Chapter 2: Kitchen Encounter

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𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

"running to her room" the last thing I said previously. That's what I thought was gonna happened before everyone in class ruins it. I read too much romance novel to know what's gonna happened next but screw everyone for being such a cockblocker. I can hear that stupid raccoon screams at the top of her lungs seeing the two of us entering dorms as pink cheeks giving a quick hug to me.

"Oh mY Aliens did you guys just walked home together and hug aaaaahhhhh so cute!" that raccoon eyes screamed. Her screams are so irritating to hear. What's worse is that everyone's eyes is fell on the two of us. "Oh Bakugo you are dating Uraraka now? what a surprising turn of event although I see why she might be your type both of you seem to have Beauty and the Beast dynamic" Icy hot said while he analyze me and Pink cheeks like he's some sort of robot.

"Wow congratulations both of you for dating, looks like we aren't the only one that's dating right Todoroki-san?" Yaoyorozu said. "ShuT tHE f*CK uP ponY taiL b*tch!". "So Bakugo how far have you went with her huh? the devil's. tango yet? hmm?" the tiny grape asked "You would be the last one to know if I've done it or no".I honestly don't mind going out with pink cheeks or even when is everyone being so f*cking loud and annoying when some romantic sh*t happened but what I don't like is seeing Uraraka being uncomfortable with that is enough to slap me in the face the fact that she obviously likes Deku.

"Hey guys I made dinner for 20! oh hey Bakugo, Uraraka great you're here!  But I guess I assume you both have eat your dinner" Diabetes said. "oh great! you made food for 20 luckily I haven't eat anything Sato-kun" Pink cheeks said. "Oi Diabetes what do you mean we have eat our dinner?" I asked "Oh aren't you guys on like a date?" He questioned my question. I just glared at him in annoyance and said no. I walked away leaving the common room to my dorm room so I can sink to my bed.

𝙊𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙘𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑 

I thought arriving at the dorm would only be the two of us there so my body took actions too early before my mind says so. I gave Bakugo a really quick hug and I haven't really hug anyone for so long. He felt really warm and as silly as it sounds he smells really sweet, like caramel. the last thing I remember from the hug was his scent before I heard Mina screeching at the top of her lungs and shipping the both of us.

Mina approached me and start asking me some random questions about Me and Bakugo. There is literally nothing, nothing happened right? "So..... what's Baku and your ship name huh?" Mina asked me with that smirk of hers. Jirou out of nowhere approached us "What about Bakuraka?" she raised her brow. "What about uhh... Kacchan, Ochaco, Kacchako! not bad eh?" Kaminari said while following Jirou from the back. "w-wha- I actually that's not bad" Jirou said with a surprised face. "Kacchako it is then!" Mina yelled. 

"Minaaaaa he's only helping me to get to the dorms cause I forgot my umbrella" "Seems like you left it on purpose" Mina teased. I always got tired of Mina's teasing sometimes so I would stop saying something till she stops. Suddenly Sato called out to us while coming out of the kitchen. He thought Bakugou and I were out on a date but at least he was nice enough to offer us food he made for us all too eat together. It took me 1.5 second to say a really loud yes. 

Sato is one of the nicest and most generous guy in class. He's the type of person that would most likely share a house of gold and ask for nothing in return. He offered Bakugo nicely even after Bakugo called him Diabetes but what annoys me is that Bakugo denies his offer and became a party pooper. I know and I'm sure Baku has a soft heart but I'm not expecting everything to change for everyone just because he's nice to me. 

As I took my seat in one of the couch after taking my food everyone was chattering. Out of nowhere Mina stood at the table "Attention everyone! I have an announcement to make! he have a new couple here in UA High of class 1-A They are Kacchako!". "Mina what the heck are you saying?!" I snapped at her. I could see Deku's face looking uncomfortable at the situation and I couldn't even see Deku in the eye thinking that I like Bakugo.

I walked back to my room just with a lot of things in my mind. I only can see Deku's face and Baku's grin. I want to keep Deku on my mind but I kept recalling Bakugo's sweet caramel scent and the thought of Deku just kept drifting away from my mind. Sure Bakugo is attractive as hell but Deku is the sweet one. He's always been supportive and always on my side and having Bakugo stuck on my mind just felt wrong.


As Uraraka fell a sleep for a very short time she woke up from a dream where she falls to a pit. She couldn't sleep afterwards so she decided to go to the kitchen to grab some milk. As she opened the fridge looking for the milk she felt someone's present sitting on the kitchen counter. she turned on the kitchen light to find a sleepy looking blonde eating bell peppers grunting in his pajama pants shirtless . 

She flinched and gasped at the sight she saw. "At least ask first who's there and ask if you can turn the lights on my eyes f*cking hurt" He said. "What are you doing this late anyways?" She asked. "I can't sleep" he replied. He grabbed the carton of milk from her hand and drink it directly from the carton. " h-Hey don't drink it from there dumba*s it's frickin gross" She told him. "You have the audacity to say dumba*s but not f*ck? how innocent. My mouth is f*cking dry shut up and lemme drink the milk peacefully" he said. "Gimme it!" she said while trying to reach the milk that he held above his head.

While Uraraka tried to grab the milk from him they both tripped and fell on the floor leaving Uraraka lying on top of Bakugo. the situation left them both blushing like crazy from the awkwardness. They thought their situation is bad enough that it couldn't be any worse but that was until Izuku Midoriya walked into the kitchen to find them lying on top of each other. "Whoopsies I uh haha walked into the wrong time didn't I?" Jealousy washing over Midoriya's face. 

Uraraka felt embarrassed and said "I-ah Deku-kun It's not what it looks like! seriously!" she tried to cover her face while still being on top of Bakugo. "Well it's not what it looks like until you walked in, like what you see huh Deku?" Bakugo mocked Midoriya with a grin. "I have to go" Midoriya said with a low voice and you can almost hear his dissapointment

"Great f*cking job Bakugo now I have to apologize to him and explain the whole situation so that b*cth Mina doesn't find out about what just happened" Uraraka said while getting up from where she fall onto. "Wow our Miss Uraraka Ochaco isn't so innocent after all" Bakugo teased her. "Anyways I'm gonna go back to my spiritual vacation good luck explaining to Deku" Baku said as he left the  kitchen leaving Uraraka with the Milk.

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