Chapter 17: A Date... with Sero?

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Bakugo's POV

I didn't plan on uploading it. F*ck what do I do? Oh sh*t 2- no 3 views. Mezo, Rikido, Koji. Who tf is that? I'll just talk to them about it later.


I'm lucky, for now at least. Now just have to get ready even though it's still 2 hours before class.

Getting ready for class didn't take too long but waking cheeks up was a bit nerve wracking. How do I even wake girls up? Never dealt with this sh*t.

"Oi wake up airhead" I tried pulling her down who is currently sleep floating on my ceiling.
"Wakey wakey fata*s" She started to shift and open her eyes. I pressed her finger pads to each other to un-float her but too bad she's already conscious.

"Bakugo why are you in my- wait this is not my room, this is YOUR room!" Her eyes widened. "Tch get dressed, we're getting breakfast" I said.

"Right... about that I'll get to my room. Gosh this is embarassing, and I should meet you in the...-?". Meet? That was unexpected but oh well "Kitchen. I'll be cooking breakfast" I continued. "Sounds good. I'll be there in no time so... bye for now!" Then she left.

*Fast forward*

We finished eating and walked out the dorms then walked to school seperate ways. Before that I asked her a question. "Hey. Which one is Mezo, Koji, and Rikido?" "Seriously? You don't even know your own classmate? *sigh* Mezo Shoji is the one that wears a mask, Koji Koda is the one that doesn't talk much, and Rikido Sato is the guy you once called... diabetes" she said.

"Why do you ask anyways? it's not like you care about them or what" asked. "Them and I have some unfinished business, you don't need to know, for now at least. You'll thank me later when it's all done".  "Okay... that was unusual. Anyways, thanks for the tasty spaghetti, now my tummy is no longer upsetti" she chuckled. Then we walked separate ways.

Ochaco's POV

The test wasn't so bad today. Well not when I studied a lot with Bakugo. Suffering to get a cookie, and fell a sleep there. I answered all the questions in time and luckily there was 10 minutes left for me to re check everything.

Everyone got up and start leaving the class one by one. Someone passes by my desk and bumped on it either accidentally or on purpose. No in between. "Oof sorry" the familiar voice said. He slipped a piece of paper with a tape sticked to it and it has a lil note.

"See u later aligator:)" The note said. I looked up to see who the person was and he waved at me as he walked out to the door with a cocky flat teeth grin.

I chucked. Seeing the so known class comedic relief, Sero being all wholesome romantic.

Once I submitted my test I rushed to my room to take a shower and get dressed. I was pretty exited but sort of nervous. Well it's not like I have a major feelings for Sero anyways. It's just a fun lil ice cream date. Like a hangout or something. Right? Ugh I don't knowwww.

What if I end up liking him? What if he doesn't take me seriously? What if he start flirting with other girls and I got jealous? Screw it!

He's gonna come here anytime soon I can't look like I'm worried.

*door knocks*

It's him! I rushed to the door and fixed my hair  a bit. I opened the door smiling widely. "Heyyy Ser-?! I- erm Bakugo?!" "Don't look so surprised now cheeks I know you have your date with tape face. But just so you know I'm not here to disturb, just returning your math book you left this morning in my room" he said.

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