Chapter 2: The Phone Call

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"Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Hi, Tessa. I'm so sorry to hear about Hardin." Christian sounds sincerely concerned, but a little hesitant for some reason.

I let out a small cry, trying to compose myself to answer, though finding it difficult after my talk with Zed. "I know... it's a mess. I can't believe Hardin is in this much trouble. I don't even know how to help him anymore. But I promise this won't get in the way of my move to Seattle." I try to answer as professionally as I can but fear it still comes out as weepy and pathetic.

I hear voices whispering in the background and a sigh.

"Tessa?" It's Kimberly on the phone now, my boss's fiance and my coworker, and most importantly my friend. I can tell she's been crying, too.

"Kim," I cry into the phone, "I can't believe this is happening." It's nice to hear a true friend on the other line and to have someone to cry to who isn't as deep into this shit situation as me. An outside perspective.

"I know. I can't imagine. This is just awful. How could he do that? How can he keep doing things like this?" I know she doesn't expect me to actually answer, not that I could if I wanted. I still have no idea why either.

She continues, "Are you okay? I would come see you but we can't get anyone to watch Smith, and with us needing to find someone for Seattle -"

She stops talking and I hear the phone ripped from her hands.

"Hello? What about finding someone for Seattle?" I say frantically into the phone. We already have a full team for Seattle. In two weeks, I'm moving to start over with Vance publishing. I'm finally getting a chance to start over after all this Hardin drama. I need this.

"Tessa." It's Christian again. He sounds almost curt, and very matter of fact when he says my name.

"...yes?" I say uneasily.

"That's actually why I called you. It's about Seattle. Well, it's about your position at Vance Publishing." I hear Kimberly crying in the background.

Oh no. No. Please

"I'm ready," I say through shaking breaths, "I'm ready for Seattle. This is my dream job. I promise not to involve Hardin in this. I promise I won't ever let him step foot into the office if that's what it takes."

I hear him suck in a deep breath and let it out. Please no.

"Tessa. That's the problem. You know me and Kimberly care very much for you. But Hardin has been a part of my life for years. His family means a lot to us. His...father is my best friend. And we can't keep doing this back and forth. I need to stay loyal to his family. I consider Hardin family more than you'll ever understand."

What? What does that even mean? Is he... is he firing me?

"Christian," I reply pointedly, "are you letting me go?"

He's silent for a moment.

"Yes. I'm sorry"

I feel my ears start to ring and my vision blur. I sit down on the bench outside of the hospital to steady myself.

"Why? I didn't do anything. Hardin did this!" I nearly scream into the phone. A family walking by gives me a uneasy look, pulling their small child closer to their side and I feel my cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"Tessa believe me I didn't want to do this. But his family asked that we keep some distance between us. Between you and him."

"Are you KIDDING ME?" This time I am screaming into the phone.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not. I'll give you any letter of recommendation or reference you could ever need. You're an amazing employee with a bright future. I'm sorry." Before I can give him a piece of my mind, I hear the line click and the call ends.

I can't believe this. In a day my entire life has been turned upside down - ruined actually. Hardin has ruined me once again, just like he always promised.

Maybe Zed was right. Maybe the love I feel from Hardin isn't love at all.

Hardin has been trying to control me from the beginning. He has manipulated me away from Noah and Zed. I barely have any friends at school and it's because I've been too busy running after Hardin, or he's scared them off. He's stolen my dream internship because he couldn't control his temper and now his family wants me out. Wait, did Landon have any say in this?

I quickly find his contact in my phone and call him. He picks up on the first ring.

"Tessa! I'm so sorry."

"Landon! Did you know? Did you know your family made Christian fire me from Vance Publishing?" I cry into the phone, sounding desperate and manic.

"Tessa, can we talk about this in person? Please. Come here as soon as you can, we won't have much time."

"What do you mean?" I say back, but the line is already dead.

I quickly put my phone in my pocket and race to my car. What does he mean we wouldn't have much time?

Author's Note: Hey! More Zessa/Hessa content to come I swear! Thanks for reading!

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