Chapter 19: Search Party

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Bakugo's POV

I f*cked up. This is bad. What if soy sauce knows? F*ck girls for ruining friendships. Ah f*ck what do I do?? Running to Setsuna like this isn't the best idea. I- Don't even want to care anymore about the sh*t.

I walked back to the Hotel and just want to sleep everything off for now. I don't even want to overthink. I just want to train. And train. That's it nothing else. No space for cringey Love sh*t.

No thoughts

Head empty

Just long walks on this sh*tty beach.

Before everything went dark.

Everything went dark?

What the f*ck happened?

It's so cramped here.

I can't breath?

"Oi Oi stop playing around f*ckers" I start pushing around violently. Then I don't remember anything.

Normal POV

After Bakugo's regrets of fueling up Uraraka's anger, he decided to take long walks before going back to his room just to clear up his head a little. But little does he know, there was someone else on the beach. Someone who he can't ignore.

"Let me go f*cker!" Bakugo yelled. "Sorry Katsuki Bakugo but it's for my sake dragging you out" The man said.

The man dragged Bakugo into some sort of basement. Not too far from the beach.

The man took the blinds off from Bakugo's eyes and reveal himself to him. It was a man with a big black mask covering his whole face. The mask had a long beak. It was a plague mask. Beside him there was four other guys with the same looking mask but different but in different styles. Some of them has the ones that reveal their eyes, and some are fully covering.

"What the f*ck is kinda joke is this?" Bakugo tried to hold his laughs. "*sigh* I suppose we should introduce ourselves. I am Shin Nemoto a member of Shie Hassaikai" "We are Ex members actually! and soon to be one again!" Some of the members interrupted. "*Sigh will you shut?" Nemoto shush them.

"So y'all are just a bunch of fired ret*rds?" Bakugo laughed. "Well for instance we are exceedingly smart. Unlike those filthy leagues who has unorganized members. and we are going to take advantage of your power, quirk and status. Get the stuff ready boys!" The rest of members grabbing some gun, scalpels, needles, syringe, tubes and some other machines.

"Are you guys done yet before I explode this sh*t on my hand?" Bakugo said referring to the hand cuffs that covers his whole hand. "Oh boy please give it a try" Nemoto pointed the gun at Bakugo's head and shot without any warnings.

Bakugo gasped and was unconscious from the shot. "Boss we can't just kill or take someone with potential quirk specially from UA" one of the member said. "The kid's lucky. Just the scar on his forehead and the quirk is gone temporarily. Chisaki has that 5 quirk erasing bullets that I used during the battle with Le Million. I missed with two bullets. No wonder why he fired me. Now's not time for discussion. we have to hurry get as much blood sample as we need" Nemoto said.

Uraraka's POV

I spent the night pouring my heart out to Tsu and just have talks with her. Until we start hearing announcement from mister Aizawa through the hotel speaker that's linked to all part of it, "Good evening dear students and guests please inform us immediately if you've seen Katsuki Bakugo and bring him directly to the lobby. If no-one found him in within five minutes we will update on another info thank you"

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