Chapter 9: About last night

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Bakugo's POV

Woke up to the sh*tty alarm like any other days. I got up pretty early as usual. Took a nice shower and got dressed in my uniform. Put on the shirt, My pants, a belt to hold my big ego, a blazer and ... without my tie and slightly unbuttoned shirt say sike rn. And still have that bracelet hanging on my wrist. I walked to the school as usual.

Everyone is surprisingly early. So at this point we all walked to school together at the same time. I don't necessarily like the crowd especially when it's someone I know like my own classmates.

I got my A I R P O D S on (okay hear me out Bakugo is rich considering his house is insanely huge) so I can't hear their bullsh*t.

"Nice bracelet !" someone said, well specifically a girls voice. She's so loud that I can hear her through my A I R P O D S. Please not racoon please not racoon please not racoon please not racoon please not racoon please not racoon.

The girl lifted my left hand which has the bracelet on and trace her finger over the metal plate. "It looks nice on you!" she said. I snatched her hand "F*ck off my property dumba*s. You don't even know how important this is to me" I snatched my hand off of the girl and turned around to see who it is.

She has this big grin printed on her face. "You think I'm impooortaant ÙwÚ" surprise surprise it's someone non other than Uraraka. "First off how did you said that out loud and shut up it's nothing".

"Aww meanie you have to admit that it was nice enough that you would wear it" She said.

"Uraraka-san hi! how have you been?" Deku walking up to us giving these weird hugs and affection to her. "Oh Kacchan didn't see you there buddy, what brings you here?" He said in a rather cocky voice.

"she was the one that grabbed me dumba*s. All you can do is blame and sh*t" I left them both talking alone. I don't bother with nerds making out and bragging. It's gross as f*ck. So then left to school myself.

Ochaco's POV

I was surprisingly early today. After that talk with Mina from last night in the common room my mind and the weight on my shoulders has gotten lighter.


"Girl why don't you ask Bakugo already? you both look so cute together! Plus, you've been smiling a lot randomly, ever since you hung up with him" Mina said. "Mina" I eyed her seriously "C'mon girl it's just Bakugo" She said. "Minaaaaa no" I said while giggling throwing my head back and rubbed my forehead. Tooru suddenly joining us and sat down on the floor laying her head on one of my lap "Aww girls don't keep all the tea from me wouldn't ya?"

(Hi we're switching to dialogue script again yeeyee)

Ochaco : Tooru not you too

Tooru : What I thought it would you know, be a bonding moment (Klance reference get it? no?)

Jirou : Sup guys? Are we all talking about love again like that time?

Momo : Ah count me in the romance talk. Todoroki- san has been a bit busy for awhile now with his father so I have been a bit far from romance topic though I understand why.

Ochaco : You guys are insane

Tsuyu : Ochaco you can tell us anything even if you like Bakugo

Ochaco : Tsu oh my god I was just about to run to you and now you want me to confess about my feelings

Ochaco clasp both of her hands on Tsuyu's cheek like Gordon Ramsay does the 'Idiot sandwich',

Mina : Ocha of course we are gonna make you confess this is not just theories and stuff you are actually showing it very clear that everyone knows it.

A Rainy Day~ ((Kacchako/Bakugo x Uraraka fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now