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Y/n's POV

Ae Ri and I watched from the side as the fight escalated quickly, my heart was pounding so hard in my chest it started to hurt and it was all I could hear. My eyes travelled from scene to scene, worry filling me more and more. Cuts and bruises were starting to form on their faces and body, heavy pants and groans grew louder.

I winced as I watch fists colliding with their jaws, knees jabbing into their ribs. How I wish I could join them and help them out. I was rooting for the boys with all my heart and I didn't even notice I was holding my breathe.

"Ae Ri, I feel very uneasy." I managed to admit as Ae Ri tightened her grip around me. "Unnie, don't worry. See? They're winning against them." She pointed back towards the messy scene. Indeed they were overpowering SKZ, the boys have gotten stronger with the training that they've been working hard on and it was showing. I watched as their attacks got sharper along with the look in their eyes.

I started relaxing a little as I witness some of the SKZ members falling to the ground with moans of pain. Casting a glance at Changbin and Mingi, I was relieved that they weren't exactly fighting each other; more like a friendly match between them as they fake grunted a few times to make it more realistic. Those dorks... I thought to myself, shaking my head a little.

I turned my focus back to the others, just in time to catch Chan falling to the ground after receiving a hard swing across the face from Wooyoung. That's my boy. The edges of my lips were pulled up slightly into a small smile as I met his eyes for a brief second. However, Chan's moving figure caught my eye again as his hands reached behind him, pulling a black object out from his waist strap. I squinted my eyes to catch a better look, blood draining from my face as I realised what it was; a fuckin gun.

Adrenaline rushed in me, a burst of energy surging through me as I broke free from Ae Ri's hold and ran towards Chan's target. No no no, he can't get hurt. I was chanting in my brain as my feet stumbled towards Wooyoung even faster, even though I was feeling weak and sore all over.

Finally reaching him, I wrapped myself around him from behind, hugging his back tight against my chest as I was smaller than him, just as a loud gunshot signalled that he had fired. My body tensed up against his at the loud sound and almost immediately a painful, burning sensation was felt across my right abdomen.

"Unnie!" Ae Ri screamed, making everyone stop what they were doing and looked at us. "Y/n?! Baby, no..." Wooyoung trailed off as he spun around, staring at me in shock as I felt my consciousness seeping away bit by bit. "Baby, why did you do that? I just got you back in my arms again, you can't leave me yet again. Baby, Y/n no don't close your eyes, please. Please stay with me, hang in there." He pleaded, tears resurfacing in his eyes but this time they cascaded down his bruise-littered cheek. "I love you so much, Youngie..." I squeezed out the last of my voice as black dots littered my vision, my eyes fluttering close.

But before my lids shut completely, I heard another bullet being fired...

Ae Ri's POV

I felt my blood run cold as Y/n unnie's body fell limp in Wooyoung oppa's arms. Everything happened so fast, I didn't even notice Chan had reached for his gun when unnie ran away from beside me and now she was weak and barely awake.

I balled my fists so tight my knuckles turned white and I was shaking as tears burned my eyes. My eyes searched for the culprit, widening in shock seeing he had raised his gun yet again and aiming at Wooyoung oppa this time.

I frowned as I stomped a few steps forward towards where everyone were, my hand reaching into my back pocket and pulling out the weapon my step-brother held in his hand. Without wasting another second, I aimed and fired.

More tears escaped my eyes as Chan's loud scream of pain echoed through the sobs of the boys and mine. I glared at him as I lowered my gun, watching him squirm in pain while fresh blood poured from his arm.

"Ae Ri!" Hongjoong oppa gasped, surprised. He had ran towards me, grabbing my arm but I shrugged it off as I continued walking towards Chan. "'ve gone too far this time. You hurt Y/n unnie time after time, each time more cruel towards her. How could you?! I hate you so much, you're a monster!" I ranted at the man who was in pain, his members rushing to his side except Changbin oppa who stood there frozen, not knowing who to go to.

I fell to the ground, kneeling next to the group who gathered around Y/n unnie. Hongjoong oppa too was crying as he pushed my face gently to his chest, our breathing uneven due to how hard we were crying before I too had close my eyes.

Jongho's POV

It's been ages since I was bawling as hard as I was now in the hospital corridor. Y/n noona, my Y/n noona. Please be alright. I prayed as I shut my eyes, leaning my head back against the cold wall behind me. We were all waiting for noona who was in the emergency unit receiving surgery, the doctor had came out to inform us of her situation previously and it made all of us slump in despair. "

The bullet had shattered the bottom of her rib and she has lost a lot of blood but we will try our best to do whatever we can. However, due to the large amount of blood lost, we may need one of you to donate some to her."

I had volunteered to do so but the hyungs wouldn't let me saying I just recovered from a wound not too long ago, and that was why Seonghwa hyung was the one doing it instead.

"Mr. Park Seonghwa has been transferred to a private room, you may visit him now." A nurse informed as Yeosang and Mingi hyung followed her. The remaining of us stayed with an anxious heart, hoping for the best results.

Ae Ri was sobbing into Hongjoong hyung's arms, the couple's cheeks stained by tears; Yunho hyung had his arms around me as he too had tears running down his cheeks but Wooyoung hyung was in the worst state. He was shaking uncontrollably and his eyes were bloodshot, red and swollen from crying as San hyung held his shoulders without a word.

The deafening silence, minus the sobs, was killing all of us as we continued waiting. After what felt like ages, the red light above the door dimmed and the doctor walked out. Seeing him, Wooyoung hyung had sprung out from his seat, almost tripping over his own feet.

"Doctor! How is she? She's going to be fine, right?" He asked with a rushed heart, hair dishevelled as tears ran down non-stop. The doctor took off his mask with a solemn expression on his face, sighing before he spoke;

"Miss Noh Y/n, she is unfortunately..."


it's revealed!! climax is descending finally and the end is near

I'm almost done writing it actually!

do stay tuned and leave a comment/vote <3

also do give baby jongho's ST #2 a lot of love!! he's a very talented cutie

~thedouble_a (4/6/2020)

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