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Y/n's POV

Entering the room in the basement meant hell for me and it went accordingly to what I had expected; being beaten up and all. It was like a re-run of those years I was stuck here, torturous. Bruises and cuts had started to surface day by day, my skin was decorated with new ones even before the old ones fade away.

"My parents will be coming back later so make sure she stays quiet and is not discovered. Ae Ri will be back too, you know what to do if she tries anything." Chan ordered Minho while I let out a sigh slowly, not wanting to feel more pain, as Chan walked out and leaving Minho in the room with me.

"You heard him. Follow his instructions and you'll be fine, understood?" Minho said with a smirk as he grabbed my chin harshly turning me to face him, nodding at his words with a hiss as he was putting pressure on the bruises that were on my face. "Good." Letting go of my face, he walked to the chair next to the mattress where he towered over my sore body. Barely able to keep my eyes open, I drifted into sleep.

What felt like hours had passed as I stirred awake, hearing faint noises coming from the floor above. Opening my eyes, I spotted Minho still sitting on the chair but he seemed to be asleep. I took the chance to scan the room, spotting the metal baseball bat they use on me sitting a few steps away from my mattress.

Pushing myself to sit up. I crawled to to it as silently as possible, not wanting to wake Minho up even though the next thing I did definitely would. I reached for the bat, throwing one last glance at Minho's unmoving figure before I threw it at the wall in front of me with whatever bit of strength left in me.

Fortunately, my weak throw was able to create a sufficiently loud thud as it collided with the wall. "What the heck do you think you're doing?" Minho hissed as he grabbed my hair harshly, pulling my head back. I didn't answer as I struggled in his hold, resulting in him pushing me onto the ground and a warning, "You're gonna get it from us later."

Silence filled the room once again, Minho back in his seat and me being dragged back to the mattress but this time with ropes around my wrists. All I could do as a pass-time activity was staring at the white-turned-yellowish wall next to me, time having no effect on me here as there is no difference to whether it is day or night. Sitting there in a daze, I started thinking about whether I will ever get out of here alive and how. I hope Ae Ri heard the noise from the metal baseball bat just now.

Losing my focus to my thoughts, I had almost missed the voice and poundings on the door. "Unnie! Y/n unnie, are you here?" A familiar female voice called from behind the door, pulling me back to reality and catching Minho's attention too.

"Unnie? Please say something if you are here." Ae Ri cried out once again, while I panicked seeing Minho walk towards the door. In a hurry, I grabbed his leg to stop him in his tracks but he had caught me and his feet stomped on my hands as I was too slow.

"AH!" I cried out in pain, hearing a soft crack from his act that was followed by a slap on my cheek. "Unnie! Are you okay?" Ae Ri's voice and knocks had gotten louder and I could tell she was panicking. "Ae Ri, leave! Minho is here-AH aish!" I managed to squeeze out a warning to her, before another slap landed on the same cheek. "Unnie! Don't worry, we'll come back and rescue you!" I heard her for the last time that day as her footsteps got quicker and it faded away. I'm counting on you Ae Ri-yah...please get me out of here with the boys.

"I heard you had misbehaved when I wasn't here, is that true?" The voice I dreaded struck me as the door opened and a figure walked in arrogantly. My eyes were locked on the floor, as if something appealing was on it, and my knees were brought closer to my chest. "Did you make her go mute or deaf, Minho-yah? She isn't replying me." Chan laughed at his own joke with Minho joining him, as I remained quiet.

"Probably deaf, it's like she can't hear us." Their figures casted shadows over me as they got closer to me, bending down so close I could feel their breath. I flinched slightly as Chan's hand reached out towards me, tucking my hair behind me ear and caressing my bruised cheek softly. "Poor thing, did Minho hit you too hard that you lost your sense of hearing?" He said sarcastically, his actions turning harsh within a second as his hands grasped my neck in a tight grip.

Pushing my body against the wall, he growled at me. "I would be in trouble if my parents knew about you, and if I were to get into any trouble I'm not letting you off the hook either. Neither am I letting you get away with your bad behaviour just now without any punishment." There we go again...

The next day...

I woke up once again, body feeling weaker and more sore than yesterday after the 'punishment'; it was more like a torture session. I continued lying on the mattress, the patch of fresh blood from last night had already dried out leaving a dark crimson stain on it. I was glad for a moment seeing that I was alone in the room but my bubble popped as the door opened, Chan and Hyunjin walking into the room.

"My parents are coming back from my aunt's house soon and I have to go fetch them, and I have no idea when that sister of mine is coming over so you better be quiet, and I'm sure you definitely will be." Chan announced the moment he stepped in and leaving almost immediately after he was done. "You're lucky I can't stay to have a little fun with you, so you're getting the easy way out." Hyunjin said, leaving me confused until I noticed the white cloth in his hand. It is the better way instead of being knocked out, I thought as I blacked out.

Ugh...I groaned as light seeped into my sight. God knows how long I was out for, definitely a long time. My body was still weak and my mind foggy from being intoxicated just now, I decided to go back to sleep, appreciating my time alone. I was finally getting the minimum rest I needed until I felt my face getting wet, rudely waking me up.

"Hi, love. Your dear friends, Ae Ri and Hongjoong came over just now, and their probably planning to get you out of here but ha, it ain't gonna be that easy." He snickered as he bent down and grabbed my jaw, making me face him. A triumphant smirk was painted on his face as he scanned my limp body before he punched me again, knocking me out once again. When is this cycle gonna end...

Hi thr!

full chap in Y/n's POV hoho

btw tis book has past 4.25k reads yay! once again, thk u everybody :)

pls do keep supporting <3

oh and not ateez related but I would like to say theboyz's performances on road to kingdom is just omg TT they just get btr every time  and Sunwoo is a cutie

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oh and not ateez related but I would like to say theboyz's performances on road to kingdom is just omg TT they just get btr every time and Sunwoo is a cutie.

alrites bye for now hehe


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