Chapter 14: Shop shop shop

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Ochaco's POV

I followed Sero and walked close to him all the way to to bus stop. We all took our seats and mine and Sero's happened to be right across Bakugo and Setsuna. It was probably the most awkward stare off. We just wave at each other every 5 seconds. Setsuna casually leaning against Bakugo every then and so.

The bus arrives at the mall and we all enter the mall together. "So guys, the girls will go shopping for some swimsuits and you boys can get anything you need. We'll meet again here in a couple of hours. Approximately 2 hours" Setsuna said. "Pfft that's an awfully long time to shop" Sero laughed. "Hey hey bro that's alright I'd rather let girls shop for 2 hours than making them regret their choice for rushing. Cause their whines make me brain dead" Kaminari said.

"Yes thank you Denkichu!" Mina said. Then the girls and I start drifting off to the swimsuit's section. Mina then scoots closer to me "who does this Setsuna thinks she is? She's not even above us but she's acting as if she's the boss here" she whispered. Looking at Jirou who's walking side by side with Setsuna chatting kind of making me feel jealous how Setsuna gets along with everyone so easily.

We got into the swimsuit section and started selecting our own for the beach trip. I didn't got the new one since the old one works well. I saw Setsuna brought a pretty swimsuit to the dressing room.

I knew it was gonna look good on her anyways. My self confidence just decreases by 10% percent knowing that. She got out of the room with the two piece swimsuit. "That looks good on you" Jirou said.

"I think it looks fine" Mina said grumpily. "It looks nice though I didn't think you even have to try it if it fits you or not. You look nice anyways" I said.

"Aww thanks Uraraka chan" She said. I smiled awkwardly trying to stretch my face forcefully trying to actually enjoy it.

"Aight you guys go ahead enjoy the view imma find a pair of swimsuit that looks cute"

Mina's POV

"Let's go find a pair for you Mina!" Setsuna said. Who does this b*tch thinks she is? Does she thinks she's even worth to call me by my first name?

Just because she's a recomended student doesn't mean her ranks are top tier. She's only in class b anyways.

She kept tailing me in any ways trying to get close. She gave me some options of swimsuits that looks pretty okay actually. "Ugh I could never pull off the look on these.

I think you would fit really good in these Mina! Your perfectly toned body and those abs gurl! This would show them off real sexy on these"

She held up a pair of bikini on my face. You know what I think she's right. Maybe I would look cute with these on.

It's like she knows what I wanted. So we hurried to the dressing room and tried these on.

It's kinda tight on the back but overall it looks really sick. "Sooo.... girls what do you think?" I asked. "Yessss wear that for the beach camp next week" Jirou said. "See I told you, you would look cute on those" Setsuna said. "Aww thanks girls." Then I looked over too Ochaco who has been staring at her phone screen for a long time.

"Ochaco?" I asked her. "Oh yea-yeah! It looks really good" She said. She seems pretty different. Well like not really in the mood to.

Ochaco's POV

I'm really tired. I can't even focus on what everyone was doing and what everyone is saying. I think Mina got disappointed when I didn't paid a good attention. We got out of the swim wears and just drift around the snack section. Mina was really mean to Setsuna the first moment next thing you know they become really close.

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