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Jongho's POV

I tucked noona into her bed after a short chat, making sure she's comfortable before carrying the empty plate to the kitchen. Putting the dirty plates in the sink, I started washing the plate and utensils as I drifted off into my thoughts. "Because, you're a baby trying to baby me. You will always be a baby, my baby brother."

"Yah! Jongho-ah! Water is precious and expensive, why are you leaving it on? Is this some sort of water park?" I heard Wooyoung hyung's loud voice accompanied by a chuckle as he reached over to turn off the tap. Well, at least one of us are in a good mood. "O-oh hyung, sorry. I was daydreaming." He raised his brow at me, knowing I wasn't being completely truthful but he didn't probe any further. "Hmm, okay then.", leaving me in the kitchen as I finished up the chore.

That night, I found myself being unable to find sleep, and that was how I ended up staring at the star-filled sky with a can of beer in my hand, alone in the balcony. I thought I would accept my fate better than this, I guess not. I sighed as I downed the beer. "Maknae-yah, what are you doing out here alone at this timing? Wait, are you drinking? What's wrong?" Seonghwa hyung questioned as he joined me, looking up at the sky too. "Is it about Y/n and Wooyoung?" Am I really that obvious?

"I'm sure it's hard for you, kiddo. But you know them, the two has a special connection with each other since they've met, and no one can deny that. You are a smart kid, Jongho, and a strong one at that. I know you understand what's best for them and for yourself. Go sleep soon, it's not good to overuse your brain." Hyung gave me a side hug before retreating to his room. He's right, I will do what's for the better; loving Y/n even more but as my noona.

???'s POV

"Shit!" A loud bang was heard as his fist connected with the tabletop. We were all gathered in the leader's office in our apartment, sitting in front of the very angry leader. "Two bitches stole the USB from GOT7, fuck!" Chan cursed as he hung up the call from JB. "They managed to hack into CCTV of the club and they've identified the two of them; this is an image of them."

No...Y/n? Oh shit, this is bad. "One of them appears to be our favorite Y/n, and my dearest stepsister, Ae Ri. We just have to track them down and get the USB back before they do anything with it, and maybe pay our dear girls a visit." Chan smirked evilly as they immediately started their planning.

This is not going to be good, I should warn her. I excused myself with the permission of the leader, sneaking out of the apartment to 'go on an errand'. As soon as I got into my car, I did a thorough check to ensure there were no listening devices or cameras and once I know it's clean; I dialed for Y/n. Come on, pick up.

"Hello?" Y/n finally answered the call with a weak voice. "Y/n! Are you okay? I've got a major warning for you. SKZ have already been notified about the stolen USB and they know it's done by you and Ae Ri, so please I need you two to stay safe and away from any danger. They seem to be planning a 'visit' and I don't know much about it yet but I will try to update you as much as possible. For now, just lay low and be careful. I gotta go, take care shithead." I hung up in a hurry, worried that someone would somehow catch me updating her.

Y/n's POV

"Fml..." I sighed as he hung up the call, but I knew I can't tell anyone about this yet. They will for sure doubt me, question me or think that I'm crazy. They cannot know I'm in contact with someone from SKZ, not yet. All I could do was, like he said, stay safe and away from danger. Waiting for the 'visit' from the bastard and friends too, I guess. I sighed again at the thought and threw my phone onto the side table.

2 days later

Y/n's POV

I woke up at the warmth coming from the morning sun, the bright rays hitting my body. My shoulder was still feeling sore but at least my fever had subsided, at least I don't feel like puking and weak all over. I tried getting out of bed, wanting to get up for a walk after being stuck in the bed the past few days. The boys and Ae Ri banned me from getting off the bed unless I need the toilet, it was torturous. I injured my shoulder, not my leg goddamit.

"Y/n, what do you think you're doing?! NO GETTING OFF THE BED, MY LITTLE ONE." There you have it. Yunho stormed towards me with his loud warning, making me flinch slightly at his loud voice. "OMG just let me join you guys downstairs? My legs feel numb after being stuck in bed after YOU GUYS practically forced me to be glued to it." I fired back as he gave me an offended look while putting his hand on his chest, what a dramatic giant. "Fine, but I'm carrying you, now hop on!" I was about to kick his butt but someone had beat me to it.

"NO! I WILL DO IT!" Help, another loud kid. Wooyoung had bolted into my room, pushing Yunho out of the way as he squatted down in front of me. Since he replaced Yunho, I kicked him instead and he fell, turning back to give me the same reaction as Yunho did when I talked back to him.  "I am not going to be carried by any of you, I can walk perfectly fine." I declared as I got up slowly, making my way to the bathroom before the dining room.

"Y/n unnie! Are you feeling much better?" Ae Ri chirped excitedly, where do they get their energy from? "Yeah I'm fine." I answered as I sat between San and Mingi, with a smiling Wooyoung in front of me. Breakfast was served by Seonghwa and it was filled with loud chats and laughter, it never fails to annoy me but still always puts a small smile on my face.

"You know Y/n, you should smile more. Not just a small one, it's been so long since we last seen you smile happily and we really hope to see it soon and often. You look better and definitely less intimidating when you smile. Be like me, I'm a perfect living example. I have an awesome smile, see?" Mingi commented and gave me a huge grin, which made his eyes disappear. I suppressed my chuckle by throwing one of my chopsticks at him. "Hey! That's gross and hurtful, Y/n." He sulked as he shrieked and dodged my other chopstick that flew at him, making everyone else laugh.

"Can I talk to you guys in the living room when everyone is done? I owe you guys an explanation, and I'm ready for it." I announced as they quietened down.

A part of Y/n's past will be revealed soon...

~thedouble_a (19/4/20)

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