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Y/n's POV

The heavy metal shutters landed on the ground with a loud bang, the loud noise resounding throughout the warehouse. Everyone stood shocked, jaws hanging open as they stared at the unforeseen circumstance. "I did something I shouldn't have, didn't I?" Mingi mumbled while rubbing his arm, honestly we would have laughed at him if we weren't stuck in this situation.

"Oh no, Mingi dear. No trouble at all." Seonghwa oppa huffed as he gave the tall boy a sarcastic smile. "Hold on, where's Yunho, Hongjoong oppa and Ae Ri?" I asked, realising the absence of the three. "Oh right! They're outside! Maybe they can get us out." San exclaimed as he whipped out his phone, immediately dialling their leader.

"Hyung! We're stuck inside, will you be able to get us out?" San's words came out in a rush, eyes shaking as we looked around. "We're trying! But it's almost impossible, there no locks or buttons." Hongjoong oppa's voice could be heard from the other side of the line, accompanied by the banging on the doors and the panicked voices of Yunho and Ae Ri. "Yeosang, can you hack into their system or something?" San asked, getting a shake of disapproval from the boy instead as he didn't have the equipment he needed.

"Oh god, what should we do..." Jongho sighed as he squatted next to me who was sitting on the chair, too weak to stand on my own. "I guess we don't have a choice but to wait for SKZ to come back." I said quietly as I played with Jongho's soft, black hair as he rested his head against my lap.

"How are we gonna get out of here when they're back?" Seonghwa oppa grumbled, his eyebrows knotted together. "Definitely not without a fight." Wooyoung answered, holding his fist up with a determined expression. The boys nodded their heads, knowing that is indeed the only way out.

Everyone was trying their own way to find a form of escape as Wooyoung stayed by my side. "Baby, I'm so sorry we should have came for you earlier but we didn't know where you were and we didn't want to risk going to the wrong place and-" He was cut off as I held his fragile face in my hands. "No, Young-ah. I'm okay and alive, and most importantly you're here with me now. So please, don't apologize to me okay?" I said softly, his expression broke my heart as tears were now almost overflowing from his swollen eyes while taking a better look of my current situation.

"I really missed you so much I thought I would go crazy soon..." Wooyoung's voice was sincere and shaky, his hand reaching up to caress my face before planting a soft kiss on my forehead followed by my lips. Oh, you don't even know how much I've missed you too.

"Oh, looks like we have some uninvited guests over." The smug, familiar voice made everyone snap their heads towards the new presence in the space. All the members of SKZ sauntered in with our three friends who were pushed inside unwillingly, Chan holding a small remote control in his palm which he gave the green button a press and the metal shutters raised slowly.

"Go join your friends." Hyunjin hissed as he nudged Hongjoong oppa towards us, making the older shoot a glare at him. Ae Ri ran straight to me, giving me a careful hug. "Unnie, I'm so glad to see you. I'm so sorry." She apologized as she began sobbing into my shoulder while I soothed her back.

"Why are you guys here anyway?" Chan asked as he shoved the remote into his back pocket. "Aren't you asking the obvious? We're here to get Y/n back." Seonghwa oppa growled as he stood in front of me protectively, blocking me from their view with his tall frame. "My love? She belongs to me now so no, she's not leaving with any of you." His response made Wooyoung let out an animalistic growl from beside me, wanting to launch forward at him but was held back by Jongho.

"Calm down, man. I can let her go on one condition." Chan spoke again, folding his arms. "What is it then?" Yunho snapped. "We fight." The arrogant man answered, his smirk growing wider. "Bring it on then." This time, Hongjoong oppa declared as he stood in front of our group.

"Baby girl, you have to stay out of this. Be safe here with Ae Ri." Wooyoung said gently as he carried me further away from the centre of the space where we were, Ae Ri pulling the chair with her as she rushed to catch up with Wooyoung's quick steps. He placed me on the chair carefully, planting a kiss on my nose before turning away but I grabbed his wrists.

"Woo, please be careful. I love you." I whispered to him, receiving a loving smile and a peck on my lips before he ran to join his brothers. Ae Ri wrapped her arms around me once again, comforting me, "Unnie, they will be fine. I'm sure." I hummed as I rested my palm on her back, patting her softly.

Wooyoung's POV

I stared at the man standing in the centre of the opposite group with nothing but hatred. "Chan is mine." I said lowly, marching towards him with a balled fist. I threw a hard punch at his face, one he didn't shun from. Chan chuckled as he wiped the blood with his thumb, standing up straight. "Let's do it boys." He ordered, beckoning his members to take action.

Each of them rushed towards us, groans and curses could be heard all around me as I focused on Chan. My blood boiled in me as I remembered what he had done to Y/n, my fists balled up tighter and punches were harder as I took glances at the injured girl occassionally. I ignored the pain as he had managed to hit me in some areas, anger blinding over the pain as the fight continued to grow more intense.

Beads of sweat were trickling down my forehead and I was growing tired but I didn't back down; there was no way I will, not against him. Gathering my strength yet again, I threw another fist towards Chan's face and he fell backwards onto the ground. I took the chance to catch my breath, scanning the current situation we were in.

I let out a sigh of relief seeing my members winning against SKZ, although everyone was in a rather bad condition. A loud groan was heard and I turned to see Yeosang being pinned on the ground by Minho. I was about to go over to help him but I felt arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrace from the back followed by a deafening bang.

More specifically, a gunshot. 

hello dears! back with another chapter hehe

how is everyone? hope y'all are safe and doing well :)

we're reaching 5.5k reads soon omg  <3 thk u all and do keep supporting!

will you guys support me if I publish another book 🥺?


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