Chapter 1: Thanks...I guess?

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𝙊𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙘𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

"Here you go Uraraka-san thanks for lending me your cute pen"  Deku said as he stood in front of my desk with a smile and a hint of blush washing over his cheeks. "No problem Deku-kun" I smiled back at him. I don't know what is it about him that makes me feel so warm inside every time he looks at me and give me that bright smile of his.

 "You now Uraraka-san speaking of which this pen kind of looks like you all cute and everything" he replied. I'm not sure how am I supposed to react to that. I can feel my face flush into the color a tomato.  tried to laugh it off while Mina overheard us. She giggled and teased me being with Deku.

"oooooh Ochaco and Midoriya sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Mina teased us. I couldn't hold back my reaction so I covered my face with my hand and screech Internally. Suddenly I heard a grunt from seat number 17 "Get a f*cking room you damn nerds!" he yelled at the three of us.

"What's wrong Mister dynamite pissed for not having a girlfriend like her? don't be jealous of Midoriya cause she liked him instead of you boo!" Mina teased Bakugo that drove him mad. "MINAAA I'M NOT DEKU'S GIRLFRIENDDD!" I screamed that outloud while trying hold back my blush which I wish was a real thing. "Ashido-san please it's not like that at all" Deku blushed and looked away.

"Shut up raccoon! besides if I want a girlfriend like her, I can get one" Bakugo said with a grunt. "Well she's not Midoriya's girlfriend why don't you try to get her right here, right now huh?" Mina replied to him. "I don't want to and I have standards" He walked away from the conversation.

Mina gasped "Rude! you should never say that to a girl especially to someone as pretty and cute as Ochaco". "I'm so sorry Uraraka-san Kacchan is always like this" Deku said to me while he and Mina patted my back. "It's okay you don't have to worry about it guys" I told them.

"EVERYONE PLEASE RETURN TO YOUR SEATS THE CLASS IS ABOUT TO START CHATTERING IS NOT A GOOD WAY TO RESEMBLE THE UA ACADEMY STUUDENTS" Iida screamed at the top of his lungs taking over the class and commanding everyone to sit nicely. "Hey aren't you the only one who's standing and speaking?" Sero teasing him. "He's right what a disrespectful manner for me to do such thing" Iida mutter to himself.

Aizawa sensei gave us that icy glare "Took you all 8 seconds to be quiet. what an Irrational way to make this class quiet". Well it was kind of hard to make sense of the things we just talked about. the first moment Bakugo said if he want someone like me he could get one and the next thing happened he just called me not his standard. "Ehemm Uraraka, are you paying attention?" Aizawa sensei snapped me out of my mind and the lesson just goes on.

𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

That stupid Raccoon eyes wouldn't stop teasing me all day just because I told Deku and Pink cheeks to get a room. It's not like I Like her or anything. That would sound like desperate trying to get her attention from Deku. Just a stupid thought that crossed my mind ughhh just because of that Raccoon eyes I have been thinking of it all day.

 I think I might have insulted pink cheeks by saying she's not my standard ugh what an idiot what was I thinking. I didn't mean to say that. Besides she knows I'm the bad person anyways that doesn't matter for now. As long as it's just mutual she wouldn't care at all. 

School felt like forever today which is basically hell for me. I walked out of class leaving pink cheeks and Deku there by themselves. It's so awkward and frustrating to see and hear them flirt with each other for hours and hours. If I we're him I would gather my courage to ask her out directly and not leave her waiting for what seems to be eternity. 

A Rainy Day~ ((Kacchako/Bakugo x Uraraka fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now