Chapter 5: Infirmary Session

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𝙊𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙘𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

Welp hugging Bakugo was awkward. But it doesn't matter anymore right? hahahahahah it's just for winning purpose not like anything else. Ugh this day better end soon. 

"That was a tie between team A and C. For all 10 students of team A and C you all are awaited in the infirmary by recovery girl for check ups. There is a live cam that lets you spectate your friend airing on the Infirmary tv. Now leave the gym" Aizawa ordered us to leave the gym.

We all walked out of the gym Deku gave me a pat on the back "that was great Uraraka-san keep it up!" he smiled as we all exit the gym. Sero surprisingly approached me while walking to the infirmary. "Hey hey hey Ura-chaco chan excellent work out there" "haha thanks Sero-kun but I'm sure I could do better especially with my work studies done". 

"Uhh yeah about that I really want to apologize  for making you go against Bakugo but if it's not you then we all would've lost. I know you'll probably question my leadership at this point I'm really sorry" Sero apologize. "Hey now Sero don't ever say that about yourself. And about Bakugo it's alright thank you for trusting me facing him" I gave him a nod and smile. 

"you know Ura if you gave him a lil more time maybe he'll open up to you. He's not so bad of a guy you know. He's actually somehow caring in his own way which is bizarre" Sero told me.

We all got to the Infirmary just checking up and waiting for our turn. It took us a lil long to get our checkups since Tsu was hurt pretty bad and we also have to wait for Kaminari's brain to go normal.

It took forever waiting but I guess it's probably a great quality time I could spend with everyone else. We all sat Inside the cold infirmary on a very comfy couch from all the sweaty trainings.

 Not long after the two students have recovered the other teams arrived at the infirmary. I didn't know training was that fast today but I guess it's alright.

We all did our checkup and thanked recovery for it. Deku showed up to me and we just talked like usual.

"Alright students I will taking Mic's lesson for this session. Principal Nezu personally informed me to have this session. We will just be having reflection with your opponent or your friends. Learn their movements and techniques, their flaws, their strength. That's how you'll be able to use it on the real battle field someday. the activity will be done in the UA's bonsai garden by lily pond you all are expected to be there in 15 minutes see you there." Aizawa explained to us

We all got there and met our guest teacher who will be helping us lighten the weight on our shoulders. As we all enter the garden we saw a fair skinned, average height, sea green colored hair. She had a well toned curve body, she wore a headband, green and orange stripped yoga pants, Black tanks, and a pair of smiley face ornament earrings. 

She looks like one of the famous pro hero, In fact very familiar. But she looked very relaxed from the back


"Alright Emi you can do your stupid introduction now." Aizawa told the green haired pro hero. "Hey kids good to see you again! do ya miss me?" The green haired lady turned around flipping her hair in a pony tail. "Miss Joke!" Everyone said "It's really good to see you again ma'am" Momo said. "Aww don't be stiff like your dad kids*points at Aizawa*  let's do a group hug!"

Everyone approaching her except for Bakugo and Aizawa. "Awe man I wanna get the front row so I can feel her Boob-" Tsu slapped Mineta before he could finish his sentence. They all gathered in a group hug and separated. 

Miss Joke then glanced at Aizawa who's also looking at her shaking his head as she walked over to him. "Joke no-"  Before he could finish his sentence she gave him a hug and used her quirk on him. Aizawa laugh hysterically from her quirk. "Aww look at my stiff Eraser. You're always worth the tease". Aizawa raised his hair and had glowing eyes to stop her quirk use. "I said no" He erases her quirk for a second for her to let him go.

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