Chapter 22: Can I talk to You? Again?

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Normal POV

With Bakugo and Tokage being separated things are more settled and less pressure between them. Even though the sensual tension between them is incredibly awkward but at the least they are still comfortable with each other's company.

Do they like the night after splitting up? Probably not. Did they cried? Nope they convinced one another and made a promise not to overthink it or cry about it. Even though making a sense of everything that happened that night was a bit hard.

The next morning which is Friday, or everyone's favorite day. It was a pretty peaceful morning. With Bakugo walking to school by himself a lot of people approached him asking how he was feeling.

Crowd isn't something that Bakugo likes the most, especially in the morning so obviously it set him off.

Walking to school peacefully is all he ever asked for.

While starring at the stupid flowers on the side of the road, He heard some familiar laughs from the distance. Oh how he missed that annoying high pitched laugh and her round cheeks.

She was at the school entrance which is somewhere he has to pass by. It's a bit of pressure to greet or even just interact a single bit with someone who you piss off from talking about lovey dovey stuff and she also happened to be his savior.

He decided to walk passed her and Tsuyu and try to ignore anything they said.

"Bakugo how are you" You expected Uraraka to ask but instead it was Tsuyu who asked. "Not now Tsu it's still early. Maybe sometimes later today" Uraraka said. Bakugo only looked over his shoulder and scoffs then continued walking.

The day at school wasn't much besides a general health check up and another quirk training. It's incredible how Bakugo managed to push his limits on his explosion even on the first day after recovering. He even got another top score for today's training making Todoroki on the second and Midoriya.

The rivalry between the three is always funny how they stick together even when one of them dropped, the other two will drop to the nearest score too.

Once lunch break is around the corner Uraraka once again was early to the caffeteria because she was starving.

The seats that she usually sits on with the girls are still pretty empty so she decided to eat first while they're all still in line.

Bakugo who walked pass her looked down on her. he stood there quietly making Uraraka confused.

She grabbed a paper towel because the way he looks at her makes her think that there are food stains on her face. "What? is there anything on my face?" "No... Is the seat taken?" He asked.

"Oh no no go ahead take a seat! I thought you never asked" She said in a mouth full of foods. "So how have you been?" She asked. "It's all good now" He said. "are you sure you wanna talk about what happened with this much people in the caffeteria?" She asked. "It's crowded no one can hear sh*t here" He answered.

"Ah right, silly me. So... how's your forehead?" She asked.

Bakugo: N O

Uraraka: Wha- Why? I thought I saw it bleeding last time.

Bakugo: Are you serious? the first thing you asked is about my forehead?

Uraraka: Hey c'mon it's okay lemme see it.

She stood up and pushed his bangs back to reveal his scarred forehead.

He slaps her hand away from his forehead and fixed his hair again

Bakugo: B*tch what the hell?

Uraraka: Does it hurt? It looks pretty bad

Bakugo: it doesn't. They can't fix it okay?

Uraraka: Bakugo a-are you? Inse-

Bakugo: Insecure? Yes of course I am. The sh*t looks so ugly on my forehead. If only it's a cool scar like from a cut or from a broken bone I don't mind. But that sh*t looks like a pimple scar it's so ugly.

Uraraka: *laughs*

Bakugo: what are you even laughing for? Nothings funny

Uraraka: Haha I just really missed the old days where you would start ranting and I'm glad that you're back. You have no idea how scared I was when thinking about your condition at that time.

Bakugo: tch forget that. I'm back to usual now. Let's talk about you

Uraraka: oh me? Haha everything's been okay lately and I had a great time

Bakugo: great time? Oh sure you did when you made out with tape face right in front of my funeral

Uraraka: yeah haha- wait WHAT?!

Bakugo: oh was I hallucinating?

Uraraka: wait so you're telling ke that you're awake this whole time????

Bakugo: Yeah no sh*t I did. I wished that I die before seing y'all making out. The cringe made me lose my hairline pfft anyways it was fun talking to you again cheeks. I have to meet Aizawa now and oh yeah last thing. Thanks for saving my a*s back there and sorry for pissing you off that night.

Uraraka: Hmph don't mention it. It's what heroes do.

Bakugo: Yeeerr right... Kay bye talk to you later

Uraraka: Later Baku! Good luck!

He then walked towards the cafeteria door and bumped into Tokage. 

Of course somewhere deep down Uraraka still has jealousy for her. But little did she knows about their split. 

Bakugo's POV

"Hitting on her so early huh? How'd go?" Setsuna asked. "You know I can't move on from you so easily do you? I just thanked her and nothing else... yet. And I bet you already start hooking up with that eye bags" 

"How much do you wanna bet?" She asked. "My lunch money" 

"Nah I was kidding. Don't actually give me your lunch money. I actually haven't plan on being with anyone now so I guess I like it this way for now" She said. "No I'm serious I already bet on my money. Or how about I treat you to the movies this weekend?" "Sounds good"

Uraraka's POV

When can I be like her? When is my chance to be in that place?


(yk if I had to be honest I can't wait to just make Uraraka and Baku become a thing in this book)

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