Chapter 12: Shhh

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Ochaco's POV
Asdfghjklhfhskd what The heck was that? This just confuses me even more. So Setsuna is his girlfriend and he said "wOuLd it MakE iT beTter if you we'Re mine"?? A part of me want to play along this thing like a cliche movie but then the other half is just "haha what the f*ck is happening?"

So you know like the coward I am I giggled and said "You smooth bastard" and elbowed him. His face is just flat. No major reactions or anything. So we entered the class and see almost everyone is in there. And *sigh* including Mr.Aizawa. I stood there face palming my self in embarrassment. "Enjoying your date Uraraka, Bakugou?"
Mister Aizawa asked us. "Sorry sensei" Baku apologize. "Hmmph could've been better" I said.

"OOoooohh so they HAD a date!" Mina screamed. "Wait no no no that's not what I meant!" I said. "S I L E N C E" Mister Aizawa said. We took our seats and Bakugo whispers. "Hmm nice try cheeks" he chuckled softly. I screamed internally. No wonder why Setsuna wants him.

"Alright listen up class we have a math test coming up on Friday about all the materials we just learnt today. Take as much note from the board cause I won't explain anything further than this. I'll give all of you 20 minutes to note all of this. No one makes a noise during that 20 minutes. I'll be waiting in my sleeping bag" Mr. Aizawa said and crawling back to his yellow sleeping bag.

"Test on Friday?! Wh- it's so unfaiirrrrrr! And 20 minutes or taking notes that much?! Mister Aizawaaaaa why??" Mina whines.

Todoroki seems uncomfortable with her whining noises from the front seat. Even a chill guy who never said a thing and seats in the very back of the class said a thing from his seat position "*coughs* Ashido please stop" he said with his slightly furrowed brows.

Everyone looks back at Todoroki who seems pissed. His cold glare and his deep cold voice is very intimidating. I mean I get that we're all scared especially Mina who has a crush on the pretty boy is definitely scared.

"Oof  that was pretty harsh even though his words are so little but my my you can tell Mina Ashido is scared as Eiffel" Aoyama said.

"Thank you Todoroki" Mister Aizawa said zipping his sleeping bag. Todoroki just nods and continued writing.

Everyone's attention turned back to their own notes. Then that's when I start to realize that someone is still looking back. I looked up and saw seat number 17 was staring to my direction. I looked around and looked back at Bakugo. Then I pointed at myself questioning if he was going to say something. He nods.

"What?" (No voice) My mouth gesturing to what I just said. He pointed downwards "look down" (no voice). This better not be some weird... stuff... you know... So I looked down sweating. Only to see his hand doing the "👌" thing. Then he held up a paper written "S I K E" in it.

Bakugou's POV
I did the "👌" to her and held up a sign that says "S I K E"cause I thought it felt pretty good pissing her off for some reason. "Aw c'mon that wasn't funny!" She yelled from her seat. "Shhh I'd like a little peace here" Deku said. I swore I hear cheeks mumbling "I'd LiKe a LiTtLe pEacE, stfu" in a mocking tone. I held back my laugh only letting out a lil chuckle. Deku just let out a sigh.

Class ended

I walked out of class and felt a hard push from my back. "You masochist! You frickin did the 👌 thing just to piss me off, then made Deku talked to me and pissed me even more! Why do you like to see me suffer internally for a solid 20 minutes huh??" She complained in a high pitch tone "Pfft that's not a masochist hahahaahhaha it's called sadist dumb*ss"  I said. "Tch whatever" she said.

"What's with your attitude these days? You're more expressive ever since we hung out" I asked. "Cause I feel more comfortable being angry with you" she giggled. I hummed. "And why are you following me?" I asked. "I uh well umm" She mumbled. "Spit it out cheeks. Her cheeks flustered and said "Well you know Deku and I have been having trouble a lot lately so I don't really wanna talk to him by myself or even just him is just a big no no for now so I'm thinking one way to make him go away is to hang out with his rival".

"So you're using me hmm?" I said. " It's not like that Baku" she said. "Then? I can't understand a single sh*t you're saying round face" I said. "Well I also wanna hang with my equal match haha" She said. "Equal match pfft who says that?" "I thought you said that back at the cafe yesterday?" She said. "Bruh you're more superior than me" I said.

"YO Bakubro wanna go hang?" Sh*t hair yelled at me. Great another f*cking cock blocker.

(Sorry I haven't been updating for awhile since I had a virtual graduation during my break and this chapter is kinda short but I promise we'll get to the good stuff on the next ones :) 

Also we got 1k already? BrUHHH ADSDSFSGHJKL THANKSSSSSSS  <3

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