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Y/n's POV

I was returning home from my morning jog, my eyes wandered to the letter box. Opening it, I grabbed the stack of letters and went back into my home. I was scanning through each one mindlessly, until a specific one caught my eyes. 'from b.chan' was written at the bottom right corner of the cream coloured envelope.

Greetings ATEEZ & Girls,

This is an invitation to our annual party. It will be a gathering for our dear friends and we hope to see you there.

All are invited.

There will be no dress code, come comfortably and also no forms of weapons are allowed into the venue.




The annual party, a familiar but unknown experience. Why? Because I was always locked up in the basement when their guests are over, beaten up to make sure I had no strength left to call for help. I winced at the thought of the familiar basement and pain, throwing the invitation on the table. But why are they holding it at an abandoned warehouse this time?

"What's this?" Hongjoong asked as he reached for the invitation, a frown on his face appeared as soon as he finished reading. "Annual party? Now that's a first, they've never invited us. Why now?" His brows were still knitted together as he looked up to face me. "They know, Joong. They know that the USB is fake and we have to go, they'd wreck the house if we don't and it would be worse."

Within minutes, everyone was gathered in the living room with frowns on their faces. "What are we going to do? Are we really going?" Ae Ri asked, playing with Hongjoong's fingers. "We have to, but I don't get why they are holding it somewhere else and not their house like they always do. They stay along the Gangnam district and the warehouse is far from it." I answered, expression mirroring everyone's. "You know of it, little one?" Yunho asked. "Yeah of course, it was when they hit me the most or they just straight up knock me out against the wall, of course I know about it." I shrugged as if it's nothing but apologized once I saw Wooyoung's now red eyes starting to water slightly.

"We have to be extra careful then, since we don't have any idea of what they are planning. Other than wanting the USB back I guess." Seonghwa oppa said. "We have to keep the USB safe, away from them, no matter what happens. It's the only way we can stop them." I said sternly with a poker face, but my head and heart were pounding so fast I found it hard to breathe. 2 days, and I have to face them...again.

Changbin's POV

I jumped slightly at the sound of my phone. Y/n? She had asked to meet me at the park near her house.


"I'm going out to get supper, you guys want anything?" I asked those who were still awake, an excuse to get out of the house without them being suspicious. I left in a hurry after getting their orders, immediately driving to meet Y/n.

"Hey, prick." I heard her voice from behind me. "Do you miss me or something? Why the sudden meet up?" I asked her jokingly even though I knew the reason behind this. "Why is the party held somewhere else this year?" Okay, not what I expected but "Chan hyung wants it to be held somewhere else this time, saying there's a surprise but I have no idea what is it. He's being secretive about this year's and I don't even know who else he had invited other than you guys. The warehouse is owned by his family though, we've hanged out there a few times before, and that he had arranged transportation for you guys, that's why no specific address was stated." I shrugged as I told her truthfully, it was all I knew. "Shit head? Just please be careful, all of you." I whispered, giving her a hug before leaving.

Y/n's POV

I stared as Changbin's car disappeared into the night. Bang Chan just what on earth are you planning. "Little one? Where did you go alone at this timing?" Yunho's hair was messy, probably woke up from his sleep to get water. "I met Changbin." I told him what I had just heard, not wanting to keep it in and we ended up sitting in the living room while staring at the blank TV screen.

"We're screwed. I think we're screwed." Was all he said, making me facepalm. "Seriously? Is that all you have to say?" He laughed a little before speaking again. "I don't know, I just have a bad feeling about this." His laugh faded to a stop, his head came down to rest on my shoulder as I rested mine against his.

"Me too, giant one. Me too."

the book will be nearing the end soon and I'm quite lost on how to end it

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the book will be nearing the end soon and I'm quite lost on how to end it

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it's so quiet here and I'm very bored because of the current situation here in Singapore :(

~thedouble_a (10/5/20)

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