Chapter 6: Sorry for coming back

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𝙊𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙘𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

"I uh-whaT?" What took me so long. What on earth was that question? "Firstly it's hard to wash my hair, second I have to dry my hair, third why are you asking and waiting?" I asked. "Well in case you didn't notice you left your goddamn pink socks in the garden and I got your new jacket already. How the hell am I supposed to give it to you later when your with Deku huh? I'm not gonna get more 'DeKu cRiEs cause I'm around.' " He said returning my socks and giving my new jacket and walks to the cafeteria.

I followed him behind. "How did you got these so fast?" "Oh I'm not, on the other hand you were taking so long" He said. "humph rude!.

We go separate ways  once we arrived at the cafeteria. I went to take a seat with the girls and he went with Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari. As usual Mina is always a big tease when it comes to crushes.

"So...Is it Baku or Midoriya huh?" she bumps her elbow. "Mina I'm not choosing" "Oh yea of course! you don't have to choose heehee. Just wait who will take you out first" she winked. "like on a date or with a sniper gun?" "I don't know its a surprise" She laughed it off. 

(Get the Shane and Ryan's Buzzfeed unsolved reference? no? well sicK)

I got tired of Mina's teasing. I know she's just being playful and wanting me to be with someone since she's off with Kirishima. Since Kirishima said that he got into UA becoming a hero to impress a girl from middle school and wow *sarcastic speaking* whO wOuLd've tHoughT it would be miNA? I didn't really want to get involved in all the romantic craps happening. 

If Deku would wait till he becomes a great Hero and I'll be willing to wait that long. I finished my lunch early and walked out of the cafeteria. W-what is this feeling in my stomach? I don't feel really good. Eughhhhh it's stomach ache heck!.

How did I even got a stomach ache? I didn't even eat anything spicy or sour! I even had a pretty balanced lunch. My period? I had it this month. I rushed to the toilet and locked the stall. I sat there and squeezing my stomach hoping the ache would ease. 

Sitting is here is no use. I tried to throw everything out but my stomach still hurts. I got out of the stall sweating from all the pains on my tummy. I saw some weird toilets sticking to the walls outside the stalls. That's when I realized I screw up. 

I am in the boys toilet.... grEat f*cking job Ochaco. I noticed someone else was in the stall when they flushed the toilet. I had to hide. I can't really think of a place with my stupid stomach ache kicking me real bad. They unlocked the stall door and opened it.

Heck, It's too late. That's when I saw the hedgehog blonde looking at me in disgust. I stood there looking absolutely mortified and can feel the color draining from my face. "Oi round face what the hell? Why are you invading the boys privacy huh? I never thought you were such a pervert, more perverted than me, maybe even more than that midget" 

He laughed at me. "Look Bakugo I had a really bad stomach ache after lunch and my head is really light and didn't see the sign" "Yea I know you had a stomach ache. I can hear you sh*t violently there" He said poking at my shoulder. "W-what?!" I blushed and hid my face under my wet hands that I just washed. 

"I'm just messing with you. But I did heard your moan and pant" He said. "That didn't sound right when you said it". "Where the hell is your mind going pervert?" He said 


"So what now? You want me to carry you to the infirmary like a princess?" He asked. "No! of course I can walk by my self is just that please stop teasing me okay?" 

I walked out of the boys toilet. I left Bakugo washing his hands. Then I walked to the nurse office.

Am I having a fever? what on earth is happening? I feel very tired and my head is light. I don't really think like I'm even walking straight.

leaned to the hall wall feeling very nauseas and tried to hold it back

"Oi can you walk straight?" I can hear Bakugo yelling at me.

Somehow he walked past me again I don't know why though.

I didn't really remember much before he ducked to help me out I- uh 

Puked on him.....

Surprisingly he didn't say anything much but just some grunting. after that he walked me to the infirmary. 

"Can't you walk any faster cheeks?" He asked. I can't really say anything but let out a small sound. He nodded and carried me there

He kicked open and burst into the infirmary door. That's probably the last thing I remember.

𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

F*cker just had the audacity to puke on my damn uniform. Why do I have to encounter sh*t at the exact moment I don't want to.

It would be unmanly though if I left her behind. why the hell am I even thinking like Sh*t hair now?

She took too long to walk and I'd miss class. So I swoop her off her feet and carried her to the nurse office, Kicked the door open and tossed her in the infirmary bed.

"Did she puke on your uniform?" recovery girl asked me. "Yeah how do I get to class with this?" "There is some spare uniform go change behind the curtains" she said. I directly go behind the curtains and took of the upper part of my uniform  and realized I forgot to ask where is the spare uniform in. 

"hey old lady where the f*ck is the spare uniform?" "Ehem Language!" she yelled. "Oh I'm sorRY maY I aSceRtaiN tHe whEreAbouTs of tHe spare f*cKing UNIFORM?!". "It's in the cabinet" she said. F*ck the cabinet is on the other side of the room.

"You young kids are really   sensitive nowadays. I am impressed how you convinced the beautiful sweet fragile young girl being with a strong hot headed like you" she said. "Pfft that airhead is a tough weapon, anyone would be lucky to have her on their team" 

"Ahh young love and affections, it all reminds me of the good ole days" Recovery girl said. "Love?! NO ONE IS IN LOVE IN THE FIRST PLACE YA OLD F*CK!" 

"shhh Nurse office isn't a place to chit chat. Go back to class and let the girl rest here!" she pushed me out of the infirmary.



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