Chapter 36: Help

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"Hanya!" I choke out, trying to claw my way to her through the grass as the blood pours from her neck. The ringing in my ears begins to fade, and I'm surrounded by faint sounds of screaming off in the distance. Hanya does not say anything, she merely begins to shake as her face goes pale.

I finally reach her and instinctively cover her deep wound with my hand. Barely visible through the glow of the remaining flames, I see the blood coat my fingers with its shiny dark color, as if black oil had been spilled over it and Hanya's neck.

"Help us! Over here," I hear Steph's familiar voice yell, as I look up quickly to see her limping down the street towards the red and blue lights that are still too far away. Turning my attention back to Hanya, I press against her neck harder and pull her onto my lap, determined to stop the bleeding until someone can get to us. I feel my skin ache as her warm body lays against mine but cannot seem to focus on the pain.

"It's alright Hanya, I hear the ambulance coming," I whisper desperately, trying to calm the fear in her eyes.

"My, my body...hurts. My side..." she stutters, her voice strained and eyes unfocused.

"I know," I say as I begin to cry, the tears burning as they fall from my face and onto her cheek. "Just hold on another minute, I can see the lights from the ambulance," I encourage, cupping her cheek with one hand while I press her wound with the other.

"My ribs...I don't feel good," she says, her voice lower than before as her teeth begin to chatter.

"Let me see," I quickly reply, trying my best to sound brave as the tears continue to flow.

Flipping her over to see her other side, I find the source of her pain. A large piece of plastic or glass is protruding from her rib cage. It must have impaled her during the explosion. Along with it, another pool of thick blood has accumulated under her.

"Oh my gosh," I cry, unsure what to do as I scan the parking lot for anyone to help us. With the flames now dying down, the thick smoke has made it almost impossible to see more than a foot in front of us, and it's getting increasingly harder to breath.

"What?" Hanya asks, her teeth chattering so loudly I can barely hear her.

"There's, there's something in your side. I don't think I should pull it out," I murmur, trying to remember what to do in these medical situations.

"That's not good," Hanya says, her shivers dying down as she gives me a small smile.

"It's fine. You'll be fine," I say, rolling her back and pulling her to my chest. I make sure to avoid the wound on her ribs, while applying as much pressure as I can to her neck.

"It doesn't hurt as much now," Hanya whispers, her shivers completely gone as her breathing shallows. "I feel sleepy," she smiles, her eyes wide and face calm. She seems to be in a daze and cannot manage to hold eye contact with me.

"No, Hanya, don't go to sleep. Please," I urge, bringing my face close to hers. This is not happening. She is okay. She will be okay.

"But I'm tired," she slurs as her eyes begin to flutter.

"No just wait," I yell, hearing voices in the distance. "I hear them! They're coming. They're going to help you!" I shout, as her eyes almost flutter close. "Wake up! Hanya, hold on! We have to go to Spring Fest and you need to find out what Nik was going to ask!" I scream.

"Spring Fest... yeah. We'll have so much fun," she says, straining to open her eyes as her voice fades.

"We will," I cry back, smashing her to my chest as I hear footsteps getting closer.

"We're over here!" I yell towards their sound.

"Maybe... Maybe... Can you ask Nik?" Hanya whispers, coughing between words as her breathing becomes extremely slow and labored.

"NO! You need to ask him. You need to get that promotion you've been talking about, and go to Spring Fest, and plan more dates with Nik and me and Zed." I sob, gasping as the smoke burns my lungs and eyes.

"I don't... think I can..." I hear her barely whisper, as she gasps for air.

"Hello?" I hear a man's voice yell. He is close, he must be able to help.

"We're here!" I scream, as I see his figure come into view.

"Hanya, they're here," I say, turning to look at her. Her eyes are wide and completely expressionless, and her chest is no longer moving.

"Hanya?" I say, a little louder, waiting for her to respond.


"Hanya!" I scream, shaking her violently as I sob into the air.


Her face remains in the same frozen position as her chest.

"No!" I scream, still shaking her, willing her body to respond.

"Hanya, wake up!" I sob, pulling her closer to me, our bodies covered in her warm, thick blood.

I feel hands on my shoulders and look up to see a figure in a bulky clothing behind me.

"Ma'am, we're here to help. We need you to let go of your friend so we can help her," I hear him say as another man runs in from the smoke and kneels next to Hanya. I can tell by their uniforms the man behind me is a fireman and the one next to Hanya a paramedic.

"She was just talking," I say frantically up to him, my body frozen in position. "She's alive still. She's just hurt," I say.

"Okay ma'am," he says, as he begins pulling me back.

"I'll be right here Hanya!" I yell, pulling my legs from under her lifeless body as the fireman helps me up.

"No pulse!" The paramedic yells behind him, as a man with a stretcher appears.

"You need to come with us," the fireman urges, pulling me back.

"No," I answer, trying to stand next to Hanya.

"I can't let you over there," he says sternly, not letting go of my arm.

"I can't leave her!" I yell back, trying to pull myself from him.

"I'm sorry ma'am you need to move," he says, wrapping his arms around me and picking me up.

"No! Hanya! Hanya, I'm sorry!" I half scream half sob, as the fireman drags me away.

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