Chapter 24: What a night (Semi Finale)

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Bakugo's POV

Today's the day. Should I be happy or scared? isn't it just moving too quickly? No Katsuki. This is your chance. You can do it Katsuki. It's just a girl. No it's not just a girl. It's Uraraka, your own classmate.

If anything goes wrong, you're doomed. You're gonna be stuck with her for the next two- no three years. Okay okay just chill and open your door, step outside and march into her room like the way I march into the class.

I wrapped my fingers around the doorknob and took a deep breath.

{when suddenly I heard a sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Killer Queen has already touched the doorknob. KiRA qUeEn iChi nO BakudAn sWitChi oN *B O O M*" "Nani Tf?!"}

((Istg I can't stop making JoJo reference sorry I have jjba brain rot k I'm just gonna continue fr now)

When suddenly there was a knock on my door. I took a peek at the peep hole and goddamnit I lost to her. She was the one to knock on my door. Her smile is so bright and made my face flush insanely.

F*ck I can't open the door looking like this. "Hey hey Baku what's taking you so long? I knew you took a peek from the peep hole silly" She laughed. "Yea yea hold up I'm coming" I said cursing to hide away the red stains on my face.

I zipped up my jacket up to the color on my face and it's hiding the red stains pretty good. Although I look like f*cking Best Jeanist.

So I opened the door and greeted by a wave. "Tch you were just guessing anways when you said I took a peep" "No ahah of course I can tell. Your chest was against the door and I can hear your heavy breaths duh" She giggles.

Normal POV

Uraraka laughed at the way Bakugo zipped his Jacket up so she unzips his jacket and giggled "Hey c'mon now don't hide that pretty face from me. Today's gonna be a fun day isn't it?"

"Tch yeah whatever" He grabbed her hand and their soft hands come in contact. Their fingers intertwines and walked down the hall and passed by the empty common room. Their shoes clap echoes in every step through the quiet hall.

They hid their face and avoiding awkward eye contacts. Bakugo's palm begins to heat up and soon became more humid. Not only Bakugo's palm but the situation between them felt more humid. They start sweating out of panics and face are all stained as a crimson.

"Hey um..." Uraraka took out a wet wipes from her teeny weeny pink backpack "Here I'll wipe it for you" Uraraka wiped his hands with the wet wipes. "Wouldn't that make it more... I dunno wet?" He asked. "Well technically yes but at least wet wipes are cold so I'm hoping it'll cool you down" She said. "Hey Bakugo... Don't panic okay? Don't worry I'll be here and w-we should be happy for this chance. To be honest I'm also super nervous about this but I hope that we can enjoy today. Aaaand one thing I'm scare about umm... If your hands are all sweaty it'll explode. And it'll be sad if I can't hold your hands" She said.

His face turned into even a darker red. "S-stop calling me Bakugo Jeez just call me Katsuki or arghh never mind"

"Hmpph Okay Katsuki" Uraraka giggles.

They walked over to the Subway station and sat next to each other. Some people were glaring at them weird and some are just letting them be whatever they wanna do. And some others are whispering about their sightings in public knowing that they are one of the future potential heroes from the best school in Japan who got into a national tv about the sports festival.

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