Chapter 3: What's the plan?

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Uraraka returned to her room not long after Baku did. Placing the milk back into the fridge that she didn't want to drink cause Baku drank it straight up from the carton. Well she was pretty disappointed but not surprised. After all it was Baku that she encountered. She had a hard time facing her feelings about what just happened and can't really put her thoughts together to picture the situation. As soon as she laid her head on her pillow, her mind melted as if the pillow was a really soft cloud.

𝙊𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙘𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

*LOUD ALARM NOISES* Ugh... what on earth I just slept. OH HECK! it's 6:30  "F*ckkk we're four hours late for this goddamn bullsh*t. Ochaco wake up! We're leaving I'm leaving in negative six minutes. Aahhhhhhgghhh hurry up! we're losing TIME.wHEre tHE hELL IS MY RASH OINTMENT?! f*ck it I'm just gonna itch. I'm gonna need a priest to-*drops plate* Aaaaahhhghhghgh! Ochaco, WE'RE LEAVING IN 3 SECONDS. The shower's gotta be PTA!

P its

T *ts


nO tiMe for Calliou! nO time for seat bELts! GET READY TO GO THROUGH TIME! *enters elevator*" 

(haha get the the Brandon Rogers reference?

 Here if you don't get it watch the link I provided you uncultured swine

 ( I'm kidding sorry

( )

*ding* as soon as the elevator arrived I rushed to the front lobby of our dormitory and luckily there are still some students there. Yaomomo, Todoroki-kun, Tsu-chan, Ojiro-Kun, De-Deku-kun? b- Bakugo kun?! Oh no this is awkward. I decided to walk towards Tsuyu and try not to make eye contact with neither Bakugo nor Deku. 

"Uraraka-san!" I froze in my track. Deku called out to me so I just casually looked back and greeted him nicely and still making my way towards Tsuyu. This time I really stoped frozen dead in my tracks. I side eyed my arm feeling something grabbing onto it. I turned around slowly looking at Deku who is grabbing my arm.

"Is there anything wrong Deku-kun?" I asked him. "Oh no I just thought that I wanted to ask you to walk to school with me but I figured you wanted to walk with Asui-san so you know I just wanted to make sure and ask you if you maybe want to" He said while sweating and looking around the room. In case anything worse happened I actually found something really funny in this situation is that I can hear Tsuyu chan yelling at Deku from the distance "Call me Asui one more time I dare you"

So I agreed walking with Deku to school and everything feels a bit lighter now. But somehow being all mutual with Deku feels like he's guilt tripping me for some reason. As we continued walking in silence I saw Bakugo side eyeing us walking 8 feet away from us. He's surprisingly calm in this situation. he didn't look at us for a long time just a fast glance then he  just kept walking forward.

Oh no that stupid caramel scent of his kept crossing my mind again. Ugh not now Ochaco why is it so hard for you to forget how someone smells like just because it's your crush's hot- I mean hot headed friend who is almost impossible to communicate with, talks to you and being a little nice and offering to help you is such a big deal? Besides Deku can do such things too right? Before I noticed it we are already in front of the class."Oh Deku one more thing I have to tell you-" "Silence" Aizawa sensei cut me off in my mid sentence. we all took our seats and lesson just keeps on going after that. 

𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I was about to go walk to school when I heard foot stomps rushing and panthing. I looked back to see Uraraka panting and holding hands with that nerd. Besides asking if she wants to walk to her would be desperate and it'll make me look like a f*ckin creep. I'm nothing like that damn nerd who just lets his guard down and gave up his everything just for a simple girl for her to forget him later on.

I didn't really want to think about it cause it's unnecessary but maybe, just maybe I wan't to take a peek at them cause for sure that was quite the something I can't unsee. I side eyed them in a flash only to meet my gaze with pink cheeks by accident. I looked away and walked at a faster pace. Crap she knows I saw them. Ugh... why am I even trying to be nice or soft towards people. letting my guard down for some dumb things my heart says is f*cking weak. I have to think rationally c'mon follow your brain Katsuki.

There's nothing much happened in class. We all headed to the Gym Gamma after the class is finished. Aizawa sensei divided us into group of 4. He made a brief explanation of our training lesson. I was glad that It's my thing for doing such training. A 5v5 battle. He divided the teams by lottery. 


A). Kaminari, Uraraka, Sero, Todoroki, Shoji

B). Midoriya, Hagakure, Sato, Koda, Mineta

C).Bakugou, Ojiro, Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu, Aoyama

D). Jiro, Ashido, Iida, Kirishima, Tokoyami

Sike you thought

A).Pikachu, Pink cheeks, Soy sauce, Icy hot, Octopus

B). Deku, Ghost, Diabetes, Mute, Pervert

C). Me, Tail, Pony tail B*tch, Frog, Gay

D). Earphones, Raccoon eyes, Four eyes, Sh*tty Hair, Bird brain

It was such a relief to be fighting team D. At least that's what I know for now. "Team A will be against team C" Aizawa speaking lazily. F*ck. Great, no hard feelings just see everyone as equals and target Icy hot instead. 

"Let's make our formation and targets we all will rely on Bakugo-chan and Yaomomo" That frog said while doing this weird pose when she placed her finger on her chin. "I have a pretty solid plan" Momo said while giving us the reassuring nod. I didn't really care about the plan and just rolled my eyes at them


(we're switching to normal POV again let's goooo)

"OH no no NO NO NO NO This is crazy what do we do?! There's LITERALLY two top students! sure we have Todoroki but we're gonna die!" Kaminari panicked. "SHH Kaminari! they can hear us! if they know we're scared it would give them the trigger to kill us even more!" Uraraka trying to shut him. "Guys I have a pretty clever strategy to target them, though it kind of sound reckless" Sero said. Uraraka is trying to keep the group together like the mom of the group. 

But being a pretty low status herself, she was afraid to take on the decision wether they want to let Sero take the lead or not. She glanced at Shoji and Todoroki before letting Sero talk. They both gave her a nod for reassurance.

"We all know that Bakugo will definitely target for Todoroki or maybe even Yaoyorozu. So we'll make her as the one to track down Bakugo" Sero said while pointing at Uraraka. For a moment she was going to hesitate and had a doubt about his plans but Uraraka knows Sero better than this so she knows that he is also a student in the top class.

 "Todoroki, you will be after Yaoyorozu. I know she always doubted herself when it comes to looking up to you. Kaminari will be after Tsu, since she has a quirk that needs water to give her most advantage  therefore she'll hesitate to go there and lose her biggest advantage. Shoji will go after Ojiro. As for me... I'll Go after Aoyama. I can aim and shoot tapes on repeat on his naval. That would waste his energy on breaking the tape barrier that I kept shooting" Sero explained.

"Alright take your positions guys the battle will start in 




(Badam boosh sorry for the cliff hangers but I'll post chapter 4 ASAP XD


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