Every movement Dan makes feels like knives stabbing me repeatedly from the inside.

As another wave of alcohol and inebriation hits my system, I know I won't be able to stop him. Instead, I feel myself go into a different kind of survival mode.

It is as if my brain is shutting off. I stop moving, and simply lie there like the dead body I already am. I no longer feel the pain, instead I feel nothing. I look at the table next to me and focus on the empty beer bottle Jace was drinking out of, anything to remove myself from this horrid situation.

"I bet you like that" Dan says, and I feel his mouth on my breast. Almost immediately my body reacts. The alcohol and disgust overwhelm me, as I throw up directly onto my shoulder, my chest, and Dan's arm.

"You disgusting bitch!" Dan seethes, before yanking the pillow beneath my head and covering my face with it.

I can barely breathe, his hand pushing down hard against the pillow, as he continues his onslaught against my body, pushing into me over and over again.

I am going to die. And I welcome it. Anything to stop the pain I'm feeling now.

I feel my eyes start to close and my body begin to fade. I know I need air, but I can't get any.

In one last vie for life, my body jerks hard. My hand flails and hits something next to me, as I feel a warm liquid release around my legs.

Then, a crash. Dan gets up quickly, and the pressure against the pillow lifts slightly from my face. I can barely see the shards of brown glass on the floor through my vomit matted hair and pillowcase. I must have hit the beer bottle. Still consumed with terror, I close my eyes and await Dan's retaliation.

"Now look what you -" Dan says in a harsh whisper before I hear another noise. A noise so great, it sparks a tiny bit of hope from my destroyed body.

A knock at the door. And a voice.

"Tessa? Steph? You in there?" I hear Zed yell from the other side of the door, as my eyes finally close.

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