Chapter 7: My Bag!

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𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I went back to class with somehow the smell of vomit still on my nose. Smells disgusting as f*ck.  I just wanna go back to class since the damn lesson is starting in 1 minutes. So I entered the class like I normally do and everyone starts asking me questions about pink cheeks. 

"Yo Bakubro where's your girl huh?" soy sauce said. "Oh if I have a girlfriend I would have known" "Yo kacchan where is raka?" Dunce face asked me. "Infirmary" "What happened to her?" Sh*t hair asked. "I don't f*cking know she's not my wife dumba*s". "well I mean she's technically your future wife bomb boy" Raccoon eyes said. 

"Shut the f*ck up Raccoon eyes". Shutting the group up was not the easiest. I guess they're used to it. "I hope Ochaco will be alright soon" Frog told me with worries. "She's at perfect hand there's should be no doubt". "Alright everyone please put aside our worries for Uraraka-kun later she will be okay! please keep silent and be seated!"  

Lesson is just fine nothing bad it's just how it's supposed to be. The lesson didn't take really long as usual. At least that's what I thought. Knowing that cheeks is in the infirmary with recovery girl kinda makes me feel less pressured from yesterday or so. I can't wait to go sleep cause screw all this. So I exit the class

"ehem Kacchan" Great it's f*cking Deku again. "What do you wan't nerd?" "What did you do with Uraraka-san?" he said in rather serious and pissed tone. "What? you think I made her sick?" I laughed. He took a step closer. "What did you do to her Kacchan?" giving me what is supposed to be a threat- glare. 

"Even if I did anything to her it's none of your business Deku" he pulled my shirt and yelled at me "Answer me damnit!". I pushed him and grunt. "What the hell just crossed your mind f*cker? As much as I hate everyone in this class I would never harm them, it won't even cross my mind got it?!"

I left leaving Deku being pissed cause his stupid girlfriend got sick and I happened to pass over a sick dummy. 

𝙊𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙘𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

*GASP* What?! Recovery Girl's office? have I been here for the past... Three hours?! "Ah there you are finally awake! How are you feeling Uraraka?" Recovery girl asked me. 

"ah I missed class!" "that's alright I'm sure the handsome young blonde boy helped took notes for you. How do you feel?" She asked me again. "How do I feel? I had a stomach ache and right now I feel a bit more refreshed. Wait Kaminari took notes for me? that's odd"

"Not Kaminari, it's the Bakugo one. He brought you here too." she said. "BAkugO?!" "Shh no yelling in the infirmary. Oh speaking of which what did you ate for lunch? " She asked. "Oh I ate a bento box" "Any spices?" she asked."Nope" "What about pickles?" she asked again. 

"Nope" "That's odd. Your stomach's acid level is incredibly high even for someone who actually ate spicy or sour food. Do you happened to have a stress feeling currently?" She asked again "I don't think so". 

"Oh my lord this sound silly but you might be feeling a new love for someone" Recovery girl said while rubbing her nose bridge. "Love? like butterfly in the stomach stuff? But I don't even who am I having a feeling towards to!"

"Well I'm no psychologist. I don't know any of that but whatever it is, a hero must be strong facing that." she said. 

I heard the door slide open to see Deku stood in the front door looking panicked. "Uraraka-san!" "Deku-kun!". he rushed to the bed I was on and gave me a hug. "Thank god you're okay". "Deku of course I'm okay why are you even worried?". 

"Haha no it's just that you have been fighting Kacchan and that must have been hard for you" Deku said while rubbing his thumb over my hand.

"Aaaghhh I know Bakugo is tough!" Said in a sarcastic tone. "But as long as I can catch up to him I'll even catch up to you soon. That way we can be great heroes together!". He nodded and gave me a smile. Although I can see something is wrong with him.

"Hey this is no place for chattering go get out of my office" Recovery girl pushed us outside. "Ah Deku just go walk to the dorms first I'll go grab my bag!". "No it's okay I'll come with you! not leaving you again like last time!" Deku said before Hagakure passing by yelling at me.

 "Ochaco! You're okay!" she ran towards me and gave me a hug. "Tooru didn't see you there! how was class?" "It's nothing much just as usual. By the way, where are you going?" she asked me "Oh I was gonna go upstairs and grab my bag"  

"Oh no you don't have to, Bakugo already brought it down stairs. Go find Kirishima, since he said he's staying a bit longer cause he's waiting for Mina, so Bakugo board out your bag with Kiri!" Tooru said.

 I'm pretty sure Deku can hear what Tooru just said cause she's pretty loud and I can sort of hear him grumble about it. We got into the exit seeing Kirishima holding my bag . I thanked him and walked back to the dorms with Deku. 

We arrived at the front door of our dorms and surprisingly saw Bakugo just walking around to the kitchen. 

And yes you guessed it we locked eyes again by accident and looked away as fast as we possibly could. 

HECk stomach ache is kicking me again

𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

Those nerds. Tch bet they had a good laugh at me. Stupid Deku, for blaming all the sh*t into me. Just because she walked into the boys toilet having stomach ache is my fault now? 


((Wowowow 300 reads? aaaaaahhhhh ThanKKSSSS <333)

see you on the next special chapter on Monday y'all))

A Rainy Day~ ((Kacchako/Bakugo x Uraraka fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now