Chapter 43: Around The World

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My ears are overwhelmed by the loud, thumping bass of music blaring through the speakers as I walk into the Around the World Party. The frat house is filled with people in all different types of costumes and clothes. A group of girls in Italian soccer uniforms take shots next to a few boys in Scottish kilts, while several frat guys in German style lederhosen mix a jungle juice concoction in the overflowing kitchen.

"It's fun right?" Zed asks, looking down at me while rubbing small circles into the back of my hand with his thumb. I let out small laugh, smiling up at him and his practically bare chest, his bed sheets wrapped around his waist, cinching across his chest in a convincing toga style.

I find my own toga surprisingly cute and comfortable, the lilac shade complimenting my gold sandals and headband quite well.

"Hey, look who else decided to go with the toga" Zed smiles, pointing across the beer pong tables in the living room.

I follow is finger and find Steph and Tristan chatting happily next to the keg of cheap beer and stack of red solo cups.

"Hey, Tris!" Zed yells across to room, Tristan instantly looks up and finds Zed's all too excited waving hand.

Steph looks up as well, seeming almost relieved to see me. Though we only just made up the day before, it is nice to have her back in my life again and see all of us happy for once.

We quickly make our way over to them, dodging a rowdy group of people in lumberjack outfits wearing Canadian flags along the way.

"Can you believe how wild this party is already. People went all out this year," Tristan says, wearing the same similar white toga style bedsheet as Zed, looking and pointing around the room.

"Yeah, those people dressed as Canadians are hilarious," Zed answers, nodding towards the group of lumberjacks drinking out of empty syrup containers. Funny, but ridiculous.

"You look great, Tessa," Steph says timidly, craning her head forward slightly.

"Oh, thanks," I say back with a smile, looking at her deep red toga made from what I'm assuming was her old bed sheet from last semester. "You look good too, red is really your color."

"Thanks, I agree," she laughs, pointing to her bright red hair, which tonight is styled down her back in a thick, beautiful braid.

"Well, should we go check out the Greece room and have some wine?" Zed asks.

"Hell, yeah. After you m'ladies," Tristan says, purposely being cheesy and cliché as he outstretches his arm.

"Why thank you, dork," Steph says in an exaggerated, proper accent, as she links arms with me and we head upstairs.

When we finally get to the Greece room, we are greeted by a very drunk, but happy, group of toga wearers. I immediately recognize Tyler, Zed's roommate, and am introduced to a few others named Ryan, Angela, and Sara. I think they are all couples, but Tyler insists he is only friends with Sara – been there done that.

"Who wants a glass of the finest wine Greece has to offer?" Tyler asks, his white toga already stained from what I am assuming was his previous glass of wine.

"Pour it up, bro," Tristan bellows, grabbing the red solo cups behind him as Tyler pours wine from a box. The people of Greece would be sorely disappointed in our college version of fine wine.

Tyler hands us each a very full cup of warm, pink wine. Thankfully, it is overwhelmingly sweet, which masks the cheap taste of the warm liquid.

"You can put your purses in Ryan's closet with the rest of ours," Sara smiles, gesturing towards the closet behind Ryan. "Ryan is going to be in here all night guarding his room and our stuff, so you're more than welcome to put your stuff in there."

"Thanks," Steph says, removing her black bag from her shoulder. "Want me to throw yours in too, or no?" she asks me politely.

"Sure, thanks," I say, handing her my bag, happy not to worry about staining it with wine.

About an hour goes by as people come in and out from the different rooms, excited to grab a cup of wine before we finally run out.

"Hey Zed, help me get another case of boxed wine from my car and some more ice from the basement," Tyler yells over the music, nodding towards the door.

Zed looks at me, his eyes almost asking permission.

"Go ahead, I think the other girls want to check out some more rooms anyways. I'll meet you back here in like 15 minutes?" I ask, leaning into his chest and looking up into his sparkly light brown eyes.

"Alright. 15 minutes. Tops," he says, leaning down and kissing me quickly.

"Tops," I smile back, kissing him once more before he and Tyler head into the hallway.

"Let's go to the Mexico room, I am craving a margarita," Angela states, her voice hoarse from yelling over the loud music.

"That sounds perfect," Steph answers, as our group of four girls leaves Ryan's room and walks to the crowded stairs case.

We head up the stairs, my sandals smacking against the sticky floor with each step. Finally, we reach the top and head to the second room on the left. It is adorned with string lights and Mexican flags, while deafening mariachi music blares from the speakers.

"Hello ladies, welcome to Mexico, care for a margarita?" a drunk guy in a Sombrero, fake mustache, and poncho asks.

"Sure would!" Steph yells, smiling widely at the boy. "And I'm pretty sure your costume is offensive, Jeremy," she says pointedly, grabbing four lime green drinks and handing them to us.

"All in good fun, Stephanie baby," he smiles, before turning to the loud group of girls behind us in American flag dresses and red MAGA hats.

"Now THAT – is offensive" Steph huffs, moving towards the open window in the room, the rest of us following her lead in a fit of giggles.

"These margaritas aren't too bad actually," Sara laughs, finishing her cup and dropping it out the window.

"Sara!" Angela scoffs, "You can't just throw shit out the window."

"Oh whatever, like I'm not the only one," she says, shrugging her shoulder and heading back for another margarita.

"You almost hit those guys down there," Angela points, before following after her.

Grinning widely, Steph leans slightly out of the open window to laugh at the people down below. She is mid laugh when she suddenly goes silent, her face white as a ghost.

"Tessa, we have to go," she says worriedly, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me towards the door.

"What the heck? Why?" I question, still laughing as the mixture of alcohol in my system lightens my mood.

"Come on," she says, her voice cracking as she pulls me roughly out the room.

"Steph, what are you doing?" I ask, pulling back from her as she heads towards the stairs. We are just about to go down the first step and she turns around and pushes me back up.

"What the hell, Steph. Why are you pushing me?" I yell, confused by her weird mood swing.

"Tessa PLEASE," she demands, her face filled with tears, as she turns and yanks me into an empty room down the hall, locking the door behind us.

"What is happening Steph," I say through a strained voice, the sound of rap music and mariachi music combining in a loud raucous behind us.

"I need to tell you the truth," she says, her voice laced with worry as she pushes me into the closet, before closing us in. "The whole truth."

A/N: PLEASE READ MY REVISED STORY DETAILS BEFORE CONTINUING, AS SOME READERS MAY FIND THE NEXT SEVERAL CHAPTERS TRIGGERING. Thanks for all the continued votes, comments, and support - I am SO excited to write the rest of this fanfic!

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