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Y/n's POV

"What about you and the boys? How did you guys end up being so close?" Ae Ri asked curiously. I shook my head a little, thinking about my time with them. "After the three awful years with SKZ, I met them and stayed with them for a year and a half before I met my parents again and the two year shit happened..."


"Erm hey, can I help you?" A tall boy around my age approached me as I entered the bar, looking very out of place. "I...I uh..." I couldn't speak, what if they judge me, what if they bring me back to that place of a hell. I was afraid, shaking nervously and unable to meet his eyes. "Hey, hey. Relax, come with me." The boy led me to a room, grabbing my arm gently.

"Hyung? She wandered into the bar, I think she's lost or something." He informed the seated boy in the room as well as a purple haired one. "Take a seat and tell us what happened? Or we will have to send you to the police. Yunho, you can go now." The older boy said, an authoritative tone present. The tall boy who led me, now I know him as Yunho, turned to leave but as I was intimidated by the other two in the room, I stopped him from leaving, pleading him with my eyes.

"Yunho, I think she wants you to stay. Wooyoung, you take over Yunho for now." The one I assumed as the leader ordered, the purple haired boy left the room after shooting a glare at me. "I erm I was," I attempted to speak but I was still shaking. "It's okay, you can tell us." Yunho said gently as he patted my shoulder. I gave a nod and took a deep breath, "I was SKZ." Their eyes widened as I continued, expressions turning soft then sour as they listened attentively.

"...and I ran away until I found this place. I'm sorry if I intruded but it was the only place that is still open." I was weeping into Yunho's chest, the boy had been comforting me the moment I started crying. "I'm sorry about what had happen to you. Do you have anywhere to go? If not, you can stay with us, at least for the time being." The leader, introduced as Hongjoong said.

"What?! NO!" Wooyoung protested loudly, glaring at me again. Everyone was gathered in the room this time, in a discussion about me. "Woo, calm down and at least listen to why she's here." Hongjoong said calmly but the boy was not having it. "What if SKZ comes for her? We don't need more trouble, hyung. She will just be a burden to us." His harsh words made me lean towards Yunho whose arm was already around me protectively.

"Woo, you don't even know what they did to her yet, how can you say such things?" Hongjoong's voice was now slightly raised as he stood up to match his eye level with Wooyoung. "Well, I don't care." The purple haired stomped out of the room after that, slamming the door shut behind him. "He's right, I will only be a burden. I should leave, I'm sorry and thank you for listening." I said quietly, wanting to exit the room in shame, only to be pulled down by Yunho.

"No, Y/n. Can we tell the others what happened?" I looked at the other boys with a careful glance as they returned mine with curious eyes, before I nodded. They all had the same reaction as Hongjoong and Yunho after they heard my story, immediately softening their expressions, looking at me in pity.

End of flashback

"That was how I began my life with them. The boys had always been by my side since then, especially Yunho, Jongho and Seonghwa oppa." I turned back to look at the sky, after also sharing about how Wooyoung started opening up to me (A/n: the flashback Woo had in chap twenty-five.). "Wooyoung was cold towards me for quite a while, he didn't know what SKZ had done to me because he didn't give me or anyone a chance to explain, but he changed totally after he knew the truth about me when we had gotten closer. He too had went through abuse, domestic abuse and that was why he related so much to me after that. Woo left his home to escape from his abusive parents, moving in with Hongjoong and the others. Woo and I had gotten a lot closer over time, eventually developing feelings for each other but we never made it official. Despite that, he promised to protect me from harm and to stay by my side, but I left them for my parents. Maybe I should have never left them, maybe my parents would still be alive." I trailed off, looking at the tearing Ae Ri with a sad smile.

"But I've gained another family. The boys, they are the only ones I have now and they're all that matters to me. You're lucky too Ae Ri. Hongjoong loves you a lot, everyone else too. Welcome to the family, our family."

Y/n's past fully revealed and has finally opened up to Ae Ri.

Keep reading! Appreciate all of you for giving this book more than 700 reads!

~thedouble_a (2/5/20)

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