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Y/n's POV

"I thought I told you to get out? How did you get in?" Yugyeom demanded as he stomped towards me. I kept quiet as I analyzed the situation, thinking of a plan to get out of there. "Unnie!" Ae Ri screamed as Yugyeom's hand locked itself around my neck, choking me. "Aish!" I cursed as he pushed me against the wall. "What a feisty one." He gave me a smile as fake as his gold necklace.

"Now, why are you stealing the USB from me? It could get you into serious trouble, you know that right?" JB spoke, anger seething from him. Ae Ri kept quiet with her eyes cast down towards the floor. "Cat got your tongue? Alright then, Mark you know what to do." As soon as JB finishes his sentence, a loud slap was heard as Mark gave Ae Ri a hard swing across her face. "No! Let us go and I will tell you." JB lifted his hand as a sign and both the men loosened their grips on us. "Now speak, you bitches." I looked at Ae Ri, trying to send her message without speaking.

"Okay." I answered as I gave Ae Ri a nod, as both Ae Ri and I swung our fists at the two men who were holding us. We continued attacking them, taking advantage of the fact that they were taken off guard. "Ah! Unnie, help!" I gave Yugyeom one last punch as he fell to the ground, turning around so fast I almost fell. "Are you still not telling me why you're here?" JB asked again, his arm around Ae Ri with a broken soju bottle against her neck.

"Fine, we're here because we want the USB." I answered hesitantly, inching closer to them waiting for a chance to attack. "Stop moving! Continue talking." I stopped, picking up an empty glass bottle secretly and hiding it behind my back as I stopped in front of the table, blocking his view from what I was doing. "We need it because..." I looked up at him, narrowing my eyes, "because screw you."

I threw the glass bottle at his shin as his eyes widen, I took the chance to throw a punch at him which he dodged and hitting me with his instead. The impact came hard on my lower rib, causing me to stumble and fall onto the ground. He picked up another glass bottle and ran towards Ae Ri, raising it at her. Without thinking twice, I ran over and wrapped my body around hers. The bottle came down hard on my shoulder, breaking upon the impact and leaving a long, deep gash along my shoulder. I hissed at the pain and quickly swung my feet at his incoming figure, causing him to fall hard on his face. "Hurry, let's go!" Ignoring the pain, I grabbed her arm and guided her out of the room and down the stairs. We squeezed through the crowd on the dance floor, trying to look for an exit.

"There they are!" Shouting could be heard from behind us, shit they're catching up. We quickened our paces, but the crowd was not helping. "Ouch!" I groaned as someone pulled my hair from behind. For some reason, they had pulled the two of us just a few meters away from the exit.

We were pushed up against the wall again, a group of 4 men surrounding us with long metal rods in their hands. "Ae Ri, remember what we did during training yesterday? It's time to put it into use. Aim for their weak spots, you can do this." I whispered to the shaking girl next to me, who gave me a nod in response.

"Now!" We charged towards them, breaking their formation as we fought for a chance to escape. I was getting tired and the bleeding cut on my shoulder weakened me. Then, I noticed a gap behind Ae Ri and I shouted for her to run. "I can't just leave you alone, unnie!" She shouted as kicked a man in his gut. "Just go! I'll be fine." One of them swung their metal rod on my bleeding shoulder, hard. It made me stagger, my knees buckled and I fell. Ae Ri let out a scream as she ran out, "I'll go get help. Hang on, unnie!" I picked up one of the poles that had fallen in front of me, using it to stop the rod that was being swung at me.

I squeezed out every bit of my energy left and managed to knock out the last of the men. "Fkin finally." I let out in relief as I stumbled out the exit, my blurry vision caught sight of a familiar figure running towards me. "Y/n!" He called as he caught my falling frame, just in time before I hit the ground. I could feel my body being lifted into his strong, warm arms. "I'm here now, Y/n. Please stay strong."

"Thanks Jung Wooyoung," I remembered muttering before I blacked out.

Woo to the rescue!

Chap 16 alr, do hope it's alright :)

~thedouble_a (19/4/20)

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