Chapter 13: Are You Coming?

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Bakugo's POV

"Yo Bakubro! wanna hang at the mall later? Sero, Jirou and Denki are coming too!" He flung his arm onto my shoulder "Just go with your girlfriend I got plans to do" I shook him off. "Can't bruh she went out with Hagakure." He asked. Tape face approached us and said  " So... if you can't go can she to go with me then?"  "Why would you have to ask Bakugou's approval? Of course I would love to go with you!" Cheeks replied cheerfully and giving me a side glare. "Tch whatever punks"

"Hey guys! I heard y'all are hanging out can I come" oh my damn gods it's snake face. "No" I said. "Wha-what? You're not even coming you can't tell me no!" Setsuna said. "Oh so you're eavesdropping?" I replied. "That's not it my locker is over there babe how can I un hear that? Besides I'm getting some more snacks and some clothes for the beach field trip" she said.

"Babe pfft that's a cute pet name you didn't tell me that you're dating her Bakubro" Tape face said. F*ck It's no longer a secret between us anymore.

Ochaco's POV
Babe? I guess I wasn't wrong after all. I thought ditching Deku was a good option to start a clean sheet. I felt my stomach drops but I have no reason to feel like so.

Bakugo's POV
"You must be rich huh getting new clothes for field trip" Cheeks said giggling to Setsuna. "Oh not really I didn't really prepare any swimming suits from my house so there are nothing in my dorms so... I just thought I might need a new ones anyways" she said.

"Yes she's rich stfu now if you excuse us we have to go" I grabbed snake by her hips and turning us back against them walking away. "But babe why can't we go? Is it because Uraraka Chan is there?" She said.

I sighed and grunt "No, f-fine we're going" I said. "Why are you all defensive all of the sudden? Is it because I mentioned her?" She eyed me seriously. "No it's cause I forgot that I have to get some groceries for dinner". A sigh of relief washed over me. I hope that wasn't too obvious from my tone

"Aww why don't you say so?" she returned to the squad and say that we're going.


Ochaco's POV
Waited in the common room since they said we'll be taking the bus together. I am surprised that I'm early since I wasn't a very punctual in most of situations.

"Hey gurl! You're pretty early!" I looked back to see a sight of Jirou approach me and took a seat on the couch near me. "Pfft I know right so unusual of me" I laughed. "Where's Kaminari?" I asked. "Oh him? He said he will meet us directly at the mall cause he has some task with Mount lady, Kamui woods and Edge-shot so he'll be a lil late" she said.

"Mount lady? Isn't she a bit eh you know..." I said. "I know l know that's what I thought too but oh well a work is a work you gotta put romance aside and heroes work as the first priority" Jirou said calmly "damn you put a lot trust in him girl" I said. "*chuckles* Of course I have to and oh by the way since when do you start cursing?" She asked.

"*gasp* wait did I? Oh no whoops I guess it's a new bad habit start crawling guess should've watched my mouth next time" I said. "Is it cause you hung out with Baku more often these days?" She asked. Is it that obvious? I don't mean too but I think being too comfortable with someone could really carry a bad habit within me.

"Who knows? Bad habits are sometimes easier to carry around"

"Sup guys!" Kirishima walked to the common room with Mina? hand in hand? Wait why is she coming? I thought she had plans with Tooru "Kiri! Mina!" I greeted them. "Wait so you're coming? What happened with Tooru?" Jirou asked. "Family business so she cancelled her plans anyways wouldn't it be great Just you, me, and Jirou and the boys just having fun at the mall?" Mina said.

"Didn't you know Tokage is coming too?" Jirou said "Who's Tokage?" Mina asked. "You've gotta be kidding she's the girl from class b" I said. "Wait is it that girl with the snake quirk? Setsuna Tokage is it?" Mina said. "Yep" Jirou said. "I get that she's popular and sh*t but why is she coming anyways?" Mina asked.

"Come to think of it this way! You are going with Kirishima, I'm going with Denki, then... finish the puzzle yourself " Jirou replied. "Ochaco is with Bakubomb and *Gasp* she's DATING SERO!? No way Sero never told me about this oh my god wow" Mina looked surprised. I mean I'm kind of glad she thinks of it that way even if she got it wrong.

"That's where you got it mixed up girl" Jirou said. "Wait so Ochaco is not with Katsubomb? Oh my f*cking god SeTSUNA IS DATING BAKUGO? AND OCHACO IS DATING SERO?" ShE gasped. "Well you got the first one right the second? Ehh nope"  I said. "My OTP is officially dead RIP Kacchako will always be remembered in our hearts" Mina said.

"I mean c'mon I get that Setsuna is hot and all but you and Bakugo is just perfect you can't change my mind" Mina said dramatically and leans over my lap her hand on her head as if she was in a musical drama.

Soon everyone was there and waited for Setsuna.

"Hey guys! What did I miss?" Setsuna walked in the class 1-a dorms dressing casually and looked all pretty and all. She walked towards Bakugo leaving everyone staring at her.

Soon they started walking outside and seeing Setsuna clinging to Bakugo was
C R I N G E (No Uraraka is too nice to think of that) a bit of a weight of my chest "Ugh those two are ridiculous c'mon Uraraka lets go" Sero lending his hand gesturing me to walk with him. I think that Sero is pretty attractive and all but his childish attitude and making puns out of everything is funny for the first half then it gets annoying as he goes on about the joke in serious situations.

At least I was thankful that he wasn't Mineta.

Well not at least.... cause Sero is well... he's way more Handsome, Tall, funny, actually respects women, talented, in a good shape, funny, handsome, and ranked pretty high too...

Wait did I mention funny and handsome twice? Aghhh what am I thinking about ?

Why am I suddenly thinking about Sero now? Hnnngghghgh What is up with me now?


((Hi Alta here TYSMM for keeping up in reading all chapters sorry I haven't been uploading new chapters as I said in the prologue earlier I am not the fastest writer but I'm very thankful for the all supports and reads Thanks y'all 🥰🥰🥰

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