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Y/n's POV

Three days went by in a flash as Wooyoung, accompanied by Jongho, San and Yunho respectively each day, came to keep me entertained during my stay here. I was sitting on the bed, playing with Wooyoung's fingers as we chatted in wait for Yunho to be back after settling my discharge.

"Baby?" Wooyoung grasped my hand tightly as I hummed in response, bringing my eyes up to meet his. "Are you sure you're completely fine now? Should I ask the doctor to give you one last check?" He confirmed with me, which I shook my head.

"I'm fine, Woo. I really am. See?" I tried to convince him as I stood up slowly, but wincing slightly due to the gunshot wound in my abdomen. "Baby girl, what was that?" He asked teasingly, folding his arms. "Okay, it still hurt but I will be fine! I just want to go home, Youngie." I pleaded with him, watching his expression soften.

"Alright, but you have to listen to us. Especially me, okay?" Wooyoung instructed while squishing my cheeks together, making me nod. "Quit the lovey-dovey. We can go now." Yunho entered the room, grabbing my belongings and waving his hand at us.

The car ride was filled with the usual chatting and occasional bickering between the two boys, while I looked out the window and enjoyed the view which was finally different from what I've been seeing for days. Soon, we've arrived back home and it was strangely quiet when we entered.

"Guys? We're back with Y/n!" Yunho announced loudly to what seemed like an empty house. I was leaning against Wooyoung for support as he sat us down on the sofa slowly.

"Where is everybody?" I wondered out loud while scanning the house. All of a sudden, a loud pop was heard as confetti fell above my head, the loud sound making me jump slightly out of shock but someone else had it worse. Poor Wooyoung screamed at the top of his lungs as he fell back onto the couch with a hand on his chest.

"Ah! Why didn't you warn me?!" He exclaimed, eyes shooting daggers towards San who had popped the confetti. "Wooyoung, we planned this together dumbass." Yeosang snorted, trying to hide his laughter. "Oh, right hehe..." Wooyoung laughed sheepishly, scratching his head.

"Anyways ignore scaredy-cat Woo! Ta-dah! We prepared a cake and some other food to celebrate your safe return, Y/n!" San exclaimed excitedly as he clapped his hands, ignoring Wooyoung's glare directed towards him. "What about me? I just got discharged from the hospital too, ya' know." Seonghwa oppa pouted while staring at the wide array of food displayed on the dining table.

"Yeah, sure. For Seonghwa hyung too then, if that makes him happy because him acting cute is gross." Yeosang grumbled yet another savage remark, causing us to burst out into laughter as Seonghwa oppa threw a pillow at him.

"Oh oh! We have a special guest too!" Mingi announced as they stepped aside to reveal someone very unexpected indeed; Seo Changbin a.k.a. Prick. Taking in his presence in my home and amongst us, my eyes widened before they turned into crescents as I smiled. "Hey, prick." I greeted, sincerely happy to see him as I signalled for him to come over to me and giving him a hug. "Thank you so much, Binnie." I whispered to him while giving him one last squeeze before releasing the hug. "You're welcome, shithead."

"So, prick. Why are you here?" I asked the boy who was seated opposite me, eyes curious. "Well, they invited me and we had perhaps became friends." He answered simply with a shrug, mouth never resting from eating. I hummed as a response as I asked another question, "And erm, what happened to SKZ?"

"They're gone. Everyone has gone their own ways but we still keep in touch. Chan was sent to the hospital and he's in trouble with his parents, so we don't have to worry about him anymore." Changbin answered once again.

"Yeah! Boy, were they angry at him. They grounded him, sold the warehouse away and even probably going to send him to some detention centre or something." Ae Ri piped in, seemingly excited about her step-brother's downfall while I just nodded, trying to process the new information. "That's great then. We can keep the damn thumb drive just in case they decide to make a comeback." I said, letting out a breathe of relief.

"It's so nice having you back, unnie." Ae Ri smiled brightly at me as the boys chowed down on the food, fighting with each other for each of their favourite food. "It's nice being back too." I returned her smile, but hers had turned upside down as her vision was shifted towards the floor. "It's all my fault, unnie. I should have been the one that suffered, not you. I'm so sorry about what you had to go through again because of me..." She trailed off as her tone turned sad.

"Ae Ri, no. I made my decision willingly, it isn't your fault or anyone's. I couldn't let them take you away knowing that it won't turn out good." I consoled her, patting her head with a reassuring smile.

"Ae Ri, come on! Today should be a happy day! Let's stop talking about the past, shall we?" Mingi said with his mouth full of food, making me frown and throwing my pizza crust at him. "Ahhhhh Y/n! Why are you always throwing things at me and attacking me? It's not fair!" Mingi complained as he fired his slice of half-eaten pizza at me, his actions making Changbin let out a loud "Pfft, you're so dead.".

"Oh you're asking for it." I grumbled, reaching out to grab the cleanly eaten chicken bones and aiming it at him once again. "OH?!" Mingi screamed, grabbing a piece of fried chicken but putting it down the moment Yeosang burst out at him. "NOT MY BELOVED CHICKEN, YOU IDIOT!"

Night fell as the day went past, we were gathered in the living room for our usual hang-out activity; watching a movie together. I was snuggled up against Wooyoung, his arms wrapping around me securely and placing kisses on my forehead from time to time as he stole glances at me. We were watching a romance-comedy that Ae Ri has chosen even though most of the boys were against it, but complied anyway as Hongjoong oppa glared at them before they could even complain.

We were all watching in a comfortable silence, until a kiss scene came up as Jongho mumbled an "Ew, love." I ruffled his soft hair as a response as he sat in front of me on the floor before turning my focus back to the movie as it kept running deep into the night...

and I'm here with the last chapter of the book!

OH and epilogue is coming soon hehe

sud I start a new book soon?

Update: i started a new book; Noona! Pls do support it too 🥺

~thedouble_a (11/6/2020)

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