Chapter 21: Washington Terrace

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Zed stands in the doorway, eyes boring into mine. He enters the room and his gaze pierces through me, his lips trembling, and fists clenched. His face looks splotchy, and sweaty, as if he's just gotten done running a marathon.

"Excuse me?" my mother says, irritation lacing her voice.

Zed blinks rapidly, seeming to snap out of whatever trance he was in.

"I'm Zed. Tessa's... friend. I came to see if she's okay," he says, looking at my mother, before quickly returning his gaze to me.

"Friend? What kind of friend drives to the hospital at one in the morning?" she says, raising an eyebrow clearly skeptical. I do not want my mom's opinion on Zed right now.

"He's, uh, he's actually Steph's boyfriend. Right? That's why you came? To see me and get Steph?" I say in quick, jumbled words. I know I shouldn't lie to my mother, but she wouldn't believe me anyways if I said he was just a friend. Hell, I don't even believe myself when I say it anymore.

A line forms between Zed's brows and he squints at me, tilting his head and opening his mouth to speak. He opens and closes his mouth several times before he can form any words.

"....Yeah. I'm, I'm Stephanie's boyfriend. Just thought I'd see how Tessa is doing... before I go home... with my girlfriend...Steph," he says slowly and unconvincingly.

Some how my mother seems to buy it. She finally smiles at him and stands. "I'm Carol, her mother. You guys can catch up while I go make a few phone calls," she says, before walking out of the room.

Who could she be calling at this hour?

"So, I'm Steph's boyfriend, huh?" Zed says, giving me a small smile as he approaches my bed. Leaning down, he places a soft kiss to my forehead and grabs my IV hand, before sitting on the bed with me.

"You don't know my mother. If I told her we were just friends she wouldn't believe me," I say, smiling up at him while he plays with my fingers.

"So, we're just friends then?" he says, looking serious. My eyes go wide as my mouth opens, unsure how to respond. I mean, I guess we aren't just friends, but I'm not sure what we'd be considered anyways.

Before I can say anything, he shoots me a sly smile and laughs to himself.

"Don't mess with me!" I say, slapping at his hand playfully.

"I couldn't help myself. We don't need a label anyways. And if we did, I'd consider us friends with... potential," he says, adorning my favorite smile.

I roll my eyes but can't help smiling back.

"So, what happened?" he asks, his face dropping, looking serious once again.

I tell him everything. From why I was upstairs alone, to how I ended up with this cut on my arm. I see his body tense as I explain each part of my night. When I tell him how the cops didn't believe me and won't go arrest Hardin, Zed shoots up from my bed, the muscles in his arms appearing hard as stone as veins protrude from under his skin.

"I'll kill him," he says, his voice shaking, "I swear. I'm going to find him and I'm going to kill that motherfucker for doing this to you." He begins pacing the room, practically ripping his hair out as he groans with frustration.

"Zed, you can't go find him. He almost killed you last time!" I yell, sitting up in bed. I can't help the way my breathing quickens or how my brain feels out of control, frantic with thoughts of Zed's death. My chest heaves up and down and I struggle to catch my breath.

Zed is back at my bedside, pulling me to his chest. "Okay, okay I won't. Just breathe Tessa. It's alright," he coos, rubbing my arms as if to warm me up.

After a few moments I'm able to slow down my breathing and compose myself. Peeking up at him through the messy hair stuck to my face, I see he's staring off into the distance, face still twisted with anger. When he sees me looking at him, his features immediately soften, and he pulls back slightly to lean against the bed with me.

"I just can't believe he did this. If you would have bled out anymore... or if Steph didn't find you..." he mumbles, rubbing his eyes, trying to hide the tears I saw form just a moment ago.

"But she did find me. And I'm alright. They're pumping me with this brand-new blood, and I'll have a sick scar once I'm healed. Who knows, maybe they even gave me Peter Parker's blood and I'll become Spiderwoman," I say, trying to lighten the mood as I play with his hair.

"That would be ideal," he replies, smiling at me though it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Listen, I know this sucks, but I'm going to be okay. I'm even going to file a restraining order tomorrow morning. And my mom says she's going to help me find a new place, so I don't have to go back to the dorms. He won't know where I live," I say, twirling a long strand of his hair. I can smell his shampoo and cologne, and instantly feel more relaxed, like we really will be okay.

"Well... I still want to kill him," he says. "But I won't!" he shouts, cutting me off before I can protest.

"Instead, I'll just have to keep seeing you," he smiles, kissing my nose and running a hand up my good arm. His touch leaves behind a warm, tingly sensation, giving me goosebumps.

"I'd like that very much," I say, leaning in, eyes entranced on his pink lips.

Our eyes close as I melt into his kiss. His thumb brushes against my cheek as I grab onto his wrist. I press myself into him, and his tongue grazes mine. Our kiss deepens, and my body urns to be with his.

I feel him smiling against my lips and he pulls back. "Wouldn't want your mom to catch us like this," he says out of breath. "You know, you being a homewrecker for me and Steph and all," he smiles, tapping the tip of my nose with his pointer finger.

Ugh, why did I have to make that story up? At the time it seemed good, but now I just want to be in Zed's arms whether my mother likes it or not.

"I think it's for the best right now," he says. "Don't want to overwhelm your mom after such a horrible night," he continues, eyes lowering as sadness spreads throughout his face.

He is right, though. The last thing I need is my mother stressing me out about Zed, the only good, consistent person I have in my life right now.

"I know," I whine as he pulls away and sits in the chair.

"I'll make it up to you when you get out of this place," he teases, biting his lip and raising his eyebrows.

I feel my cheeks go red and my ears burn. I'm slightly embarrassed at how obvious it is I want to be with him, or on him, or...

Just then the door opens, and my mother marches in, a proud expression on her face.

"Well, I found you a place. It's a nicer apartment building slightly off campus, but it has way better security than anything the dorms were offering. You'd think this university would care more about their student's safety with how much they charge for tuition," she says, eyes narrowing in annoyance.

"That's great mom, what's the place called?" I reply, anxiously wanting to know where I'll be living for the rest of the semester.

"It's a place called Washington Terrace. I can send you the link. The landlord was very helpful, even though he wasn't happy I woke him up by calling the emergency line. But if you ask me, this qualifies as an emergency," she rambles.

Washington Terrace? Where have I heard that name before?

Just then, it dawns on me. My eyes dart to Zed's, who's looking back at me with a smile so wide I could practically see my reflection in his perfect teeth. Oh yeah, that's Zed's building.

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