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Y/n's POV

"Do you want me to pinch you then, to see whether it's a dream?" I smirked at my giant best friend. "IT IS YOU!" Still loud as always, my giant teddy bear. My thoughts were cut off as I was wrapped in a tight but warm hug by Yunho, but it gradually became a group hug as all the other boys joined in.

Except for...Jung Wooyoung.

All he did was stare at me, with an unreadable expression. Was he sad? Shocked? Unhappy? Letting out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, "Guys, you can let go now. I can't breathe." They chuckled and each mumbled a small sorry to me as they released me from their tight grips. "Noona, we really missed you! Where have you been the past two years? Why didn't you contact us or even tell us that you were leaving?" A chorus of agreements were heard as they agreed with Jongho. "Yeah, Wooyoung has been..." Mingi got cut off as Wooyoung, with slightly pink cheeks, slapped his hand over his mouth. I shook my head at the amount of noise they were producing, they've never changed.

Just then, I heard shouting coming from outside. Shit more trouble, ugh. "There's no time for this guys, and erm lady. We have to get out now, let's split the group into half." I instructed as we started heading out, to our cars. "Hongjoong, make sure you are driving in front of us and at full speed." He nodded; the girl, Yeosang, San and Wooyoung following behind him. The other 4 getting into Seonghwa's car. "Seonghwa, you drive." I climbed into the car and sat in between Jongho and Yunho, Mingi in front with Seonghwa in the driver's seat. As we started speeding towards our destination, guns were fired at us. FML what is happening to us at 5am?! We all turned to look behind us, of course it was ONEUS and their gang. Mingi was letting Hongjoong know of the situation as our car trailed behind theirs, as if shielding them from the gun shots.

"Seonghwa, keep the car steady and speed up." Confusion was displayed on his face again but complied anyway, knowing I was annoyed. "Y/n, what are you doing?" Both Jongho and Yunho were staring at me with big eyes as I opened the sunroof of his car. "Saying Hi to them? We're being shoot at here, what do you think I'm doing?" I grabbed the two handguns that were stored in the back pockets of the passenger seat and emerged from the sunroof, aiming at the men shooting at us.

I balanced myself as I took aim, focusing on busting their tires, not wanting any more bloodshed. Finishing all the bullets in both guns, I've managed to stop at least two cars, but there were too many of them; there were at least two more cars behind us. This isn't enough, no more playing nice. "Yunho can you move your feet." He shifted his feet as told and I pulled out a rifle from below his seat. Typical Seonghwa. "Y/n, you're a really dangerous person do you know that?" Yunho watched me in disbelief as I continued shooting at them with the rifle.

This time round, I couldn't care less if I shot someone. Suddenly, our car swerved to the right, causing me to lose my balance and hitting my hip against the metal of the car. I hissed in pain as the impact distracted me, and because I had lost my focus for that few seconds, a bullet barely missed my head as it grazed against my left cheek, leaving a line of blood. My blood was really boiling at this point of time as I began shooting mercilessly, causing their cars to finally lose control and crashing into the road barriers at the side. Finally...

The rest of the car ride was quiet, the car finally coming to a stop. "We're here. Y/n, where is this though?" Seonghwa asked, gaping at the large house standing proud and tall in front of us. "My home. Follow me." I said as I led them in, the other group joining us with obviously tired but amazed eyes. "The guest rooms are on the second and third level, mine is the last room in the corner on the second level. You guys can stay here for now. Get some rest, we'll talk later. You guys have a lot of explaining to do."


Everyone was gathered in the living room after a simple dinner made by Seonghwa and San. "Now, can someone explain to me what the hell was going on back there?" I stood in front of them with my arms crossed, a stern expression on my face. Glances were passed amongst them as no one dared to speak up. Finally clearing his throat, Yeosang started; "Firstly, this is Ae Ri," the said girl gave a curt nod, "she got into some kind of trouble with ONEUS back in the club and they started picking a fight with us, like how they always do."

But the answer was not satisfying, all of them seemed fidgety and uneasy. They are definitely hiding something from me. "And? Don't you dare hide anything from me." Annoyance was evident in my voice as well as on my face. "...she's also erm..." San continued, stuttering, obviously scared of my reaction. "B-Bang Chan's stepsister." He finally finished his sentence, all of them trying to avoid my eyes.

Chan...Bang Chan.

Hoho, it's getting interesting now.

What is it with Y/n and Wooyoung?

Do stay tuned!

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~thedouble_a (19/4/20)

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