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Y/n's POV

I woke up, slightly smiling at the memory of last night. This boy never fails to make my heart flutter. As if on cue, he knocked on the door and poked his head into my room. "Good morning, my dear." He greeted with a bright smile, which made him look even cuter than he already is. "Do you wanna help me make breakfast? The weaklings are still knocked out from the drinking last night."

Help him with breakfast indeed. All he did was cling onto my waist like a koala bear while I did everything. "Can you let go of me? That would really help." His giggle was all I got in response, and I left him to do whatever he wants, knowing I will always end up letting him get away with it. "Get a room if you guys are gonna be this touchy in my kitchen." A grumpy and hungover Seonghwa appeared in the kitchen with messy hair, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Good morning to you too. Firstly, Seonghwa oppa. This is my house, my kitchen. Secondly, please wake the others up, breakfast is almost ready. Lastly, go wash up. You look horrible for once." I, or we as Woo was still clinging onto me, turned to stare at his disheveled bed hair and swollen face, him walking back upstairs to do as I said.

"Okay, koala. Bring these to the table." I plated the food and tried to turn to the weight latched on me. "Sure but you have to give me my morning kiss first!" He beamed at me, putting his chin on my shoulder.

I glared at him jokingly before giving him a peck on his lips, "Happy? Now, get moving." Within 15 minutes, everyone was down; all looking like some sort of mess. For once, breakfast was peaceful until Mingi spoke softly asking if he did anything stupid last night, and it made us laugh as the memories came back.

I was in my room once again after breakfast. It has been too quiet these days, still no updates on SKZ and it's making me uneasy. I was so deep in thoughts I didn't even notice Yunho entering my room. "Y/n? Y/n! YO, LITTLE ONE!" Yunho went from waving his hand in front of my face to slapping my thigh. "Oh. Yo." I said absentmindedly, still thinking about SKZ.

"What's wrong? What are you thinking about so seriously? Do you wanna share? You know I am a good listener." He grinned as he sat next to me on the bed, leaning against the headboard. I can trust him, he is my best friend afterall. I really need to get this off my mind or I'm probably gonna die of suffocation before they even get me.

I did exactly that, I told Yunho everything; who he was and what he had warned me about. "WHA-?!" He slapped his hands over his mouth before I could do so. I forgot he's loud and almost as dramatic as Mingi. "Please, keep it to yourself, at least for now. I will let the others know when the time is right." I breathed out as I leaned my head against his broad shoulder, making his wrap his arm around me. "Okay, do what's best. I trust you but tell me if anything is wrong, alright? Don't keep everything to yourself, it's unhealthy." He said, tightening his hug as we enjoyed the comfortable silence.


The boys had left for the bar since 4pm, leaving Ae Ri and I at home. We were sitting on the couch watching some cringey drama which resulted in a sobbing Ae Ri and an amused me. "Unnie, how are you not crying? This is so so so sad." She cried as she wiped her tears with a tissue, adding on to the mountain of used tissues around her. I just shook my head at her, truth be I didn't even know what was showing on the TV. My eyes were fixed on the TV screen but I couldn't focus, my mind runs off to the thought of SKZ coming for the USB, and us.

Will I even be able to stand up against them? Against him? What if...what if the old, weak me resurfaces in front of him? What if I lose someone I love again? What if... My thoughts dragged on until I heard a soft snore coming from the now sleeping girl. She never fails to amuse me, maybe that's why Hongjoong fell for her.

I found myself being more acceptive towards her, even developing a soft spot for her; somehow seeing her as a younger sister of my own. I adjusted her position to her more comfortable one, draping a blanket on her small body. I laid myself on the other couch, not wanting to leave her alone in the living room, just in case, as I slowly dozed off.

Can totally imagine Woo acting like this TT

~thedouble_a (21/4/20)

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