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One month later.

???'s POV

"Thank you for choosing Korean Airlines, we hope you had an enjoyable flight." Seoul, I'm finally back. I stepped out of the airport, the cold wind hitting me immediately. I wrapped my jacket around me tighter, trying to get more warmth from it. Aish I've forgotten how cold it can get here in Korea. "Over here! Sorry I'm late!" A familiar voice called out as I was suddenly grabbed into a tight hug. "Too tight, too close. Now get off me, prick." He chuckled at my statement, squeezing me in the hug again before releasing me and leading me to the car. "I see you haven't changed a single bit, still cold as ever. Well, let's get this shithead home!"

The car ride was quiet, except for him updating me on what has been happening around Seoul. "We're here." I unlocked the heavy doors to the large house, filled with fancy but non-living things. It's so cold here, filled but yet empty... "Nothing has changed here, I've been keeping it clean while you were gone." I gave him a nod of thanks, taking in the familiar place as memories filled my mind.

Home, I'm home now.

Hongjoong's POV

"Erm Hongjoong op-oppa, can I follow you guys to the bar? I'm really bored." Ae Ri fiddled with her fingers, slightly stuttering while looking at her feet. I smiled softly at her cute actions, giving her question some thought. I admit I do have a soft spot for her, it developed within this short month that she's been with us. The bar...the bar was where 'businesses' take place, it wasn't exactly the safest place, but it definitely wouldn't hurt to bring her along. "Sure you can, just make sure you stay close to one of us at all times. Is that okay?" She finally lifted her head up with a wide grin, making brief eye contact with me before breaking it and rushing to her room to get prepared.

Everything will be okay... Right?

I shook my head, trying to get all the bad thoughts out. Standing up, I went to get prepared too. Just as I opened the door, Seonghwa was standing there ready to knock on it. "Hongjoong, one of the kids said that ONEUS is back in town." "Hmm? What for? Those troublemakers better stay away from us this time." Seonghwa shrugged his shoulders before leaving to get ready.

What is this bad feeling I'm getting?

We got into our car, finally getting on our way to the bar. The boys were excitedly sharing their various experiences at the bar with Ae Ri, trying to make her less nervous about her first visit there, while I continued driving with a small smile on my face, trying to suppress the uneasy feeling brewing in me.

Short chapter!

Who's POV is that? Stay tuned to find out :)

Also, do feel free to comment!!

~thedouble_a (9/4/20)

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