Chapter 15: Just Bus Drama

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Warning ⚠️: Some Drama will happen 😳

Ochaco's POV

Today is Thursday. It's been two days after that shopping thing. I thought as soon as we got back to the dorm everything would get better.

I guess I got a bit pissed when Mina and Setsuna got along pretty well. I thought she was on my side but the conflicted feeling is just too much to bare. I get that I should be happy that Baku is happy with Setsuna. And I have my own romance life and a small relationship with Sero.

But everyone can't just expect me to move on from everything in a matter of hours. I need a couple of days to get used to everything.

*Bus ride Flashback*

Mina and Setsuna are always talking all the way home. I can't really talk to Jirou since she's always on her phone listening to musics even though I sat next to her. So I just enjoyed the Ice cream Bakugo gave me.

I ate the ice cream but instead I took a bite out of the ice cream. Usually my teeth would hurt or I would get brain freeze but for some reason I don't really feel any. I quite enjoyed it, for now at least.

"Where'd you get the ice cream from?" Jirou asked.

Bakugo's POV

"Where'd you get the ice cream from?" Ear phone asked. I overheard them chit chatting. So I quickly opened my phone and texted cheeks. Yes I have everyone's number cause I was forced to by the old hag but I just never texted them at ALL. I only text several people like,

Sh*t hair, Soy sauce, Raccoon, And Dunce face but that was in a group chat so that doesn't really count. I quickly scrolled and found cheeks's number that's named "Round face" I texted her


Don't you F*CKING Dare tell her it was from me


I will obliterate you



I'll be dead if Setsuna finds out



She nodded. "Oh you know I got it myself from near the cashier didn't you see?" She said. As bad as the act was at least I was so relieved to know that.

Hearing Raccoon eyes and Snake chit chatting and laughing and also being too loud irritates my ear. I hear Raccoon was talking too Cheeks though I'm not sure what she's saying. She was saying some random sh*t at cheeks. It was really loud but I'm not sure what the hell that was.

She talks really fast and loud I'm even surprised that Sh*t hair could even stand her. I don't really understand what was happening until... Cheeks yelled at her.


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