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Hongjoong's POV

This is it, oh god I'm nervous. I was pacing along the balcony as I waited for Ae Ri. My heart started beating even faster when I heard her sweet voice calling me, "Hongjoong oppa, I'm here. What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Suddenly, she gasped, "Are you chasing me out? No, please! I don't want to go back to that hell, please." My eyes widened as she pleaded with me, making my heart crack a little.

"Ae Ri, what are you saying? No way I'm letting you leave my sight, even more so that I won't let you get hurt again." I held her shoulders, looking into her eyes as she tilted her head to the side to look at me with glistening eyes. Oh, my heart. "Ae Ri listen to me. I swear, with my life, I will never let SKZ, no scratch that. I will never let anyone hurt you, I promise I will always be here to protect you. Will you let me do that? I love you and I want to be the one who stays by your side for the rest of your life" Ae Ri looked up at me with large, confused eyes but she kept quiet. I think I messed up, I'd probably scared her instead.

"I'm sorry if that was too much Ae Ri. Let's just take it as nothing happened, shall we?" I let go of her shoulders and almost ran out of the balcony, until I felt arms tight around waist. "No! Don't go. I-I was just too shocked, I didn't expect this. I thought it was one-sided..." What? "I thought that you will never feel the same for me, that you will love me back." She shyly confessed, burying her face in my back. At that, I smiled so big I could tear my lips and I spun around to look at her red cheeks. "You mean it, Ae Ri? Do you really?" I couldn't hide my happiness as she nodded, now hiding her burning face in my chest. "You're mine now then, dear girl."

We made our way down to the living room, hands interlocked as smiles lit our faces. "Ooooo, look who's happy and holding hands?" Mingi teased as everyone snapped their heads to look at us, all with a teasing smirk on their faces. "He finally grew some guts, huh? Congrats." "Y/n, not you too?" All I got was a shrug from her, shaking my head, realizing they're not gonna let me off the hook anytime soon. It's all worth it, I thought while gazing at our interlocked fingers and the precious smile on her face.

"First couple in the house, when's it going to be your turn, *cough*Woo*cough*Y/n?" Yunho fake coughed, eyeing the mentioned as they sat side by side, causing their faces to pink slowly. The two, as if telepathic, threw a pillow at the poor giant, both feeling embarrassed. "Aw look, they even do the same thing at the same time." This time San was the one who got buried under the pillows as he screeched in fear. "We should all go for a drink to celebrate! Destiny?" Mingi cheered. "Yeah, we should go back to check on it, it's been awhile since we last went back."

Y/n's POV

Oh damn, this place is a mess. I mean what could we expect, none of us came back to clean up since they got to my house after that fight. "Get a broom or whatever, we should clean this mess up and reopen for business." Seonghwa instructed as he shoved a broom at Hongjoong and Mingi who tried to escape to the meeting room in the bar. I walked over to Wooyoung who was at the bar counter, throwing a wet cloth at him.

"Hey, which one of you cu- oh haha Y/n, it's you." He cut himself off when he noticed me standing in front of him. "Which one of you what? Mind continuing your sentence?" I asked him, cleaning the stickiness caused by the dried-up liquids which were broken. "Cuties! Yeah, was wondering which cutie threw the cloth at me, end up it was the cutest one." He replied with his signature cheesy grin which made me roll my eyes at him.

"Hey, Y/n. Remember when you still worked here with us and almost got into big trouble so many times? Those good old days when I was your knight in shining armor, saving and protecting you from those shit heads." Wooyoung remembered, finally starting to clean too. "I guess, but now it seems like I have to protect you instead." Teasing him to see his reactions which were always funny.

"Oh really? How about that one time you ran into my arms crying because a gang leader scared you so much and wouldn't let me leave your side even for a second? I even had to sleep with you that night." That was embarrassing now that I look back at it; he went up to that leader guy and broke his nose.

"And that other time you hid behind me saying you had a boyfriend 'cause some guy tried asking for your number? I can't believe I got jealous over that imaginary boyfriend you mentioned." He laughed, shaking his head in embarrassment. "You really did get jealous because of that? Is that why you were purposely smashing the cashier counter and knocking into people's shoulders that day, and almost walking into the wall in front of everyone?" It was my turn to remind him of his embarrassing moments, resulting in a whiny Wooyoung.

"Noooo Y/n, don't be mean to me. I was really jealous okay, I admit! I thought you were referring to one of the boys or Yunho specifically since you are always sticking to him most of the time. I wasn't really thinking through it, I lost it when you said you have a boyfriend and it wasn't me." He admitted, putting down the now dirty cloth to face me. "You mean so much to me I almost went crazy every time a male spoke to you, or even looked at you. I wanted to march over to them and chase them far away from you, I wanted to tell them, tell everyone that you are mine."

All the sweet stuff going on (There's more to come)

Wow almost 300 reads!! Thank you guys so much <3

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~thedouble_a (19/4/20)

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