Chapter 16: Study Date<3

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Ochaco's POV

That night after the mall I just try to cry myself to sleep. It didn't even work. I don't even feel like crying. I just want to sleep. I tried ignoring text and calls but it just bugs my head. Again like I said I just wanna sleep peacefully tonight so I'll clear everything up before my sleep. Well everything except Mina and Setsuna's bullsh*t.

I dared my self to open my phone and got a text from Kyoka and Sero. I opened Jirou's first cause we can save Sero for later.

Text POV
Hey Ochaco I'm sorry for what happened today with Mina.
I tried not picking sides cause I know there's something
Wrong with you and well... Midoriya
Mina could be careless most of the time but trust me
I'll be willing to help you at least talk to me tomorrow.
Just please take a rest now and we'll discuss everything
Love, Kyo

Thank Kyo ttyl <3

*Sigh* now it's time to open Sero's text

Yo Ura-chaco?
Do you want to talk?

Hi Sero
I'm feeling a lot better now sorry for ignoring you back there

Nah don't mention it
I get it Mina is pain in the a*s sometimes



I don't feel like texting rn

Ooh snap aight sorry for bothering 😬

No don't leave I'm not finished talking yet, we could talk on the phone instead
Are you down with that?

BruH my heart just dropped to my butt
That scared me
And yessss ofc we can call anytime u want UwU

Ochaco's POV

We had the most heart warming calls last night. It was hilarious and kind of emotional at some point. Though the rest is quite light hearted talks. I am a terrible liar when it comes to secrets. I can't keep my mouth shut when it comes to talking about Deku. I had to tell him that Deku topics bother me and that's why I snapped at Mina.

I'd say the most wholesome night I've had in the longest time.

*Skip to Wednesday*

Nothing much happened besides dealing with Mina and Setsuna's staring is really a bother to me. I managed to keep myself together talking to Kyoka. She brought Tsu along the talk even though she has nothing with it.

Sero was really nice to snuck a store bought marshmallow stuffed cookies since I talked about how much I crave that and ice creams last night. He slipped a letter with the cookie that said

"I was gonna get Ice cream but thought it would either melt or you can't eat that in the morning. Anywaysss... Don't cry over Midoriya there's so much better guys out there. Or you can just feel free to call me if you need help (or ask me out hehehe jk).
Have a nice day UwU

~Sero Han,"

Well that was sweet of him. That... sorta made me well... blush

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