Chapter 25: A Rainy Day (Finale)

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So It's coming to and end huh?

What a Bittersweet journey

"It's not like the feeling of crush but how can't I not acknowledge someone who I nearly lost to in a combat and had that advantage of pinning me down in a fight? If I miscalculated I'd probably lost to her. She deserves more than just being the side kick to lovers like in stories. She has all my respect and that's a bigger expression than just another love in stupid romance novels."

~Bakugo Katsuki

"Mina kept on teasing me with Bakugo and it had me mixed up. We ended up having more in common than I thought we do. He wasn't the first one in my romance part of life but it was worth getting there and I got mochis and takoyakis weekly! what a sweet treat. Speaking of sweets his sweat smells sweet like caramel. It's kinda funny"

~Uraraka Ochaco

10:00 am

It's a cloudy morning and the heavy rains hits the window calming the stiff muscles of the future heroes. The morning was very sleepy and not a single soul woke up early. The scent of a warm cup of dark coffee and longing for a cuddle was really necessary at this point.

Laying their heads on their pillows was so comfy. It's unfortunate to think that the next day would be Monday. No one got out of the dorms. Some got pizza rolls, some cooked sunny side ups eggs for the no sun-day.

What a lovely day isn't it?

Yes of course it is

Bakugo got up and gather his energy for a quick training. Slacking off isn't really his thing but he do really need that sometimes. It's good enough for him that the gym was empty. He can do as much as he wants and maximize his trainings. 

Though it felt like an empty gap for someone who just confessed to their other half. It's not like it's a must to have her with him right now but it's just the feeling of both excitement and confusion that he really wishes to have her her. 

Just feeling nervous all over again is what he's desperate for. "Uraraka, Uraraka, Uraraka Why the hell is that pink cheeked b*tch is stuck to my head?" He thought to himself. While punching the boxing sack all he could think of was a conversation with himself. "Is cheeks- I mean no no. Is anyone awake yet? Wouldn't it be nice to run in the rain. Not until we get sick or slip and fall. What a stupid thought to have" He said as he kicked the boxing sack. 

A Rainy Day~ ((Kacchako/Bakugo x Uraraka fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now