Chapter 15: Groundhog Day

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"What the fuck? Is this Groundhog Day or something?" I hear a voice say behind me.

I open my eyes groggily, squinting as the light coming in from the window blinds me.

"What?" I hear another voice say, this one just inches from my ear. I turn back to see Zed waking up, and notice I'm once again wrapped in his arms.

"So, is this like a thing now?" I look up to see Steph standing in front of me, hands on her hips. Her eyebrows are furrowed in annoyance, eyes opening a bit wider waiting for me to respond.

"Oh, no," I say, "Zed just came over because someone broke your white board. Or it fell... I'm not sure which. Sorry, I meant to tell you." She looks at her bed, eyeing the broken board.

"Mmmmhm," she mumbles, clearly being sarcastic.

"Seriously Steph, I only came to keep Tess company - just in case," Zed says sitting up behind me.

I roll off the bed and eye the clock. It's 6:30am. I can't believe she's here this early. Glancing back at her, I see her eyes are smeared with what used to be her thick black eyeliner. Her cheeks are a bit red as well, as if she's been running or crying.

"What the hell are you doing up so early anyways? This must be some kind of record for you, Steph," Zed says smugly, sliding off the bed.

"Actually, I'd say it's pretty late since I've been up all night," she spits back. "Now can you both leave my room and give me some space." Wow, she's pissed. She opens the door, waiting for us both to leave. Since this is technically her place, I have no choice but to oblige.

"Uh yeah, of course," I say, trying to meet her eyes with a friendly smile. She looks at me briefly but turns her gaze to the floor.

"I'll uh, see you guys around. Bye Tessa," Zed says, shooting me the same cheerful smile he had on all last night, before walking out of the room.

After he leaves, Steph looks at me with a flat expression, tapping her foot.

"Are you alright Steph?" I say, urging her to talk with me instead of throwing me out.

"I'm fine. I don't really want to talk about it," she says, crossing her arms, propping the door open with her foot.

"Oh, alright. Let me just grab my bag and my work clothes. I'll be out in a second." She must be really upset to kick me out like this. Is she mad I'm with Zed? It has to be something else, she was clearly crying before she got here.

I move quickly around the room, grabbing my paper, laptop, and toothbrush. After shoving everything into my bag, I turn to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day. Steph huffs and lets the door slowly close, almost clicking shut.

I peer over to see her sitting on her bed, inspecting the white board. Her eyes flash up at mine and I immediately turn back to continue thumbing through my clothes.

She lets out a deep breath and says, "I just had a rough night. And then I come back to find you and Zed together. I thought you were done messing with my friends?"

I pause, too ashamed to turn and see the irritated face she must be making.

"Zed and I... we're just friends. Really. And I'm done with Hardin," I mutter, peeking over my shoulder at her.

"Yeah well, he doesn't seem done with you. He ruined our morning last week. And it's because you stayed over - with Zed." She tosses her white board on the ground with a thud and takes another deep breath.

I turn completely to her this time, still standing in front of my closet.

"Listen, I can't help how Hardin reacts. I won't go to those parties anymore if it makes it easier for you. I know I drove a wedge between you and the rest of your friends, and I'm sorry. Really."

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